Papers, Please?

Not talking about “latte” salutes or Rush Limbaugh tips. Just real issues like government regulating the taking of pictures on federal land and seizing that weapon of mass destruction called “ginseng”. Oh yeah, let us not forget the unlawful exercise of war by this pretending president. So Lets Get Educated!

12 yo Educates Public School Teacher About Government…Teacher Not Happy

gavinws12 year old, Gavin, stood up to his liberal and quite uneducated teacher because of a Constitutional class his parents took him to. Listen to what his mother has to say:

“My 12 year old son is fired up after your constitution class on September 13th. He couldn’t believe there are drones targeting Americans (“you mean like in Captain America, mom?”).

He did a report for school on this article. His teacher told him he was wrong and that they would only target anti-abortionists who want to blow up abortion clinics and that the government needs to protect us.

The teacher was more concerned with who you are. Now this week he was told we are a democracy but he said he will write republic even if she marks it wrong. I am so proud of him for standing up for the truth.” ~Kim Coutinho

I am so honored to say that it was my Roots of Liberty Workshop that Gavin attended! Yes, a 12 year old boy sat through a 6 hour workshop on the Constitution and LEARNED HOW TO STAND FOR HIS RIGHTS!!

YOU CAN ATTEND ONE OF THESE WORKSHOPS, TOO. Just go to my website and find one in your area or schedule one. NO SPEAKING FEES!

Thank you God for the power of TRUTH!

I get my greatest encouragement from these young people.  They come to me after the lessons excited about history, wanting to know how they can find more truth.  I had one high school boy come to me and say, “Mrs. Hall you gave me goose bumps!  Why can’t I learn history like that in school?” Another young man said to me, “Mrs. Hall, I want to be president one day.  After what you taught me today, I won’t ever let anyone take my rights from me.”  I’m sure you can imagine how amazing it is to look into their eyes and hear these words from them in person.

Let us not underestimate our youth.  Let us not teach them lies and then criticize them for believing them.  They are the future of this country.  They are the future of Liberty.  They are ready to bring greatness back to America.  Let’s help them do just that.

Note: If you want to schedule KrisAnne to teach your group, please visit her website, or download our Android Mobile App  No Speaking Fees.

Read More Stories Like Gavin’s

Proper Vetting For A Better Republic

The key to vetting for a proper Republic. Are you a member of a cult? The first step to breaking free is understanding the principles of a cult. Free your mind and the rest will follow! Lets Get Educated.


Time to impeach Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg. Time to overcome the insanity of government out of control. Learn the Whys and Hows on today’s show. Lets Get Educated!

Alternatively you can listen to “Crazyburg” by KrisAnne Hall on YouTube

Justice Ginsburg: Articles of Impeachment

ginsburg impeachSupreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has once again violated her oath and the ethics of her office…

You won’t believe what she said about the Constitution on this day, read about it here:

And now she has violated the Judicial Code of Ethics….but guess what.  The federal government has determined that the Judicial Code of Ethics DOESN’T APPLY to the Supreme Court unless the Supreme Court VOLUNTARILY submits to it.   Read how she has violated these codes of ethics from this press release from Liberty Counsel.


Supreme Court Justices DO NOT have life time appointments.  Pursuant to Art III section 1 Supreme Court Justices hold office for “good behavior” and are to be IMPEACHED if they conduct themselves otherwise.  Here are Justice Ginsburg’s Articles of Impeachment:

Articles of Impeachment:

  1. WHEREAS, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg has failed in her duty to “support and defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic” in denigrating the Constitution on the record within a foreign nation.
  2. WHEREAS, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg has acted in a manner unbecoming a Justice of the Court of the united States in violation of Canon 2 of the Judicial Code of Conduct, “A judicial employee should not lend the prestige of the office to advance or to appear to advance the private interests of others” by endorsing a position prior to a hearing on a matter to be addressed in the future by the Supreme Court.
  3. WHEREAS, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg has acted in a manner unbecoming a Justice of the Court of the united States in violation of Canon 3(D) declaring, “A judicial employee should avoid making public comment on the merits of a pending or impending action” by commenting on the merits of a highly politically charged case to be heard before the Supreme Court.
  4. WHEREAS, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg holds her office pursuant to Art. III sec. 1 of the Constitution which declares. “The judges, both of the supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their offices during good behaviour.”
  5. WHEREAS, any other judge of a court of law in the united States would be, without question, removed from office for such behavior.

It is HEREBY concluded that Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, has clearly and distinctly acted in “bad behavior”;

THEREFORE, Ruth Bader Ginsberg is HEREBY IMPEACHED from her office of Supreme Court Justice with great prejudice.


