Balancing Liberty And Security

Mechanisms of federal overreach will always result in loss of liberty. There is no “balance” between privacy and security. There is no “balance” between healthcare and Liberty. We need to connect the dots and understand that if we trade Liberty for ANYTHING will have NOTHING unless the government approves. But, that is exactly what our government wants and what they are doing, and they are trying to make it look really great, so you will think its great too. Let’s connect the dots. Let’s get educated. Let’s defend Liberty!

Listen to this edition of The KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

Morality In Government

The government continually lies to us…steals from us… deceives us… Can that be prevented?
Does morality matter in elections? Does it matter that a politician lies about his religion? Does it matter if a politician lies about his birth? Does it matter if a politician is unfaithful to his spouse? What do the framer of this nation say about the requirement of the people to probe into a candidate’s private life? Does morality matter? Let’s Get Educated!

How Much Regulation?

Is government regulation of private business good or bad? Should limited government people support good government regulation. What is “good’ and what is “bad”. Learn some truth based in history today!

Listen to this edition of the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

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Let's Play Connect The Dots With The ACA

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Expansion of the federal government has crept along slowly but surely decade after decade. It’s a bit like a “connect the dots” page, where you can’t quite make out the picture until the lines are all drawn. We don’t seem to connect the dots of cause and effect, so we never seem to see the picture until it’s too late. When someone does connect the dots, it sounds like a fairy tale because we are not used to seeing it all at once. Here is a bit of connect the dots to make you think.

Some years ago the Supreme Court (part of the federal government) determined that the government could bypass your rights as long as the government could establish a “compelling governmental interest”. That is how the government can create for itself exceptions to your 4th Amendment for national security reasons, or to your 2nd Amendment for safety reasons. The Feds say “we can, we need to, so we will, because we say we can.”
Combine this government created authority to bypass your rights with the newest big expansion of power, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and we can predict what our future may be if we stay on our present trajectory:
The ACA gives the federal government the authority to subsidize your health insurance. Whenever the government spends money on a purpose, they are automatically vested with a “compelling governmental interest” in that purpose. With a “compelling governmental interest” in health insurance, they inherit a “compelling governmental interest” in anything that directly or significantly impacts that interest. Following with that Supreme Court logic we can surmise that…

1. A “compelling governmental interest” in health insurance creates a “compelling governmental interest” in health care. After all, your health care and the subsequent cost of that health care directly and significantly impact your health insurance.
2. A “compelling governmental interest” in health insurance creates a “compelling governmental interest” in your HEALTH. After all, your health and the subsequent impact of your health on your health care directly and significantly impact your health insurance.
3. A “compelling governmental interest” in health insurance creates a “compelling governmental interest” in what you eat, where you live and where you work. After all, what you eat, where you live, and where you work all directly impact your health, the subsequent cost of that health care directly and significantly impact your health insurance.

Since according to the Supreme Court, a “compelling governmental interest” can trump any of your inalienable rights, this “compelling governmental interest” authorizes the government to tell you where you can live, what you can eat, and where you can work.

Does that sound “extreme”? Think about this. The federal government has an agency called the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC). This committee meets with the sole purpose to:

“encourage Americans to focus on eating a healthful diet — one that focuses on foods and beverages that help achieve and maintain a healthy weight, promote health, and prevent disease. A healthy diet can reduce the risk of major chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, and some cancers.”

What could that agency do with a “compelling governmental interest” over your health? Perhaps they could, through HHS, regulate the food industry to make it impossible to produce food that was not “approved” under the standards, making it impossible to buy anything that is not approved by HHS. Of course the FDA is never going to give up this prime opportunity to expand its regulatory power. Having HHS deem “unregulated” food “unlawful” to sell or distribute will give the FDA all the encouragement they need to issue regulations that will prohibit the sale OR CONSUMPTION of ALL food that is not properly regulated by the FDA. After all, we already violently regulate raw milk and cheese. This could mean that your farmer’s market, your road side fruit stands, and even your backyard garden will be made “unlawful” unless it is regulated by the FDA. That is also not beyond comprehension due to the passing of the Food And Safety Modernization Act on January 4, 2011. The FDA describes this Act as:

The FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), the most sweeping reform of our food safety laws in more than 70 years, was signed into law by President Obama on January 4, 2011. It aims to ensure the U.S. food supply is safe by shifting the focus from responding to contamination to preventing it. (emphasis mine)

This act does not just control major food distributors and manufacturers, but also has a section that gives the FDA control over “very small farms” and “roadside markets”.

