Moral Bankruptcy Has No Fiat Currency

Can someone please invent a little blue pill for Congressional impotency? And I guess when the truth is told about their impotency that you get put on a list because we had some technical issues but you know what? It’s just a distraction because there are way too many other things to discuss. Such as the moral bankruptcy of our government.  It’s too bad there isn’t a Federal Reserve for governments lack of morality. They could just print some but unfortunately such is not the case and so were faced with the like of John Boehner running around declaring that  he’s a conservative Republican when all he’s really concerned about is appeasing the people and paying off the king!  More debt slavery for our children. Thank you Congress.

Shackles of Tyranny

The weight of the shackles around your writes and your ankles are going to be a lot heavier than any weight you feel now from this growing tyranny. That is unless your John McCain who King Barry calls his “Bro Man.” “Bro Man?” If McCain is the “Bro Man” what does that  make Lindsey Graham, or Marco Rubio because they stand next to McCain. I mean what does it mean if a mother can’t pray in a school parking lot of her child’s school because it’s unconstitutional. Are  you kidding me!

Conviction Of The Republican Party

war-on-republican-partyEvidence beyond and to the exclusion of every reasonable doubt that the Republican Party is LOST and delivering America to our enemies…foreign AND domestic:

Republican Policy: Arm our enemies? YES! Amnesty to Criminals? YES! Unlimited Power to POTUS? YES! Defend the Constitution? NO!

Republican Party approves unconstitutional, immoral, and illegal activity with their SILENCE:

Republican Party AGREES with John McCain by NOT condemning his support of the Republican Party over Democrat Hillary Clinton!

Republican Party APPROVES of Chris Christie’s stand on thought police by continuing to give him endorsement and credibility.

134 House Republicans voted AGAINST requiring the federal government to comply with the Constitution. Republican Party approves unconstitutional, immoral, and illegal activity with their SILENCE

Republican Party CONSENTS to POTUS theft of power AND destruction of our Constitution by NOT condemning Congressional inaction!

Republican Party gives its APPROVAL to de-criminalizing criminals and MOCKERY of our laws and Constitution with its continuing support for McCain, Rubio, Graham, and Flake and Amnesty in the name of vote buying. (click on any of the items below to read a corresponding article).

The Republican party APPROVES AND ENCOURAGES all of the actions as they are not only NOT condemned but PERPETRATED by REPUBLICANS!

This is NOT the end of the evidence, it is only the beginning. If this evidence does not CONVICT the Republican Party in your mind of aiding and abetting the enemies and the destruction of the Constitution, then nothing will!

I am declaring WAR on REPUBLICAN party principles. ARE YOU WITH ME?!?

The Game of Monopoly

The key to understanding the Federal Reserve is to read the rules of the game Monopoly. The rules of Monopoly says if the bank runs out of paper money, then just simply use little strips of paper until the bank has more paper money. Basically, you just create money out of thin air! But there’s more to report, especially a recent issue about the 1st Amendment. You will find this tyrannical absurdity almost unbelievable!

The Courts & the Constitution

You will frequently hear me talking about how anemic the political class is when it comes to standing by and for the Constitution and if you’ve been listening for any length of time you know that I can be particularly hard on Republicans. I’m hard on the Republicans because I expect more from them, but there is plenty of blame to go around. The courts for example. When you go to law school, they don’t teach you the constitution. They teach constitutional law, which is completely different and more dangerous than teaching nothing at all. They teach that the men in black robes know more then the people who actually wrote the constitution. The result of this is that judges have little appreciation (or understanding) for the Constitution and frequently driven by ideology and politics, instead of the Constitution. Keep listening if you want to know the specifics of how the courts have let us down.

Dear King Tell us What We Did

If there is any question in your mind at all if we still have a republic, or not, then consider this. Imagine you’re the legislature and you’ve been instructed to pass a certain law and as a good legislator you pass the law but then after the law passes, you then go back to your high and mighty king to ask what is was you just did. Sound absurd? You’re right. It is absurd but what makes it even more absurd this is exactly what happened recently. You might be able to guess what I’m referring to and you’d probably be right. If you want to find out if your suspicion is correct  give this edition of Liberty First with KrisAnne Hall a listen.

The NDAA & Future Crime

Did you know that under the NDAA the President can take action against you even if you haven’t committed a crime, but there’s a suspicion that you might be a threat to national security. You’re going to hear it straight from King Barry’s mouth. This is tyranny out in the open. It can’t be any clearer. What is scarier is that Congress and our supposedly conservative Constitutional Republicans think it’s ok! Are you kitting me!

Agenda 21 and the Constitution

The issue lies within 2 important principles. The first is sovereignty in the states as created by the Declaration of Independence, which is completely misunderstood and is the only thing that stands between us and global tyranny. The 2nd principle revolves around the “Supremacy Clause” of the Constitution. The proper application of the Supremacy Clause has been completely lost in our country. The Supremacy Clause exists to insure that the Constitution remains the supreme law of the land. No legislative act (such as a treaty which Agenda 21 would be) shall be supreme over the Constitution.

Character Restores Liberty

Broadcasting from Michigan in the middle of a great tour and I’m finding people so excited to hear the message of liberty. The Liberty First message is resonating just about everywhere it’s heard and I love it when I get to go to places that  the rest  of the country has written off! And I want you to know that there are people who are ashamed about what is happening in places like Detroit and they are hungry for the message of Liberty First.  If you want to know why socialism doesn’t work  look at Detroit. Detroit however is not the only city heading in this direction. Detroit is just the first. The answer is not more socialism but more liberty. We must get educated, get focused, stop being distracted and realize that the character that engenders and embraces liberty is the character that will restore our country.

Don't Be a Happy Slave

History shows us that when a society, a country is focused on prosperity and only concerned with material gain, then tyrants will trickle down just enough to keep us happy slaves. History proves this over and over again. Being focused on only ‘stuff’ gives tyrants the power to control you. This is how Hitler came to power. He promised prosperity and promised them everything. This conversation and this tone is exactly the type of dialogue the Obama talking heads want us to have top of mind. Because if we have this top of mind and if we continue to look for the government to provide our everything then we’ll be happy slaves, but slaves none the less and we won’t be concerned about liberties. Don’t be a happy slave because if we’re simply concerned with prosperity we’ll never develop what we need to restore our Constitutional republic.