I'd Rather Be a Serial Killer

These are the times that try the souls of men. Tyranny like hell is not easily conquered, yet we  have this as consolation. That the harder the conflict the more glorious the triumph. Our government with an army to enforce her tyranny, has declared the right not only to tax but to bind us in all ways. And if being  bound in this manner is not slavery, then there is no such a thing as slavery. We are repeating history and I would rather face God as a serial killer than to face God as a member of our house, or senate, or Barack Obama.  It is time to fight back! Anyone who doesn’t believe that is a coward. We are reliving the very same things the founders lived through with one difference. They were subjects to a King we are freemen in a republic. Their only option was revolution and cutting off peoples heads. We have greater and more peaceful methods at our disposal. We have nullification. So listen up!

Young Hope vs Old Folk

One of the things that I get really excited about is my workshops. I love to teach my workshops and there’s a workshop on my calendar where I get to teach a group of teenagers. This is so cool because these are our future leaders, our future representatives and government officials and I get the honor of teaching them all about the history of the Constitution. It’s just too bad they aren’t in a position to replace some of the old and may I say tired and cowardly, dishonest people we currently have. The fake conservatives like Mitch McConnell who threw Ted Cruz under the bus for keeping his campaign promise. Oh and lets include John McCain in that group of tired and misinformed.

Veterans Showing the Way

While in Redding California yesterday giving my workshop we were getting updates about what the WWII veterans were doing with the barricades. I loved seeing them taking the barricades and taking them to the White House. Speaking of veterans, John McCain is calling on Joe Biden to fix the problem, but  to be honest I think that John McCain needs to go away. I know some of you are going to not like me calling him out because he’s a war veteran, but consider this. How many of you who served in the military served with someone who was so stupid who you wouldn’t let walk your dog. So there is no justification to worship anyone just because they happened at  one time to wear a  uniform. All I’m saying is that isn’t it about time we start judging people based on what they do, not what they did, or what they say!

Stand for Nicholas Finch

Today is open line Friday and the day starts off with a call to action to get out to the weekend rally in support of Liberty, County Sheriff Nicholas Finch. Sheriff Finch choose to boldly go where few government officials refuse to go when he stood up for the 2nd Amendment. Government corruption is dirtying up the house in Tallahassee and I encourage everyone, not just Florida residents to visit their state house. Sit down with your representative and let them know what’s on your mind. Most likely they’ll kiss up to you, but it will be business as usual as soon as you walk out the door. We have to clean up our own houses, because if we can’t clean our own state houses first, we have no business complaining about the federal government. I’m just saying and I’m just getting started. Click the play button for the whole broadcast.

More Government Shutdown Distractions

More government shutdown distractions is like a broken record. Why aren’t we talking about impeaching King Barry, or Eric Holder over Fast  and Furious. We have direct Constitutional requirements! Article II Section IV of the Constitution requires the removal of Eric Holder because of Fast  and Furious. It reads; “Congress shall remove from office all civil officers for crimes, or misdemeanors.” Eric Holder is a civil officer, he has been found in contempt and  that is a misdemeanor. The Constitution leaves no choice. Eric Holder needs to be removed from office and Congress can’t even do that! This is why the government shutdown is a distraction. This is insanity. But no worries the federal government has removed the handles from water fountains so the joggers running along the Chesapeake canal won’t drink from federal water! How much did that cost? Are  you kidding me?

The Govenment Shutdown Distraction

The whole government shutdown is a distraction. It’s a way to keep us distracted so our government can keep on doing the insane things that they do. Consider Libya and something isn’t right. Before the Libyan war where were the Islamic terrorists in Libya? Then we took Gaddafi out of the picture, put the Islamic militants in power and now the people we paid to take Gaddafi out are now threatening us! Where is the Congressional oversight? This doesn’t take a PHD in logic to connect  the dots. Let’s engage the brain and disengage the government shutdown drama.

This is Not a Government Shutdown

Let’s be clear here. This is not a government shutdown. This is political theater. If this was a real government shutdown then why is Michelle Obama’s website up and running and the Amber alert website not! This is King Barry and his crony friends throwing themselves on the ground, kicking and screaming and throwing a temper tantrum! I think it’s a really great thing but lets not fool ourselves this is being used as a political weapon by the administration to punish the American people. Denying people from visiting Mt. Rushmore is less essential than Queen Michelle’s website? Are you kidding me? Our Constitution is based on limiting government power to a specific list of enumerated powers but we no longer have a limited government ( and haven’ t in quite a long time) we have unlimited government. I think we should have a real shutdown! Lets send home the EPA and while we’re shutting down more services not authorized by the Constitution, we need to get behind Boehner, otherwise he will cave. I guarantee it. Because he doesn’t have a backbone.

Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Death

Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! I am a recovering liberal and my dad is union father baby boomer and the 1st time he came to one of my presentations three  years ago, he walked out within minutes and told me later; “I couldn’t take any more of that crap!” But now he’s listening to the show and following me on Facebook and recently commented; “I’m so tired of this B.S.. All the politicians need to go. They’re all liars and thieves!” So if my union father baby boomer can think this way then there’s many others who are thinking this way too! Generations are waking up to understand what kind of government we really, really have. Now we will soon learn who is with us and who is not and you will be surprised at knowing who is with you and who is not. Summer soldiers and sunshine patriots are not the Democrats or Progressives. They are the ones sitting next to you at a rally and campaign for conservatives but will start saying that they don’t have time any longer. I’m a federal employee and I’ve lost my job and will start to say that ease of life is more important than liberty. But I say; “Give me liberty or give me death!”

We Will Not Comply

We will not comply! We’re being shown the way by veterans. But before I get into that, lets do a little review since the beginning of the government shutdown. First, we’re being told the economy is going to collapse because of the shutdown. But if this is true then we are not living in a republic any longer. The government has killed a proposal to fund veteran services & national parks. If they’re really concerned with veterans (which they’re not) lets make sure the VA gets paid. They also put up a blockade to shutdown the WWII memorial. It’s all a show! This is crazy. This is nothing but a show. So we’re shutting down the Veterans Affairs, but not the EPA or the Dept. of Homeland Security etc….It’s just manipulative maneuvering. So we can’t have our veterans attending the WWII memorial? Guess again. You can’t stop them because some WWII veterans are breaking through the barriers because they will not comply. It’s time to break down the barriers and take back what  belongs to us. Demand the end of Obama Care, Federal Overreach. We will not comply.

The Symptom of Disease & Addiction ~ Govt. Shutdown

Audio Clip of The KrisAnne Hall Show discussing this topic below

In the midst of today’s shutdown hysteria we should be aware that you can’t employ a cure until you properly diagnose the disease. This shutdown meltdown should awaken us to the REAL virus infecting America today…and the treatment regimen that needs to be employed.

Dear patient, does the thought of the federal government shutdown scare you? Are you worried about how you will eat, how you will have clothes, how you will keep your home if this federal government shutdown continues? Are you afraid that the economy will collapse, due to the federal government shutdown? If that is true, then you are not living in a Republic, you are not enjoying the “Blessings of Liberty” our Constitution was designed to protect. These symptoms indicate that you are a slave. That is the illness that grips you.

If a federal shutdown can stall or even crash the economy, as some suggest then we are suffering from massive and potentially fatal case of DEPENDENCY. My friends,that is NOT a republic. That is a KINGDOM. That is TYRANNY!

The real problem is NOT a government shutdown, NOT partisanship, NOT political dysfunction. The real problem is ADDICTION. We were not created that way. That is NOT THE NATURE OF A CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC. Our states ratified a constitution that created a ‘limited & defined’ federal government. The purpose of a ‘limited & defined’ federal government was to make sure we are a republic & not a kingdom. When the people fail to keep the government under control, the republic is lost.

The symptoms are clear. We are addicted to the federal government and it has spread like a virus beyond its Constitutional boundaries. It’s time for treatment and that treatment is not the finger-pointing and political gamesmanship that we are witnessing. We must break free from federal dependency. We must put federal government back in its place. We must once again bind and chain the federal government to the limitation of our Constitution. When the very lives and prosperity depend upon the operation of the federal government we no longer have a limited and defined government. What we have is a slave master that is capable of withholding our sustenance from time to time in order to ensure complete submission.

The Proper Placement of the Power is in the States

We should be thankful that we have this opportunity to diagnose the extent of our illness. We have been living as heroin addicts, addicted to federal dependency for far too long. Recovering from an addiction is never easy and almost always painful, but the alternative of remaining a sick and addicted body is far worse and will lead to total destruction. Our solution is to start TODAY turning the functions that should be done by the States back to the States. One by one we must dissolve these unconstitutional federal agencies. One by one we must rebuild our States to their proper positions. The citizen must also regain his health by saving, by staying out of the crackhouse of debt – break the dependency and the veracious and irresponsible consumption of every addicting enticement.

The State governments possess inherent advantages, which will ever give them an influence and ascendancy over the National Government, and will for ever preclude the possibility of federal encroachments. That their liberties, indeed, can be subverted by the federal head, is repugnant to every rule of political calculation. -Alexander Hamilton, speech to the New York Ratifying Convention, June 17, 1788

But as the plan of the convention aims only at a partial union or consolidation, the State governments would clearly retain all the rights of sovereignty which they before had, and which were not, by that act, EXCLUSIVELY delegated to the United States. -Alexander Hamilton, Federalist No. 32, January 3, 1788

The federal drug dealers are not going to like this. They are going to fight a bloody fight to maintain their power and control over us. But the only freedom from slavery is self-sufficiency. The only way to health is to cut the strings and stand on your own two feet. Here’s to good health America.

“When the people fear the government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty”