What About The Important Things?

Are you tired of hearing about a Malaysian airplane, Sterling & the Clippers, or discrimination of sexual orientation?  Why don’t we talk about the fundamental principles of Liberty?  Why doesn’t that saturate our media experience like all the kitsch and drama we are so addicted to?  Lets get focused on some important issues…like the government’s destruction of our liberty.  We must define tyranny so we can defend Liberty!

Sowing Seeds of Liberty

th380x380I love being able to talk to people about our amazing heritage and the Liberty we’ve received from God. I’m always looking for the door to open so I can educate on these founding principles. I recently flew from Jacksonville, FL to Islip, NY. Sitting next to me was a very nice woman. You know her; she is your neighbor, your co-worker, your family member. She is the one that thinks this stuff is boring, government is working for our best interest, and if she just lives a quiet simple life everything will be ok.

I happen to be working on my new book and my computer must have caught her attention. She asked me if I was an author or an editor. *Knock, Knock* I laughed and told her both, because I publish my own books. She then asked me what kind of book I was writing. **The Door Swings Open!** I told her it was a history book that educates about today’s solutions to government problems. She asked me if I was a professor or if this was a text book. I told her all about the Liberty First mission; how I teach the history that has been buried, avoided, and rewritten. I explained how it’s our failure in knowing and learning from our history that has resulted in our current government crisis. She agreed with me that we haven’t been taught history properly and that our education system is lacking. I shared with her that in the last two years I have taught Supreme Court justices on the State level and men and women with Ph. D. degrees in American history, sociology, and political science who all confessed that they learned more in the first hour of my training than in their entire education. That is not bragging on me, that is an indictment upon our education system. She said she was surprised but not overly shocked.

I told her that I teach the history of the Constitution, where the principles came from, what they mean, how the Constitution is supposed to work, how we are not using these principles properly, and what we can do to fix the errors. She said that she was a dental hygienist and she didn’t know much about the Constitution, but didn’t think that it impacted her life very much. I told her that it was about to impact her life, through the Affordable Care Act. She immediately agreed and said that the Healthcare Act was making things very complicated at work. At this point I have her full attention and seize the opportunity to explain the “compelling governmental interest” effect and how the Affordable Care Act will allow the government to control every aspect of our life; from the food we eat to where we live and work. She is now looking at me wide-eyed. She turns her head back to her knitting and says, “Well, I’m sure it won’t get that bad.” I asked her if she was aware that the Conservative Republican House passed a bill in 2012 that put the Department of Homeland Security in charge of our farmer’s markets and backyard gardens. She threw her hands up into the air and said, “I don’t want to know any more!” But then she turned to me and said, “What do we do about this?”

I explained that I used to feel just like her, but then I realized that we are responsible for making sure our children and their children have their God given rights. I believe this level of government control will put my child in bondage. That is why I teach what I teach. I showed her how our framers warned us that if we didn’t defend our rights, we wouldn’t be the only ones to suffer. Alexander Hamilton said our “children’s children will curse us.” I don’t want to leave that kind of heritage. She looked at me very concerned and said, “neither do I.” She thanked me for my efforts and took information about my website and radio show. Will she go to my website? I have no idea. It is not my job to MAKE her learn, it is only my job to make her thirsty for knowledge.

I have planted a seed. Mission accomplished. But, I have now sent her to you. You can now take the opportunity to water that seed and watch it sprout. Will you pick up the watering pot and encourage her in this truth? Or will you allow this fertile ground to dry up through the wind of MSM propaganda and government created prosperity that breeds apathy? I am not focused on “fixing” politicians. Through experience it has become undeniable to me that politicians don’t want to hear from me and they don’t want to know the truth. My goal is to plant the seeds and watch the Roots of Liberty grow among the people. Together we the people can restore Liberty. Together we the people can save our children from bondage.

FL Gov Candidate Arrested

Listen to my interview with Adrian Wylie, candidate for governor in Florida, as he explains his stand against Real I.D., the biometric database connected to the Florida driver license. Are you comfortable with having to submit facial recognition data and numerous other personal data to get a driver license? Are you okay with potentially being tracked throughout your state wherever you go?

Listen to this edition of The KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

To Kill A Veteran

40 people die waiting for treatment at the Phoenix, AZ VA Medical Hospital.  This is NOT the exception to the rule, this is normal course of practice for the VA Medical System.   How do I know?  I am a disabled veteran.  I have my own story to tell.  Here is how the VA almost killed me three times in 48 hours.  What was my recourse?  NOTHING, because you can’t sue the VA unless you actually die.  What is the lesson to be learned?  THIS is Obamacare.   This will be what happens, but what you will NEVER hear about, when federal healthcare becomes the norm.   Fasten your seat belts.  Tyranny is always and fast and treacherous ride.

