The Cliven Bundy Siege

Citizens are under siege and under assault by federal forces in Nevada. Over what? Just what exactly is going on in Nevada? Is this an issue of Federal land vs. private land? Are there “gray areas”? What is the federal authority for land ownership? What are the rights of the people? What are the duties of the States? No punches pulled. No mincing of words. Just the framers, just the Constitution, and then what Congress says…Nothing but the facts.

Show Christmas

One Town Disarmed

History provides us with a valuable gauge to know how much tyranny has beset a nation and just how comfortable people are in their servitude. Are Americans immune to such maladies today? History proves the answer to that question to be a resounding “No.” Let us take a snapshot from history, however, and you can make the decision on your own.

The Boston Tea Party sparked a chain of events that would alter the face of the world forever. The British government had to act quickly and decisively to put an end to the uprisings in Boston. Parliament passed a series of acts, one which closed the port of Boston on 1 June 1774. Two additional acts, what we know as the Intolerable Acts, would be next. These three acts, together with the Quebec Act and the Quartering Act, are all together known as the “Coercive Acts.”

The driving force for the Coercive Acts, was another piece of legislation called the “Declaratory Act,” passed March 18 1766 which stated that Parliament “had, hath, and of right ought to have, full power and authority to make laws and statutes of sufficient force and validity to bind the colonies and people of America, subjects of the crown of Great Britain, in all cases whatsoever.” The British government had declared itself to be all powerful, and outside any criticism, punishable by a charge of treason and death. To put that in perspective, the government declared itself the power to make and enforce any law, and then wrote laws that gave the government the authority to enforce laws with armed force. This did not go well with the colonists.

In May of 1774 General Thomas Gage was appointed military Royal Governor over Massachusetts. Gage would become very aggressive in the efforts to control the colonist and subdue their “seditious” behavior. He was going to enforce the “Coercive Acts” upon the colonists whether they liked it or not.

Gage passed laws that forbade any town meetings without his approval and would only legally allow one town meeting a year. At one point he sent troops to disband and eliminate a crowd that had gathered in Salem, Massachusetts. The people, outraged at the display of force, responded by gathering over 3,000 armed colonists, causing Gage’s men to retreat. This would not be the end of Gage’s tyranny.

Gage was told by the King to get the colonists under control. But Gage did not have the force necessary to control the colonists, because the colonists outnumbered Gage’s troops and out-armed them, as well. Gage had the solution to his problem; take control of the gun powder and ammunition.

Early morning on September 1, 1774, Gage’s troops would seize hundreds of barrels of gun powder from the Charleston powder house. The colonists did not take this show of force lightly. By the end of the day over 20,000 armed colonists, aged 16 to 60, began to march their way to Boston. The colonists were sending a message, if the government was going to use the force of government to take their arms and powder, the colonist would take that to be an act of war! The colonists were now going to “ready themselves”.

Just five days after Gage’s act of war against the colonists, the militia of Worchester County took over their government from the rule of the King. Replacing all leaders appointed by the king with those selected by the people.

The same day in Suffolk County, the people gathered together, issued a list of nineteen grievances against the government, and then promptly took all control of the militia away from the Governor and vowed to have open arms training every single day. The First Continental Congress unanimously endorsed the Suffolk grievances and encouraged all other colonies to send aid to those in Boston.

Remember, only five days have passed since Governor Gage took the gun powder from one city in Massachusetts.

In response to the colonists stand against the government, Governor Gage ordered his men to conduct warrantless searches on the colonists seizing their arms and ammunition.

Lord Dartmouth, the Royal Secretary of State for America ordered Gage to disarm the people. Gage told Dartmouth that it would not be possible to control the colonists without force. Dartmouth then sent a letter to George III asking to have all import of weapons and ammunition to the colonies stopped. George fulfilled this request by requiring a permit for all exports of arms and ammunition from Great Britain and then refused to issue those permits.

The Boston Committee of Correspondence received information that the government was getting ready to seize all the ammunition, arms, and cannons from fort William and Mary, and the militia was able to take possession of these items before the government.

Parliament was getting really concerned. The reports they were receiving relayed that there were three million colonists, all armed and ready to defend themselves. They were certain that they did not have sufficient government force to subdue such numbers.

On March 23, 1775, Patrick Henry gave his famous “Give me Liberty or Give me Death” speech. Following that speech a committee was formed that issued the Resolutions of the Provincial Congress of Virginia. The Resolution read:

“Resolved, that a well-regulated militia composed of gentlemen and yeomen is the natural strength and only security of a free government, that such a militia in this colony would forever render it unnecessary for the mother country to keep among us, for the purpose of our defence, any standing army of mercenary forces, always subversive of the quiet, and dangerous to the liberties of the people, and would obviate the pretext of taxing us for their support.…
…Resolved therefore, that this colony be immediately put into a posture of defence: and that Patrick Henry, Richard Henry Lee, Robert Carter Nicholas, Benjamin Harrison, Lemuel Riddick, George Washington, Adam Stephen, Andrew Lewis, William Christian, Edmund Pendleton, Thomas Jefferson and Isaac Zane, Esquires, be a committee to prepare a plan for the embodying arming and disciplining such a number of men as may be sufficient for that purpose.”

