Are you part of the solution or are you part of the problem. Are you standing in defense of liberty or are you passively waiting for someone else to do the job. Have you made the defense of liberty come first? Well, I can tell you that there are a couple of politician’s I’d like to call out who are PART OF THE PROBLEM.
One if Maro Rubio. Marco Rubio is an enemy of the Constitution. Not a defender of the Constitution and his promotion of immigration reform has exposed his true colors. His speech on the floor of the house was just a bunch of tripe and Rubio we don’t want to hear anymore of your personal stories about coming to this country. It’s just smoke and mirrors meant to hide your true motivation about open borders.
The other politician I’d like to call out (and have called out in the past) is Allen West. Allen West is not a friend of liberty and his voting record screams it out for anyone to hear who just might be listening and has voted against the Constitution at almost every opportunity. He also brags about being the author of indefinite detention act sections 1021 and 1022 and he denies it’s intention and refuses to even sit down with me to discuss it!
So you want to be part of the solution. Forget about party affiliation. Forget about what they, watch what they do and if they are not defenders of liberty then they are part of the problem and as a voter and a citizen you can be part of the solution.