Signing Up For the Liberty First Brigade

 taegan meme
I would like to introduce Taegan, our newest Liberty First intern. She describes herself as:
~Iowa Native. Hillsdale College Student. Aspiring Attorney. Jesus Follower and Kingdom Worker. Avid Reader. Frequent Shopper. Developing Cigar Connoisseur. Pursuer of Truth and Defender of Liberty. The Future of America.~
Taegan has decided to write a blog every day describing the Liberty First life. So, in lieu of our regular #Point2Ponder I will be posting Taegan’s #LifeLibertyLaw blog.
I joked the other day that Taegan is like my Doctor Watson. I find these blogs very entertaining and inspirational.  This is her first blog.
I hope you enjoy reading about our adventures as much as we love living them. ~ In Liberty, KrisAnne

Signing Up For the Liberty First Brigade:

By Taegan James, Liberty First Intern

liberty first above all

A few months ago I received a text from my beloved grandfather that he had emailed KrisAnne Hall – Constitutional attorney, author, speaker, and talk show host – about a few issues floating around today’s political realm, and had mentioned me and a possible internship in the process. I was instructed to email her a bit about myself, explain why I want to intern for her, and what I hope to accomplish. In the hundreds or thousands of messages I have typed up, I do not think it has ever taken me so long to compose an email. I wanted to portray myself as a learned, professional individual, but seem likable and easygoing at the same time. Eventually, I hit the ‘send’ button, and anxiously waited for a reply. 24 hours felt like an eternity, but finally I saw the message in my inbox I had been waiting for. “Wonderful. Let me contact my assistant and  see the best fit for your traveling with us.” I couldn’t believe the words I had just read. This was it: I was going to intern for KrisAnne Hall and had officially signed up to be part of the Liberty-First Brigade. Now, as I prepare to leave for Idaho in two days, I am experiencing a wide range of emotions. I am both excited and nervous; confident, yet timid as I acknowledge that I know far less than my mentor. Above all, I am eager to learn and soak up all of the information and experience that I possibly can. More to come in the following days; stay tuned for all the adventures (and foreseeable blunders). Pursuing truth and defending liberty, always.

-A Devoted Patriot

Two Federal Judges Stealing Liberty

Federal Judges or Federal Kings? Which is it? We have direct evidence of these judges destroying Liberty. When Federal Judges become Federal Agents it is the People who are punished not the judges. Welcome to Orwell’s America.

Here is the link to the Facebook post referenced in this show:

Listen to Two Federal Judges Stealing Liberty by KrisAnne Hall on YouTube

Federal Judge Declares Constitution Dead

Today, Taegan and I discuss the unconstitutionality of modern presidential elections and get outraged over the declaration of Federal Judge and Law Professor Dick Posner’s statments that the Constitution is Dead!

Here is Posner’s Article:

Here is a video we should send Posner:

Contact Posner:
Chicago Law School:
Phone: 773-702-9608
Fax: 773-702-0730

Circuit Court Office: (312) 435-5850

Dean of Chicago Law, Thomas J. Miles
Phone: 773-702-9495

Listen to “Federal Judge Declares Constitution Dead” by KrisAnne Hall on YouTube

Another Brick In The Wall

This week we have been studying the expansion of executive power and justifiable force by government. Today we look at yet another executive agency authorizing itself to use federal power on US soil. Someone please tell me, why do we still have a Congress?

Listen to “Another Brick in the Wall” by KrisAnne Hall on YouTube

New EO on Justifiable Govt Force

You cannot dismiss this new Executive Order. It is alarming at best and down right frightening when you consider its implication. This is the most broad and powerful EO yet. Who is talking about it? WE ARE!

Listen to New EO on Justifiable Govt Force by KrisAnne Hall on YouTube

What Is The Limit?

A show dedicated to limited government, in the face of unlimited government errors: not based upon my opinion, but the facts asserted by James Madison and Thomas Jefferson.

Listen to What is the Limit by KrisAnne Hall on YouTube