ep 1099 showb

Episode 1099 Senate Votes to Spy on your Internet History


ep 1099 showb

Episode 1099 Senate Votes to Spy on your Internet History

Watch The KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

Government at every level is making sure this crisis doesn’t go to waste. Senate GOP votes to open up your browsing history without a warrant. San Antonio votes to make criticism illegal. Deblasio and NYPD make protest illegal, but makes sure his group walk through the park is protected. Washington State wants diners on a tracking list. This list goes on and on. They firmly believe that you are their subjects.

Always bringing you current events from an historical, constitutional, and principled perspective.

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ep1098 show

Episode 1098 The Misconduct of General Flynn’s Russiagate Judge


ep1098 show

Episode 1098 The Misconduct of General Flynn’s Russiagate Judge

Watch The KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

Today KrisAnne gives a legal breakdown of General Flynn’s Judge, Emmet Sullivan and Sullivan’s newly recruited Watergate Prosecutors. It’s not just the freedom of Sydney Powell’s client in jeopardy, but the due process rightd of every American is at stake.

Always bringing you current events from an historical, constitutional, and principled perspective.

Ensure this Excellent Constitution Training Continues! Partner with The KrisAnne Hall Daily Journal and be a part of the force that will restore Americans with their Constitutional Principles!
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ep 1097 show

Episode 1097 SCOTUS, Contact Tracing, & Local Tyranny


ep 1097 show

Episode 1097 SCOTUS, Contact Tracing, & Local Tyranny

Watch The KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

We will discuss SCOTUS cases that have a bearing on contact tracing. Carpenter v US, Kyllo v US… Also the implementation of the anti-liberty attacks on the local and state levels. As well as an update on officer Greg Anderson, Seattle!

Always bringing you current events from an historical, constitutional, and principled perspective.

Ensure this Excellent Constitution Training Continues! Partner with The KrisAnne Hall Daily Journal and be a part of the force that will restore Americans with their Constitutional Principles!
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ep 1096 show

Episode 1096 Sheriffs Standing Supreme Court Sitting


ep 1096 show

Episode 1096 Sheriffs Standing Supreme Court Sitting

Watch The KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

Sheriffs across America are standing in defense of the people’s rights in defiance of Governor’s unconstitutional COVID orders.
The Supreme Court will hear a case involving religious personnel employed by churches and it is not what the media is spinning it to be.
KrisAnne gives and in-depth analysis of Federal House Bill 6666 COVID-19 TRACE Act
Always bringing you current events from an historical, constitutional, and principled perspective.

Ensure this Excellent Constitution Training Continues! Partner with The KrisAnne Hall Daily Journal and be a part of the force that will restore Americans with their Constitutional Principles!
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1093 Show

Episode 1093 What Reality Is This Again?


1093 Show

Episode 1093 What Reality Is This Again?

Watch The KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

Learn how to get a successful email/phone campaign going. I give you the strategy that worked for us! https://krisannehall.com/index.php/resources/articles/584-email-phone-strategy-for-ending-stay-at-home-orders

Get your new Liberty T-shirts at https://godgunsliberty.com/

Ensure this Excellent Constitution Training Continues! Partner with The KrisAnne Hall Daily Journal and be a part of the force that will restore Americans with their Constitutional Principles!
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1092 show

Episode 1092 Patrick Henry Speaks


1092 show

Episode 1092 Patrick Henry Speaks

Watch The KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

History is our greatest teacher & Patrick Henry has a lot to say to the people of America today. #LibertyFirst

Ensure this Excellent Constitution Training Continues! Partner with The KrisAnne Hall Daily Journal and be a part of the force that will restore Americans with their Constitutional Principles!

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Books, DVDs and On Demand Seminars by KrisAnne Hall at https://KrisAnneHall.com

1091 show

Episode 1091 Assembling For Redress


1091 show

Episode 1091 Assembling For Redress

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

The Rights enshrined in our First Amendment are not simply forgotten but greatly misunderstood. We take a couple videos of live protests of today and show you the good, the bad, and the ugly of the Rights. Do it right, so you don’t have to go to jail.

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The story of Simon Tam and his fight for justice and free speech all the way to the Supreme Court.