Identity Crisis

America has an identity crisis. Security over Liberty. Amnesty over Law. Party over Principle. Time to get educated and regain our identity as the shining city on the hill.

CSPOA Event Pt. 2

Special Guest interviews from the Constitutional Sheriff’s and Peace Officer Association Part 2. Great encouraging stories from Liberty minded law enforcement!

Joining me today: Chief Larry Kirk of Old Monroe, Missouri discussing the events of the Ferguson Protests from a Law Enforcement perspective. You’ll appreciate what he had to say and HOW he got involved in CSPOA!

In the 2nd half Tonya Benson, Executive Assistant at CSPOA joins me to discuss how she got involved with CSPOA and spreading the message of the importance of a Constitutional Sheriff.

Let’s Get Educated and Defend Liberty together!

CSPOA Event Pt.1

Special Guest interviews from the Constitutional Sheriff’s and Peace Officer Association Part 1. Great encouraging stories from Liberty minded law enforcement! Let’s Get Educated and Defend Liberty!

Q&A Wednesday

Ask Me Anything Wednesday brings us questions and answers about Natural Born Citizens and Nullification…Not what I say but what the Framers said. Let’s Get Educated. Let’s be Defenders of Liberty!

Link to The Constitution, Vattel, and “Natural Born Citizen”: What Our Framers Knew

Christian Kindness & Liberty

religious libertyHistory teaches that when government gets involved in religion, religious Liberty is threatened.  The principle of religious liberty, asserted by King Henry I in 1100 and then embodied in the text of the First Amendment, is essential to the preservation of Liberty.

Richard Henry Lee, the drafter of the resolution to declare American independence said,

“It is true, we are not disposed to differ much, at present, about religion; but when we are making a constitution, it is to be hoped, for ages and millions yet unborn, why not establish the free exercise of religion, as a part of the national compact.”

The principle of religious liberty means,

john leland“Government should protect every man in thinking and speaking freely, and see that one does not abuse another…all should be equally free, Jews, Turks, Pagans and Christians.” (John Leland, Baptist Minister 1791)

In protecting every man’s right to speak freely, the government cannot promote any man’s religion over another or fund any religion to the exclusion of another.  That is the natural implication of the so-called establishment clause; government cannot restrict the exercise of religion by prejudicially supporting another.   When the government uses tax dollars to fund religious speech, then it must fund all religious speech. And according to Thomas Jefferson, such an arrangement would be a violation of one’s religious conscience.

Thomas-Jefferson-9353715-1-402“That to compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves and abhors, is sinful and tyrannical.” (The Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom, Thomas Jefferson, 1777)

The difficulty of making the hard decision to apply these liberty-centered principles can be seen in the public school setting.  A public school, funded with public money, CANNOT take a position on ANY religion, because all beliefs (or disbeliefs) are supported by public funding.   Yes, that means that publicly funded schools and teachers are limited in their professional speech.  However, this is no way prevents STUDENTS from freely expressing their beliefs.

If these public schools DO take a position on one religion, then they must give the same opportunity for ALL religions.  For example, if your public school, paid for in full or in part by public money, displays Christian crosses on football helmets, then those football helmets MUST also provide space for satanic symbols, Buddhist symbols, and yes even Islamic symbols.  Would those who are angry about a school being forced to take Christian symbols off their football helmets be equally, if not more so, angry about the display of Islamic or satanic symbols on those helmets?

cross arkansasConsequently, there are several Constitutional solutions to the lawyers and courts removing Christian symbols from public school property.  First, remove ALL public funding from schools and have private schools determine their own philosophical and religious dispositions free from government intrusion.  Secondly, remove YOUR children from publicly funded schools and put them in private schools that represent your beliefs and are free to openly express them.  Or, teach and encourage your children to express their beliefs whether your school leadership participates or not – just remember each child is entitled to their religious liberty as much as your own child.

thomas_paine-common_senseIn order to maintain Religious Liberty we must be careful not to call for government to regulate religious speech, but rather stay out of religious speech entirely.  We should also refuse to look to government to fund our religious activities and learn to live by faith and TRUST GOD to provide for our needs.  Religious Liberty is a spiritual principle.  Government mandated religious belief is tyranny.  Ultimately, allowing and using our Religious Liberty gives Christians a platform for to display the love of Christ, as Thomas Paine explains:

“For myself, I fully and conscientiously believe that it is the will of the Almighty that there should be a diversity of religious opinions among us. It affords a larger field for our Christian kindness…”  (Thomas Paine, Common Sense, 1776)