How does this administration view the coal and oil industry? With a “compelling governmental interest” in your health, one government study by the CDC that declares that there is a significant increase in the development of cancer or other diseases among workers in these industries, could give the government the authority to regulate them out of business. Isn’t the EPA already doing that to private businesses?

What if you live in a rural area and have to travel an hour to get to the nearest hospital. Do you consider it outside the regulatory power of the government to tell you that living so far from a hospital negatively impacts their ability to render proper and affordable healthcare, so you must move closer? Perhaps they could create zoning regulations that prohibit the construction of any residential area beyond a certain radius of a properly regulated hospital. What if the government then creates a regulation that forces all hospitals, both public and private, to comply with all government regulations, even when they conflict with the interests of the private hospitals, forcing the shutdown of all privately owned hospitals. Oops.

The ACA expanded the precedent that the federal government has the power to enforce any law, anytime, anywhere. And as the Supreme Court continues to follow precedent rather than the Constitution, it will have no other choice but to authorize further elimination of your Liberty. Here is what Jefferson said about this slow creep:

“It has long however been my opinion, and I have never shrunk from it’s expression, that the germ of dissolution of our federal government is in the constitution of the federal judiciary; an irresponsible body, (for impeachment is scarcely a scare-crow) working like gravity by night and by day, gaining a little to-day & a little tomorrow, and advancing it’s noiseless step like a thief, over the field of jurisdiction, until all shall be usurped from the states, & the government of all be consolidated into one.”

So, are you starting to get the picture?

If you would like to learn more about the Constitution or schedule KrisAnne to speak, please visit KrisAnne at

Airforce Cadets Fighting Back

What does Liberty look like? What is Liberty worth? We need to learn from our YOUNG PEOPLE, what they know.
Airforce academy censoring speech, cadets fighting back. High school students screaming for thruth. College student angry at lies. Our young people are beginning to stand even when the adults will not. Lets learn a few lessons from some Liberty loving young people so we can stand WITH them!

Money And Politics

From the annals of the blatantly obvious I will use the words of the politicians to show you their REAL motivation…NOT Liberty, NOT the Constitution, NOT your prosperity…BUT their own political gain and greed.

The Right To Resist

You are standing on a street corner or an overpass peaceably holding a sign in protest. An officer comes up to you and tells you that you have to leave. You ask the officer to explain why and the officer says, “Because I said so.” You say, “What law am I breaking, this is my 1st Amendment right.” The officer says, “Leave now or you are under arrest.” You again ask, “why am I being asked to leave, what law have I broken.” The officer says, “you are now under arrest for disobeying my order.”

What do you do?

Listen to today’s show and find out.

You can listen to this edition of the KrisAnne Hall show on YouTube

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The Future Of Liberty

Here’s what I hear from the “older people”.  “Our young people today are lost.”  Our young people today just don’t care.”  “Our young people today are brainwashed.”  Yet, consider this:

In 2013 I taught the Constitution 265 times.  Of those 265 times, I had the privilege of teaching 21 groups of middle, high school and college students.  The younger students are my greatest challenge but also my greatest reward.

I teach these future leaders of America a history they do not hear in the classrooms or read in their textbooks.  Sometimes, I even teach them historical truth that corrects the historical revisions in their lessons.

I have learned that our students are hungry for truth.  They do not begin their academic day with the thought, “Let me see how many lies I can learn today!”  They learn things that are not true, because their textbooks present falsehoods as truth.  Our youth love knowledge.  They feel empowered by it.  And, as our naturally rebellious nature would have it, they love learning things that their “overlords” don’t know.  They love being able to correct their textbooks with facts.  It is liberating for them.  But that is what truth is all about.  Being free from lies is Liberty!  Jefferson wrote a letter to Charles Yancey, January 8, 1816 in which he remarked, “If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.”

