Who's Watching the Watchers?

When Separation of Powers and Checks and Balances are not adhered to, then oversight falls through the cracks. When the overseers don’t oversee, the powerful agencies can do whatever they want. Imagine that power in the hands of one man. This is just one reason we no longer have a king. But even without a king, unchecked power is just as tyrannical.

Listen to this edition of the KrisAnne Hall show on  YouTube

Kangaroo Courts And Kids That Get It

If you wish to be ignorant and free, you wish for what never was and never will be. I am educating your children…can we get educated together? Let’s celebrate the victories in Liberty together. Let’s declare the enemies and remove their authority. We can win this battle for Liberty, but we must be educated first! Let’s Roll

Listen to this edition of the KrisAnne Hall show on YouTube

One Town Disarmed

There is a compelling history that is not being told. The history of one governor and one city. The history of One Town Disarmed. If you don’t know this history, you might miss the call to defend Liberty. Let’s Get Educated…Let’s SEE the Truth.

You can listen to this edition of the KrisAnne Hall show on YouTube

2nd Amendment Debatable, Says Republican

Hear about a police lieutenant who declares that he is the master and any citizen who supports the second amendment is ant-American.  Hear about a Florida Republican who says support for the 2nd amendment is a debatable minority view.  Enemies of liberty want you to think you are alone and you are radical.  I am here to tell you that you are not, and I have proof.

Florida Will Be The New Connecticut


Do you Love this Country? Do you believe your right to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED?  Then FL needs YOU!  We don’t need another State to fall into line with anti-gun laws.  YOU could be NEXT!


16 States have already passed versions of this legislation!  But Republican Dane Eagle believes that when citizens demand protection for the 2nd Amendment, those citizens are “bullying” their so-called leaders.  Mr. Eagle, however has no problem being bullied by professional lobbyists, nor does he have a problem with politicians bullying citizens.

Rep. Dane Eagle (R) sponsored the 2nd Amendment Preservation Act in FL (HB 733).  This act says no State or local taxpayer funds can be used to enforce unconstitutional gun laws.  Mr. Eagle has now WITHDRAWN this effort to protect the 2nd Amendment in FL, calling Grassroots “INFANTILE” and siding with a pro-gun regulation lobbyist!


Dane Eagle needs to read my article “2nd Amendment for Dummies and Tyrants!”  Link here: http://bit.ly/Oi8AsD


Phone: (850) 717-5077
Email: Dane.Eagle@myfloridahouse.gov
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Dane-Eagle/155443277896065

 Rep. Eagle said in his letter to grassroots organizers that it is:

“infantile to suggest that [2nd Amendment preservation] is not a debatable position”

He then claims that the desire to secure our RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS is not only “infantile and debatable” but a “MINORITY OPINION” in America!

“and even perhaps a minority opinion, in America today”’


Dane Eagle then says he will not support HB733 because the grassroots have been too aggressive with their defense of the 2nd Amendment!  He would rather side AGAINST the people and WITH the LOBBYISTS!

Where does he get this opinion?  From a gun regulation lobbyist pretending to represent the interests of Gun Owners!  Florida NRA members need to know their organization has been infiltrated by a PRO GUN-REGULATION lobbyist who has opposed the 2nd Amendment Preservation Act from the beginning, declaring that it would affect federal “positive pro-gun legislation”.  Is THIS the position of the NRA, that the federal government has the ability to INFRINGE upon our right to keep and bear arms as long as it is “positive” gun legislation?  I THINK NOT!  I’m sure former NRA President, Charlton Heston, would BOLDLY tell you that the Feds have NO RIGHT to regulate guns, whether positive or negative.  Many other NRA Leaders have supported and helped pass this legislation throughout the US.  Florida’s NRA chapter is clearly not interested in doing the same, while one of our states is at this very moment being forcibly disarmed.  Mr. Eagle when WILL be the right time to stand?  When the federal agents are knocking on our door, like they soon will be in Connecticut?

Call the National NRA and let them know we DO NOT appreciate an infiltrator working against gun rights!

Phone: (800) 392-8683

In the spirit of Benjamin Franklin, it is time for American Gun Owners to STAND TOGETHER or we shall surely all hang separately!


From: Eagle, Dane [mailto:Dane.Eagle@myfloridahouse.gov]
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2014 3:12 PM
To: Grassroots email address removed for privacy
Cc: Caldwell, Matt; Fitzenhagen, Heather; Rodrigues, Ray
Subject: Withdraw of HB733

Members of the *******:

We pen this letter with great disappointment, as the purpose is to inform you that the “2nd Amendment Preservation Act” (currently filed as HB 733) has been withdrawn, and that the policy position will not be pursued in the 2014 Regular Session. The reason for this withdrawal is simple: the tactics and methods used by many grassroots supporters of this bill have unfortunately created an air of suspicion within the Capitol, suspicion that some advocates care less about the 2nd Amendment and more about causing divisions among like-minded people. The old adage, “We can disagree, without being disagreeable,” comes to mind.  We find it timely that Sen. Rand Paul just this week spoke to the issue of language and message regarding support of candidates and issues. The fact is, any chance this bill had for passage in 2014 is no longer realistic. We will no longer allow our names be attached to a bill that has been used as a vehicle to attack and create division amongst our allies.

Our fellow Republicans in the Legislature, believe, as you do, that the right of self-defense contained within the 2nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is an inviolable right, on par with the rights to speech, assembly, and worship contained in the 1stAmendment to the U.S. Constitution. These are inalienable rights granted to mankind by our Creator, and a law of man can neither rightfully abridge them, nor should they attempt to do so.

However, it would be infantile to suggest that this is not a debatable position, and even perhaps a minority opinion, in America today.  Right or wrong, there are numerous restrictions on these freedoms, at both the state and federal level. Any assumption that a challenge to this dynamic would be no more complex than the passage of a simple commemorative resolution demonstrates a gross under appreciation of the challenge.

Frankly, changing the current dynamic will require the conversion of our friends and neighbors with sweet words of collegiality, not the rude hammer of coercion by state power. Laws meant to protect our rights are meaningless if the majority of the citizenry care little for their protection. This is the challenge with which we believe the grassroots can most effectively assist.

As a further note, throughout the last several months, as we attempted to craft a bill which would meet your stated policy goals, conflict regularly arose between your supporters and Florida’s National Rifle Association and its leader, Ms. Marion Hammer. The fact is, the NRA and Ms. Hammer have been a champion for our 2nd Amendment rights for decades. While they are an independent group and able to provide their own defense, many of the protections we enjoy today in Florida come directly from their efforts. Inasmuch as the Legislature has been the vehicle for those accomplishments, we provide a short list for your consideration below:

 ~ PASSED – Nation’s first “shall issue” Right-to-Carry law
~ PASSED – Firearms Preemption to Stop Local Gun Control
~ PASSED – Right-to-Carry Reciprocity law
~ PASSED – Protection Against Expiration of CW Licenses for Active Duty Military
~ PASSED – Hunter Protection law
~ PASSED – Protection From Shooting Range Closures for Noise/ Nuisance
~ PASSED – Protection From Shooting Range Closures by Government Environmental Lawsuits
~ PASSED – Gun Manufacturer Lawsuit Protection
~ PASSED – Restoration of Castle Doctrine Protection
~ PASSED – Stand Your Ground Protection
~ PASSED – No-Net-Loss of Hunting Lands
~ PASSED – Hunter Voter Registration
~ PASSED – Right to Carry in National Forests
~ PASSED – Gun Registration Prohibition
~ PASSED – No Confiscation of Firearms During State of Emergency
~ PASSED – Penalties for Local Governments who violate Gun Rights
~ PASSED – Protection Against Doctors Violating Gun Owners Privacy Rights
~ PASSED – Numerous Fee Reductions for CW License Holders, etc.

 These protections of our rights did not come without considerable effort and their continued upholding will not come without a commitment to our principles; a commitment which we believe the majority of the Florida Legislature shares.

We hope that this message is received in the constructive manner with which it is intended.  We look forward to working on this issue in the future.

God Bless You and may God Bless the State of Florida.


Rep. Dane Eagle
Rep. Matt Caldwell
Rep. Heather Fitzenhagen
Rep. Ray Rodrigues



New Dogs, Same Tricks

Let me show what Kings of old did. Let me show you what made revolutions throughout history. Let me show you how Monarchies compare to Washington DC. Do you see anything in common. You might be surprised to see what Kings can and cannot do compared to what Presidents can and cannot do.

Because I Say So!

We have to be cognizant of the Tyranny around us in order to have a true understanding of Liberty. We will never become aware of tyranny unless we begin to question the assumed authority of the government. Today’s show may just challenge you. But, these are the times that try men’s souls…and these are the times to defend Liberty. If you do not question authority, how will you know if that authority is illegitimate? And if the truth is on your side, don’t just roll over like a slave! Take a stand. You cannot defend it if you cannot define it. Time to put Liberty First!

Listen to this edition of the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube


KrisAnne Hall Radio Show

KrisAnne speaks with the AUTHORITY and EXPERIENCE that many other hosts simply DO NOT HAVE. This Constitutional attorney with grassroots principles and bulldog tenacity will expose the attacks on Liberty being perpetrated by the government on both sides of the isle. Listen as she and her guests give SOLUTIONS and DIRECTIONS for restoring America and for saving our children from tyranny and bondage.

The KrisAnne Hall Show will give it to you straight. A scholar of the founders writings, a gifted teacher and a mother who is fighting mad, KrisAnne cuts through the bull and puts the truth on the bottom shelf. You will find out exactly what our founders wanted for us and exactly how we get it back.

You will not get this anywhere else. Not just talk. Not just complaints. No spin. As many in the grassroots movement all over the country already know, KrisAnne pulls no punches and is loyal to principles not parties. Not afraid to call out our celebrity politicians and point out tyrants wherever they are found. Listen and be armed with the truth, be empowered and learn how to FIGHT LIKE A GIRL!

Listen to the KrisAnne Hall Show Weekdays at 11:00 AM Eastern

We Own You

Today we will understand SOVEREIGNTY. What happens when the States give up their sovereignty to the federal government. How does that impact the individual? We MUST understand how this works, or we will be nothing but subjects to a Kingdom. What logic says that by moving a person to another geographic location (DC), he becomes smarter than the local population?

Listen to this edition of the KrisAnne Hall Show on  YouTube

A Man from Africa

liberty first krisanne hall conversation about liberty with an immigrantI took a cab to my hotel the other day. I like to talk to cab drivers. They always have a story to tell. My driver was a young man from East Africa – just south of the Sudan, he said.

I asked him how long he had been in the US. He answered 2 years. I then said to him, “I’d like to ask you a question, and please feel free to not answer.” He replied, “It’s ok. I will answer your question.” “Okay, you promised,” I said “just don’t change your mind later.” I then asked him WHY he came here. He was likely surprised that this was not a very intrusive question, given my initial comment. He replied, smiling, “I came here for better opportunities.” I wasn’t going to let him get away with such an easy answer, which was my intent from the beginning.

I then asked him, “Why did you think you would have better opportunities here? What was life like where you came from? What was everyday like for you in your country?” He began to tell me what life was like for him, growing up in East Africa. His first words were, “There is no Liberty.” (My heart smiled, He knows about Liberty!)
I asked, “How so?” He explained, “The government is in every aspect of your life, every day, and every minute. I always tell people that I came here for better opportunities because it is the easy thing to say. I don’t like to talk about the reasons.” I thought that was going to be the end of our conversation, but he continued.

“I did really well in school.” He said. “In our school we did not get grades like here, not A or B, but rank. How you did in school was not based on your performance, but based upon how you compared to other students. I always ranked 2 or 3 in my class. Even so, I could do nothing unless the government let me. If I had been here I could have done something. Instead, the government took me at 16 and made me serve in the Army. Everyone has to serve two years, but most don’t go until they are 18. But for me they took me at 16, I don’t know why. I served my two years and left the Army. They tried to get me to stay with promises- after two years it is voluntary- but I didn’t want to stay, I wanted to get out.”

I asked him why did he want to leave the Army? Didn’t they take good care of him, a place to live and food to eat? He replied, “A house and food was not a problem. We don’t have a famine where I am from. We have what we need in the urban areas. It is not the food that is the problem. It is the government that never lets you LIVE that is the problem. You cannot live your life because the government is in your life every day. I want to be an engineer, I want to go to college. I had to leave that government to LIVE.”

I then asked him, “Do you like being here? Are you happy?” He said, “Oh, Yes!, But…” My brow furrows, surprised at the “but”. He continued, “But I see people I know, people who don’t know their rights, it makes me want to know my rights. I came here for Liberty, but I don’t know what is allowed here. I got stopped by police the other day. It was a random stop. I didn’t break any laws. The police asked me for my ID. I thought at the time, do I have to answer his question? I didn’t know the answer to that question and it bothered me. I didn’t know that I could’ve asked him if I am being detained. I didn’t know that if I was not being detained I didn’t have to talk to him. I didn’t know this so I just did what he said. But I know now. I looked it up on the internet. I won’t let that happen to me again.” He then explained that he has been studying the Constitution and his rights in America. At this point I tell him who I am and what I do.

We had a great conversation. We were so involved in our discussion that he missed the exit for my hotel twice! I didn’t mind, our spirits were communing. I told him about my website and all the resources on it. He asked me to put my website into his phone. When he handed me his phone I got my final surprise. When I opened the browser on his phone, I saw that his last google search was on…

The Gadsden Flag!

I knew in my heart that this young man gets it!

When I travel and teach it is quite often the immigrants that come to me distressed and in tears; weeping over this nation. They came here to escape the very thing they see happening before their eyes.

America- if we cannot define Liberty, we cannot defend it. If we cannot define tyranny, we cannot defeat it.
If you wish to be ignorant and free, you wish for what never was and never will be.