Listen to this edition of The KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

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Losing The First Amendment


The government will NEVER come out and repeal the 1st Amendment. They will never even suggest we modify or amend it. What they will do is declare that we are not “defining” it properly and they will happily provide us with that definition. We were warned this would happen in Federalist Paper 84. Alexander Hamilton, suggested that if we made a list of Rights, the government would use that list to destroy our liberty. He said, “What signifies a declaration, that “the liberty of the press shall be inviolably preserved”? What is the liberty of the press? Who can give it any definition which would not leave the utmost latitude for evasion?”

Let me repeat.They will not TAKE our 1st Amendment, they will simply “redefine” it. They will chip away at every opportunity while appealing to our sense of fairness, justice or simply to our emotions. MAKE NO MISTAKE that is what is happening now…

Headline: Dick Durbin: “What is Press? We need to ask 21st century questions about a document written 200 years ago.”

Headline: Diane Feinstein: “Only government approved journalists get 1st Amendment protection”

Headline: Tim Tebow open about his faith…critics crucify him.

Headline: Miami Dolphins fine player and send to sensitivity training for tweeting opinion about homesexuality.

Headline: FBI investigates protesters at Bundy ranch.

Headline: Mrs. Sterling must surrender her property because her HUSBAND makes racist comments.

It is NEVER an open attack. It will be done through manipulations and subversion. When your 1st Amendment is taken, they don’t cut out your tongue, chop off your hands, or imprison you…first.
No, first they CONVINCE you that your thoughts and speech are bad and the government must protect you, your religion is intolerant and must be silenced and your neighbor is a terrorist or racist and you are guilty by association. Then they get YOU to limit yourself. You then can be convinced that Slavery is Liberty, Evil is Good, and government is always working in your best interest. When they convince you to censor yourself, you are a slave and don’t even know it.
1st Amendment. Use it or lose it.

Why Do You Trust Them?

Do you feel safe with a Sheriff who wants the citizens disarmed? When the govt says gun control, they mean the govt has all the guns and is in total control. Will you feel safer if only the govt has guns? Is that liberty? Do you trust them to keep you safe? Do you trust them to hold officials like Lois Lerner and Eric Holder accountable? Do you trust them to take care of your money, as half the House GOP tries to give away money to foreign corporations and countries?

Listen to this edition of The KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

Brand New Hearing

ANOTHER Congressional committee?  Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is the very definition of insanity.  But don’t worry, Liberty is contagious, Liberty is alive, and Liberty is GROWING AND GOING GLOBAL!  We can have it here in the U.S. if our politicians would just UNDERSTAND their oath!

Listen to this edition of The KrisAnne Hall Show on  YouTube

Oligarchy Of Thieves


justice-ginsburghOur government has been infected by Federal Supremacists. They commonly assert that the Supreme Court has the power to ultimately interpret the Constitution through judicial review and therefore sovereignly determine the limits of the power delegated to the federal government. They sometimes assert that federal law itself is superior to the Constitution. In reality, the Supreme Court does not have the authority to limit or expand the power of government. Neither does Congress have the authority to pass a law that is contrary to the Constitution itself. To allow such action means that the Constitution has NO MEANING and the government has NO LIMIT.

The power being wielded against the states and the people is stolen power. It is power neither authorized nor delegated. Dear friends, this is NOT what a Constitutional Republic looks like…this is a KINGDOM of stolen power, an oligarchy of thieves.

Here are FIVE simple FACTS that must be taught to our Representatives, so they can honor their oath to support and defend the CONSTITUTION, rather than their politics of stolen power. Review these points and the words from our framers and ask yourself how much simpler can it be.

 FACT #1:The Constitution is a compact (contract) that must be legally interpreted using contract law. Contract law dictates that a contract is properly interpreted through the framers of the contract and their intent, i.e. the “meeting of the minds.”

“the powers of the federal government, as resulting from the compact to which the states are parties, as limited by the plain sense and intention of the instrument constituting that compact–as no further valid than they are authorized by the grants enumerated in that compact; and that, in case of a deliberate, palpable, and dangerous exercise of other powers, not granted by the said compact, the states who are parties thereto have the right, and are in duty bound, to interpose…” James Madison

“…the powers of the federal government as resulting from the compact to which the states are parties;” in other words, that the federal powers are derived from the Constitution; and that the Constitution is a compact to which the states are parties.” James Madison

 FACT #2: The federal government does not have the authority to determine the limits of federal power, since it is not a party to the compact but a creation of the compact.

“for the federal government to enlarge its powers by forced construction of the constitutional charter which defines them…so as to destroy the meaning and effect of the particular enumeration…the obvious tendency and inevitable result… would be, to transform the present republican system of the United States into an absolute, or, at best, a mixed monarchy.” James Madison

 FACT #3:The Supreme Court is PART of the federal government not OVER it and possesses no power greater than the executive or legislative branches.