There is another fallacy about our youth.  We believe our students naturally hate history.  Why wouldn’t they, we hated it too, it’s just a part of being young.  Our youth do not hate history, they hate being bored.  They have been conditioned to believe history is nothing but a boring and tedious ritual of memorizing names, dates, and places in history that they cannot relate to and that have no particular relevance to their lives.  But I KNOW that method of teaching history is part of the progressive design to hide history and the lessons it teaches.  I not only KNOW this in my heart, I KNOW this through my experience.   Because the history I teach is NOT boring.  It is NOT irrelevant. It is about real lives, real people, real drama, and real adventure.  Our young people get excited when they meet Kings who are not presented as 700 year old corpses, but living, breathing people.  They meet kings who are evil bullies.  They meet the people who are brave, who stand up to the bullies in the name of Liberty.  This history is just as exciting, if not more so, than Real Drama T.V.

They get to see, with their minds and imaginations, exciting events.  Like William I taking control of a kingdom by force.  Or, perhaps, Henry I killing his own brother to become king and then hiding the truth with lies and propaganda.  Then there is King John, who was murdering people in the name of taxes and Robin Hood standing against John, the most evil king Great Britain would know.  That is just the beginning of a drama that spans 700 years and unfolds right in front of their eyes.  It is exciting, it is adventurous.  I don’t talk about history.  I put them right in the middle of it.  I make them not only observers but participants.  They love it and more importantly, they get it.

I know they get it because they ask me questions about the Constitution that proves they are paying attention; not just to me but to the world around them.  They ask me more challenging and relevant questions than many of the adults I teach.  My high school students ask me questions like:

“The NSA reading our emails and listening to our phones, that can’t be right, can it?”

“Can the federal government tell gay people they can’t get married?”

“Can the federal government make marijuana illegal?”

Yes!  These are the questions I hear the most.  You think the only thing they do is send text messages, tweet, play on FaceBook or video games?  You are wrong.  They are paying attention and they want to know the truth.   They are not lost, lazy, and apathetic.  They are not thoroughly brainwashed.   They care.  They are interested and they are paying attention.  When they see the truth they recognize it and want more.

I get my greatest encouragement from these young people.  They come to me after the lessons excited about history, wanting to know how they can find more truth.  I had one high school boy come to me and say, “Mrs. Hall you gave me goose bumps!  Why can’t I learn history like that in school?” Another young man said to me, “Mrs. Hall, I want to be president one day.  After what you taught me today, I won’t ever let anyone take my rights from me.”  I’m sure you can imagine how amazing it is to look into their eyes and hear these words from them in person.   Invigorating!  But what one middle school girl said to me the other day literally brought me to tears.

Whitney came to me after teaching at a government school in Southeast Texas.  She asked me, “Mrs. Hall, how can you be so dedicated about what you teach?”  I was confused by her use of the word dedicated, but I responded, “Whitney, I am a Christian.  I believe Liberty is a gift from God.  I also believe that God has given me this history to teach so others can know it, too.”  She replied, “We have people who come and talk to us and they stand up there and talk to us like they are just doing their job.  But you’re not like that.  You’re just so dedicated, how do you do that?”  I realize then that she is using the word “dedicated” to mean “passionate”.  I said, “Well, Whitney, I believe the truth I am teaching you.  But I also know that what I am teaching you is important to protect our Liberty.  I want you to know that, too, so you can protect Liberty one day.  I’m a mom.  My son is almost 8 years old.  And one day he will need YOU to stand up for him.  I really believe in my heart that this is important.  So it’s not a job for me.  For me it’s more like love.”  She said, “Well, thank you Mrs. Hall.  I really enjoyed it!”  At this point I am trying really hard to not cry in front of her.  No such luck as soon as I get in my car!

Let us not underestimate our youth.  Let us not teach them lies and then criticize them for believing them.  They are the future of this country.  They are the future of Liberty.  They are ready to bring greatness back to America.  Let’s help them do just that.

Note: If you want to schedule KrisAnne to teach your group, please visit her website, or download our Android Mobile App

And The Truth Shall Set You Straight

Patrick Henry said, “For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it.”
Can you make that same promise? What if the truth shows you something that you don’t like?
Today, we will discuss some truth that is NOT fair and balanced. I want to challenge you to listen carefully and take up Patrick Henry’s promise!

Listen to this edition of the KrisAnne Hall show on YouTube

KrisAnne Hall, Best of Broadcast

A few highly informative segments to educate you on your rights. Anonymous votes on Gun Regulations, Regulatory Tyranny and Jury Nullification. Under 25 Minutes, You’ll want to share this one.