General Gage had another plan, however. In the early morning of April 19, 1775, he would send out regiments of British soldiers to Lexington to capture Sam Adams and John Hancock, then on to Concord to seize gunpowder. But spies and friends of the colonists leaked word of Gage’s plan and the colonists were waiting. The rest, as we say, is history.

Although the people of Boston would not “win” this battle, the die was cast, the seed of Liberty had been sown and there was no turning back.

February 14, 1776 Thomas Paine would publish “Common Sense”. In this pivotal pamphlet, Paine references that day in April:

“No man was a warmer wisher for reconciliation than myself, before the fatal nineteenth of April 1775, but the moment the event of that day was made known, I rejected the hardened, sullen tempered Pharaoh of England for ever; and disdain the wretch, that with the pretended title of FATHER OF HIS PEOPLE, can unfeelingly hear of their slaughter, and composedly sleep with their blood upon his soul.”

Reconciliation with the king was no longer an option. Independence was their only solution. The people KNEW that the right to keep and bear arms was essential to the preservation of Liberty. They KNEW that if the government could disarm them, they would be like every other nation in Europe, subjects and slaves. They KNEW that independence from this tyranny was the ONLY way to ensure Liberty.
And what sparked this whole course of events?

One Governor took the arms and ammunition from one city in Massachusetts!

By the way, you can also hear and share the podcast where I talk about this subject here:

One Town Disarmed

AND if you want to set your liberal friends straight check out one of these:

2nd Amendment for Dummies and Tyrants

Shall Not Be Infringed


Resistance Is Required

Eric Holder shares with us EXACTLY what he thinks of Congress and their finding him in criminal contempt. The big question is this: Does Congress understand that their failure to act according to Article 2 section 4 and their failure to remove Eric Holder from office is the REASON this administration will continue to REFUSE to listen to Congress?

In the second half of the show we will learn that it is a Christian’s Duty to NULLIFY unlawful actions of our government. Christians are NOT required by Romans 13 to submit to evil government and Pastor Hall is going to share with us the Biblical TRUTH behind the Christians duty to CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE.

Listen to this edition of The KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

Speak Now Or Forever Be Enslaved

What is the biggest threat to your Liberty? Not overt laws, history dictates those rarely happen before the tyrants have total control. The biggest threat to your liberty is a self-censorship, a political correctness, or a sensitivity to what you say and what you do. When we can be convinced to censor ourselves, we then become our own worst enemy and we become slaves and never even know it. See HOW this is happening today.

There is a sneaky GUN CONTROL MEASURE looming around the corner we MUST be prepared to deal with.

We also need to see the hidden mechanisms of Amnesty that the MSM is missing as we dance over the victory of Reps pulling out of the Amnesty/NDAA deal.


Listen to this edition of The KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

No Guts In Congress

Political games in this election cycle, shocking, isn’t. The Obama administration publicly calls out Congress for its lack of action on executive orders and says since Congress doesn’t have the “guts” to stop him he will just keep doing it.

Congressional lack of fortitude also emboldens the EPA to use OUR money to experiment on citizens, even children…watch out…I foresee ANOTHER Congressional hearing, with no action of course.

Another Fort Hood shooting, in another gun free zone, by another unregistered weapon. What would Supreme Court Justice Stevens say about this? You might be surprised!

The Budget Fix

So much discussion in this “election term” about spending and budgets and the magic fix. Who has the solutions? Ryan? Nancy Pelosi? John Boehner? Would you like to know the simple solution to our debt problem? It is so simple. This solution would END debt spending with the very NEXT budget. Beware! if you sign on to this plan, you might be labeled an extremist, a radical, but this is the ONLY morally sound and Constitutionally compliant plan. Are you willing to give it shot?

Listen to this edition of the KrisAnne Hall Show on  YouTube

Successfully Lawless

Is ACA a success? You might be surprised by the TRUTH in this answer. It is the double standard that is really hurting America. When are we going to require our elected employees to follow the law? Why are we changing law to fit the lawless?

Listen to this edition of The KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

More Pens And Phones

More action from the man with the Pen and the Phone and you will not believe how we are being lied to and how we are going to be regulated next.  What can we do about this clear violation of our Constitution and limited and defined federal government?   The problems AND the solutions today.

Listen to this edition of The KrisAnne Hall Show on  YouTube

What is Liberty Worth to You?

What is Liberty worth to you? Is Prosperity more important? Is security more important? Those are the things your Representatives think you put over Liberty. Armed TSA. Paul Ryan says Amnesty is an inevitability. Governors disarming. Governors supporting quotas and police states. Is this what you expect YOUR government to look like? Perhaps we should look to our past for some REAL SOLUTIONS to our problems! Let’s Get Educated!

Listen to this edition of “The KrisAnne Hall Show” on YouTube

Do You Have a Choice?

Is Obamacare a Joke as Boehner professes? No Mr. Boehner, no joke to the Americans who have to pay penalties and are watching their employers lose coverage or even worse, losing their jobs. What is Obamacare? It is NOT a joke. It is NOT a failure. It is NOT incompetence. I will prove that to you.

Also on today’s show, Politico says $1 Billion in taxpayer dollars has been given to parents in the form of vouchers to send their children to Christian schools. Is that a victory for school choice? Hear what an investigative report by Politico tells us about vouchers and learn about a mistake we are repeating from 220 years ago.

Listen to this edition of the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube