Everything Is Awesome!

Today I give a review of the Lego Movie…yes there are some amazing underlying themes…and you will be surprised! The second half of the show is dedicated to a lesson on Executive Orders. What exactly IS their authority? What exactly is YOUR obligation to EOs. Tune and and find out what the FRAMERS said! Here are two articles I wrote that goes along with the lesson http://krisannehall.com/regulatory-power-v-state-rights/ http://krisannehall.com/executive-orders-and-the-new-american-sovyet/

Listen to Everything is Awesome on  YouTube

Black Robed Ignorance

The Face of Tyranny, The Face of Liberty…can you recognize it when it stands before you? Former Supreme Court Justice Stevens offers up HIS recommendations for an Article V Convention in his new book. Learn what Justice Stevens thinks is WRONG with the Constitution and why people like Stevens should NEVER have a hand in altering the Constitution.

Black Robed Ignorance is available on YouTube

Sovereign States or Subjects?

A must listen-to show! Hear what KrisAnne presented to the Utah State Legislature. Are the states sovereign or are they subjects? Listen to what the framers said about the duty and function of state legislators. Could it be that the most powerful governmental entity in the US is not the Supreme Court but the state legislatures?

Coming to America Today

On Today’s Show we learn about Liberty from my new East African Friend. Do Americans take their liberty for granted? Would we think differently if we came from a land of oppression and deprivation? Let’s learn about Tyranny from Mitch McConnell and the FCC.

Lobbying America to Death

Sick of political corruption? Sick of corporate influence in government? Sick of wicked lobbying that represents greed and tyranny rather than Liberty?

Liberty needs defending. We have to stop bouncing around like blind mice trying to find our way. Our founders were such prolific writers, their arguments (on both sides) so well formulated and plainly discussed. They had such an intimate knowledge of their history that they could give direct warnings that are relevant to any time. Yet, we continue to ignore their warnings and barrel right into the destruction they believed we could avoid.

Today’s Show is about defending Liberty from Special Interests Groups and Lobbyist and the tools our framers gave us to do just that.

Listen to this episode of the KrisAnne Hall  Show on YouTube

The Man Who Would Be King

Today’s show is vital to understanding not only the PROBLEMS with Government but the SOLUTIONS. Will you be educated today?

Obama Jokes about being King. But is it really a joke, or veiled truth? When Congress continues to allow a President to do whatever he wants, is he wrong to assume that privilege?

What is it that Congress SHOULD be doing? What is the purpose of Separation of Powers and HOW is it supposed to work? WHY did our framers choose Separation of Powers with Checks & Balances? Limited Government means just that. We NEED to KNOW what that means.

Listen to this edition of the KrisAnne Hall show on YouTube

Catfish & Cotton Undies

The Proper & Constitutional Role of Government…Washington Redskins? Catfish oversight? weather radios? Christmas trees? Afghanistan Economy? Cotton undies? Apparently our Congress doesn’t have a CLUE what Fiscal Conservative looks like, much less what Constitutional looks like. Wouldn’t you like to KNOW? Let’s Get Educated!

Death, Debt and State Conventions

HOT HOT HOT KrisAnne Hall Show! FACTS about an Article V Convention that YOU MUST KNOW! Don’t just believe what you are TOLD. Get the FACTS! We will discuss the Obama Administration’s belief that they can “secretly” kill US Citizens without any Due Process…yet another destruction of the Bill of Rights by this administration, this time the 5th & 6th Amendments. Finally we will talk about the REAL SOLUTIONS to the “looming debt crisis”. You DON’T want to miss today’s Show!!!

Listen to Death, Debt and State Conventions on YouTube

Gun Rights Town Hall Meeting

In this town hall meeting, KrisAnne Hall responds to what seems to be a common misconception about the Constitution being a living and breathing document subject to the prevailing winds and whims of the times and clearly explains the purpose of the Constitution and what it means when it says; “Shall Not be Infringed.”.

Simple 2nd Amendment Wisdom

KrisAnne Hall speaks to Oath Keepers about gun control, the fact that government workers are our employees and has a few simple words of wisdom about gun control and the 2nd Amendment.