2nd Amendment Protection

In today’s Liberty docket are the 2nd Amendment and the Constitutional Truth about slavery. We will address the NRA’s misled position on the 2nd Amendment Preservation Act. And teach the truth about this act and the Right to keep and bear arms. In honor of Black History Month, we will teach the TRUTH about how the Constitution ENDED slavery, in spite of the propaganda presented by the government at its education system. Just FACTS. That’s all we need to defeat LIES!

Immigration and Education

Immigration and Government manipulation of our children through education are on the Liberty First Agenda today. We are told Hitler said “When an opponent declares, ‘I will not come over to your side’, I calmly say, ‘Your child belongs to us already. . . . What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community.’” Don’t you think its time we start EDUCATING our children that this “new community” is tyranny? Today’s show tells us just how we can do that! The announcement that DHS & John Kerry are going to allow people with terrorist ties into this country should not surprise you. Today’s show gives you the FACTS on how this has been going on for YEARS. This “transparency” does tell us a few things, not about Obama, but about CONGRESS…tune in and find out the TRUTH. 2/7

KrisAnne Hall on Fox TV with Don Arias

In this fast moving 20 minute interview KrisAnne Hall dispells a number of commom myths people have about the history of liberty, about Obamacare, why our founders went to war against the king, the TEA party and about the various ways our government is and continues to step outside the boundaries of their Constitutional box.

Burning Wood and Burning Money

Today, let’s talk problems AND SOLUTIONS! The EPA has outlawed 80% of the wood burning stoves sold in the United States. That is a Problem…A BIG problem. So what is the solution? John Boehner and the Treasury Secretary are demanding an increase in the debt ceiling or we are looking at another default. That is a Problem. What is the solution? Tune in and find out!

Calm Down and Think

Today’s show is all about THINKING… So many so upset by the Coca Cola ad. But what is the REAL problem. What is the real enemy of liberty…multiculturalism or multinationalism. There is a difference. Hear what Thomas Paine and George Washington have to say about this. Our frustration with lack of immigration enforcement is making people react instead of think. What about the lawlessness of the Executive Branch. Ted Cruz told Glen Beck it is dangerous and he is frustrated. Paul Ryan also commented on MSM about the disregard for law shown by the executive branch and he does a lot of complaining about it. What is the problem with the executive branch? What are the REAL Constitutional solutions? 2/5 THINKING instead of reacting. SOLUTIONS instead of complaining.

Inalienable Right to Life the Establishment GOP

If there is no right to life, then there is no right to liberty. Rather than honoring women like Margaret Sanger and Nancy Pelosi, let’s honor some women of distinction. As the election approaches do you really know who the RNC is and what it stands for? Let’s take a look.

What is the Proper Role of Government?

How much do you want you federal government involved in your everyday life? How much is the federal govt allowed to be in your life? Make sure you don’t miss the 3rd and 4th segments of today’s show. I want to challenge your thinking today.

Click to listen to this edition of the KrisAnne Hall show on YouTube

The NDAA, a Legal Analysis

The N.D.A.A, or the National Defense Authorization Act is not what you think it is. It’s worse. To put it in emotional terms the NDAA is the mark of living under tyranny. You now can be detained, or murdered by your government without the due process rights as stipulated in the Constitution. However, the Constitutional scholars in the Justice Department (you know the ones who have taken an oath to uphold and defend the constitution) believe that the N.D.A.A. is entirely Constitutional and doesn’t violate our rights. Inspires confidence. Doesn’t it?

Sections 1021 and 1022 of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) has caused a great deal of controversy. Congressmen all over the nation have defended their vote in favor of these sections in spite of the criticism that these sections allow the President to detain US Citizens indefinitely. These Congressmen have said over and over again, with great vigor, that these sections specifically exclude US Citizens. They justify their position by quoting language from these sections that many experts, from all across the political spectrum, believe to be vague and potentially dangerous.

In an effort to shed light on these highly controversial sections, I have created a video presentation that will walk the viewer through these sections.

I am hoping that We The People will become better informed about these potentially dangerous sections and in turn, educate our elected representatives so that we can all work together to secure the blessings of Liberty for our Posterity.

Many have said that these provisions are necessary to fight terrorism. Terrorism or not, Americans are entitled to Constitutional protections and simply invoking the term terrorism should not nullify the age-old right to due process. We should never trade Liberty for security. In the words of William Pitt: “Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.”

Please stand for Liberty. Share this video with all who will hear and even with those who appear disinterested. Liberty is worth the inconvenience. It is not our Liberty, it belongs to our future.

Reclaiming Our Constitution

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