Gripping, funny, enlightening, and ultimately uplifting, Slanted proves that no obstacle is too difficult to conquer –as long as you have a little heart and a lot of rock n’ roll. It’s an irrepressible story that is fresh, alive, and defines what it means to be American.

Ensure this Excellent Constitution Training Continues! Partner with The KrisAnne Hall Daily Journal and be a part of the force that will restore Americans with their Constitutional Principles!
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campaign art

Email/Phone Strategy for Ending Stay At Home Orders

campaign art

Email/Phone Strategy for Ending Stay At Home Orders

by KrisAnne Hall, JD

Download the email campaign as a .pdf

The key to a successful petition is persistence.  You don’t need a million signatures if a hundred people will make a thousand emails and phone calls.  If it is worth contacting your representative once, it is worth contacting your representative once a day until you see satisfactory results.  Its just not enough to add your name to an online petition that will be sent off into digital oblivion.

The First Amendment reads: 

the Right of the People…to Petition the government for a redress of grievances.  The key to this right is not “petition.”  The key to this right is “redress.”  This is not simply an expression of our right to complain to or about our government.  It is about our right to complain and to see those complaints satisfied.

This Right of petition is deeply rooted in history and can be traced back to clause 61 of the Magna Carta.  In this promise by the King to the people, clause 61 declares that when the king or “our chief justice, our officials, or any of our servants offend in any respect against any man, or transgress any of the articles of the peace or of this security” it becomes the Right of the People to “distrain upon and assail us in every way possible, with the support of the whole community of the land, by seizing our castles, lands, possessions, or anything else saving only our own person and those of the queen and our children, until they have secured such redress as they have determined upon.

A one time or general email or phone call is merely a request and has very little influence or authority.  A persistent and pointed request is powerful and demands remedy.  That is how you make changes in a Representative form of government.

Here is an email/phone campaign I designed to guide you in a successfully persistent  and pointed redress of your grievances over the current stay at home orders. If you unite the people in your community to send these emails repeatedly over a period of a few weeks, you will see changes.  There are three different emails and two different phone message.  Use them all. 

Once you get the hang of it you can design your own campaign.  Perhaps you have a Sheriff that needs to understand his/her duty to defend the rights of the people over simply “enforcing the law.”  Maybe you have a school board that is more occupied with getting money from the government and teaching historical error than truly educating children.  I cannot stress enough how important regular engagement is to have a healthy and liberty minded government.  We must make contact often and regularly.  WE MUST BE THE LOBBYISTS FOR LIBERTY.

“Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitutem.” Thomas Jefferson, 1787

Translation: I prefer the tumult of liberty to the quiet of servitude.

Liberty is not easy, but it is worth the sacrifice and time to know your children and grandchildren will have the opportunity to be free.

Download the email campaign as a .pdf

Email Message #1

Dear (Governor/Commissioner),

America was founded upon the principle that all people are endowed with certain Inherent and Inalienable Rights.  The people of (Insert State/County)  have acted responsibly; we have acted in love and regard for our people, and our declining COVID infection rate reflects that fact.  Now it is time to let the people of (Insert State/County) do what they do best; get back to work. 

The current (Insert State/County) Order related to the COVID-19 Emergency establishes restrictions upon the people in direct contradiction of our fundamental Rights and the Supreme Law of this State.  The limit upon our assembly, the exercise of our freedom of religion, our right to assemble for a redress of our grievances are all being infringed.  Our Right to the ownership, control, and enjoyment of our property is not only being violated without due process and just compensation, but in many cases these Rights may be forever lost.

Every business is essential when a family’s provisions are dependent upon that income.  Current statistics show us that divorce, child abuse, alcohol abuse and depression are on the rise because of our inability to legally work and provide for our needs.  The people of (Insert State/County) are responsible and honorable people.  We do not want handouts, and it’s time to start lifting the restrictions upon our businesses so the people of (Insert State/County) can get back to healthy and productive lives. 

 It is time to honor our most sacred principles of government; it is the duty of the (Insert State/County) to secure the Rights of the people, not infringe upon them.  We are fully capable of operating our businesses while voluntarily engaging in the practices that will help keep our neighbors healthy. 

It is time to put (Insert State/County) BACK TO WORK.

Thank you.


Sign you name, Your email, Your phone number

 Phone Call Message #1:

I am calling to say it is time to begin opening (Insert State/County) businesses, now. The limits upon our assembly, the exercise of our freedom of religion, our right to assemble for a redress of our grievances are all being infringed.  Our Right to the ownership, control, and enjoyment of our property is not only being violated without due process and just compensation, but in many cases these Rights may be forever lost.

We have acted responsibly; we have acted in love and regard for our people and our declining COVID infection rate reflects that fact.  We don’t want government handouts.  We want to work and provide for ourselves, as free people do.  Now it is time to let the people of (Insert State/County) do what they do best; get back to work.  Thank you!

Email Message #2:

Dear (Governor/Commissioner),

(Insert State/County) was built upon hard work and self-sufficiency.  We are a resourceful and responsible people.  It is time to let the people of (Insert State/County) do what we do best; get back to work.

Every business is essential when a family’s provisions are dependent upon that income.  Current statistics show us that divorce, child abuse, alcohol abuse and depression are on the rise as a result of our inability to legally work and provide for our needs.  It is time to begin lifting the restrictions upon our businesses so we can get back to healthy and productive lives.

The people of (Insert State/County) know how to use common sense to live and work safely.  Lift the Safer at Home penalties while maintaining the recommendations of the CDC so that we can provide for our families.  We are good people.  We are fully capable of operating our businesses while voluntarily engaging in the practices that will help keep our neighbors healthy.

It is time to put (Insert State/County) BACK TO WORK. It is time to begin lifting the restrictions established under our (Insert State/County) Safer At Home Order.  Thank you.


Sign you name, Your email, Your phone number

Phone Call Message #2:

I am calling to say I want the (Insert State/County) Safer At Home Order lifted.  The people of (Insert State/County) don’t need to be dependent on government handouts, we need to get back to work.  We love our neighbors and know how to use common sense to live and work safely and our declining COVID numbers prove that.  (Insert State/County) can lift the Stay At Home Order and still keep the CDC Recommendations.  Let us get BACK TO WORK.

Thank you.


Email Message #3

Dear (Governor/Commissioner)

I am writing to say I want the (Insert State/County) Safer At Home Order lifted.  The people of (Insert State/County) don’t need to be dependent on government handouts, we need to get back to work.  Every business is essential when a family’s provisions are dependent upon that income.  Our communities are seeing divorce, child abuse, alcohol abuse and depression are on the rise because we are not able to legally work and provide for our needs.  It is time to repeal the restrictions upon our businesses so we can get back to healthy and productive lives.

We love our neighbors and know how to use common sense to live and work safely.  (Insert State/County)  can lift the Stay At Home Order and still keep the CDC Recommendations.  We know how to use common sense to live and work safely.  It is time NOW, not later.

  • It is time for the people of (Insert State/County) to get back to work.
  • It is time to open our parks and beaches.
  • It is time to begin opening our businesses.
  • It is time to remove the (Insert State/County) Safer at Home Order.

Let the people of (Insert State/County) get BACK TO WORK. Thank you.


Sign you name, Your email, Your phone number

 Phone Call Message #3:

I am calling to say I want the (Insert State/County) Safer At Home Order lifted.  The people of (Insert State/County) don’t need to be dependent on government handouts, we need to get back to work.  We love our neighbors and know how to use common sense to live and work safely and our declining COVID numbers prove that.  (Insert State/County) can lift the Stay At Home Order and still keep the CDC Recommendations.  Let us get BACK TO WORK.

Thank you.

1090 show

Episode 1090 Late Night Special


1090 show

Episode 1090 Late Night Special

Watch The KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

Maybe one of the most important shows for you to watch this week. If I tell you why, they will certainly censor me so you’re just gonna have to watch.

Ensure this Excellent Constitution Training Continues! Partner with The KrisAnne Hall Daily Journal and be a part of the force that will restore Americans with their Constitutional Principles!
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Books, DVDs and On Demand Seminars by KrisAnne Hall at

ep 1084 sp

Episode 1084 Virus Free Broadcasting


ep 1084 sp

Episode 1084 Virus Free Broadcasting

Watch The KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

Ensure this Excellent Constitution Training Continues! Partner with The KrisAnne Hall Daily Journal and be a part of the force that will restore Americans with their Constitutional Principles!
To JOIN with us just simply Go to https://www.krisannehall.com/index.php/donate and give OR
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Books, DVDs and On Demand Seminars by KrisAnne Hall at