“dangerous powers, not delegated, may not only be usurped and executed by the other departments, but that the judicial department, also, may exercise or sanction dangerous powers beyond the grant of the Constitution…must extend to violations by one delegated authority as well as by another–by the judiciary as well as by the executive, or the legislature…” James Madison

 FACT #4: To allow the federal government (i.e. SCOTUS) to determine its own limits is CONTRARY to the Constitution, to the principles of a Republic, and to the limited and defined nature of our government.

“The doctrine…which would vest in the General Government (it matters not through which department) the right of determining, exclusively and finally, the powers delegated to it, is incompatible with the…Constitution itself, considered as the basis of the Federal Union.” John Calhoun

 FACT #5: The federal government cannot write laws that are contrary to the Constitution.

“No legislative act, therefore, contrary to the Constitution, can be valid. To deny this, would be to affirm, that the deputy is greater than his principal; that the servant is above his master; that the representatives of the people are superior to the people themselves; that men acting by virtue of powers, may do not only what their powers do not authorize, but what they forbid.” Alexander Hamilton

“This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding.” Supremacy Clause

After review of these FACTS it is very difficult to accept the argument that we are simply subject to the federal government’s will and whim. These facts need to be shared far and wide. Shouldn’t we be able to rely on words of the “father of the Constitution” instead of the judges, lawyers, and politicians who have been taught that THEY are the supreme determiners of their own power?

Before you go, Check out the PODCAST Only A Lil’ Bit Lawless to hear about a conversation I had with a Congressman about this issue.

Liberty Or Security

“I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic;” We have Domestic Enemies telling us that we need to trade Liberty for Security. Can you identify these enemies when you see them? If we cannot, if we will not, we will soon have neither. Lets Get Educated!

Alternatively you can listen to “Liberty or Security” by KrisAnne Hall on YouTube

Florida Dreamin'



GOP Gov. Rick Scott and GOP-controlled Florida legislature has passed OVERWHELMINGLY in-state tuition for ILLEGAL ALIENS. The Bill was driven by GOP Leader Will Weatherford from Wesley Chapel. Illegal aliens will now be eligible for benefits traditionally reserved for citizens who possess legal residence in the state and which are not available for those from other states who are actual citizens. In other words Rick Scott and the Republican leaders of Florida have aligned themselves (again) with the progressive politics of the Obama administration. I mean really, why do we even need a Democrat party when the progressives can get the GOP to carry out the progressive agenda for the sake of political expediency (just to get votes)?

By the way, the bill violates federal law, Section 505 of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act, 8 U.S.C. § 1623. Hey Mr. Gaetz, I thought nullifiers should in your words “be shot or hanged”? Should we put you on suicide watch? Just asking… And oh yeah, it also violates the Florida DOE requirements for proof of residency. Class, can you spell lawlessness? Repeat after me, G – O – P.

The Florida Grand Ole Party in Tallahassee actually believes that the Hispanic community is going to vote for them (that’s 14%). What percentage of their base do you think they will lose after this stunt, not to mention some of the other shenanigans like arresting Sheriff Finch for supporting the second amendment? I bet they will lose more than 14% (as if they were going to gain ALL or ANY of the 14% anyway). But who cares about fanatics who believe that the rule of law is being swept away like yesterday’s dust at least, ThinkProgress is excited about this move, right Rick?.

This is not strong, principled leadership. This is pandering, plain and simple. This is lawlessness, just like the FEDs who choose not to enforce immigration law, but instead adjust the law to align with lawlessness and encourage MORE lawlessness. Is this what Gov. Scott meant by Let’s Get to Work? Let’s get to work assaulting the 2nd amendment? Let’s get to work pandering to the lawless? Let’s get to work throwing open the borders? Apparently the answer is yes, since Gov. Scott says he has ALWAYS supported this. I thought he was intent on attracting jobs, not attracting more illegal immigration. You think the immigration system is broken? Here’s why, the politicians spend every election cycle shredding the immigration laws. When their seat on high is on the line, some political operative convinces the politician that all the Hispanic Democrats are going to see your good will and run out and register with the Republican Party and vote you back into office. Perhaps the Rubio campaign is now advising Rick Scott and the Florida legislature. Oh well, I am sure Gov. Scott will have plenty of time to consider his re-election strategy after he is evicted from the governor’s mansion in few short months.

I hear many pundits talking about the great GOP victory that’s coming, despite the fact that they have no articulated vision for America other than “we don’t like Obama.” But rest assured, the one consistent talent the GOP has demonstrated is that it is incredibly adept at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. I suppose Florida is just trying to lead the way. A person would almost begin to think that some within GOP leadership are intent on moving the nation in a steady path to the left. Hmmm…