God Bless America?

GOD_BLESS_AMERICA2If you are a Christian you have an obligation to stand against oppression, dictators, and those who would deny you God’s gifts of Liberty.

If you are a Christian you have an obligation to God to NOT vote for the “lesser of two evils” even if that means you don’t vote at all. I KNOW that sounds controversial but see this:

Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of evil. 1 Thess 5:21-22.

Daniel when told he had to eat the King’s meat didn’t say “well I have to eat so I will choose the lesser of the unclean meat.” NO! He said I will not eat, I will starve. When Daniel was told he couldn’t pray, he didn’t say, “I will choose to pray very quietly so no one will know.” NO! He prayed PUBLICLY, 3 times a day! When Shadrach, Meshach, & Abednego were told to bow to the music, they didn’t say, “We will bow to the lesser of the evil music.” NO! They said “We might burn but we will not bow!” WHY did they do these things? Because they had FAITH and they KNEW that the Living God they served IS FAITHFUL. See how this message in Thessalonians ends…

Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of evil.
And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it. 1 Thess 5:21-24

FAITHFUL IS HE! Do you vote to please men or do you vote to please God? Do you vote because you fear men or do you vote because you fear God?

I believe that when we operate by FAITH, God is FAITHFUL to provide. When HIS people CONTINUE to vote the “lesser of two evils,” God must assume we are satisfied with evil and lets us have it. You are proclaiming to God that His good choice is NOT electable in this country…and I weep for our children!

Your choice to not vote for the lesser of two evils may mean you don’t vote at all. Does that make you uncomfortable? Perhaps God is wanting to see some faith and prayer. If you ABSTAIN from choosing evil then you will be BLAMELESS unto the coming of Christ. But if you choose evil, in what ever form, what is your accountability then?

I am BEGGING you dear Christian, why can’t we choose God? Why can’t we ABSTAIN from the lesser of two evils and BY FAITH wait on the good and faithful choice our God has for us?

If you continue to vote the lesser of two evils then YOU MUST STOP asking God to bless America. GOD CANNOT BLESS EVIL, not matter how you equivocate it.

Read about your GOD GIVEN RIGHT TO RESIST! http://bit.ly/1jOk8yP

An Oligarchy of Stolen Power

Federal Supremacists have infected every level of our government. They are in our local governments, our court systems and obviously at the federal level. It’s time we start a reeducation program and take back this country! If we do not, we only have ourselves to blame and our children will be the bearers of our negligence! Let’s Get Educated!

The Spirit of Liberty United

Final day at Camp Constitution and I interview a group of 20-somethings as to the state of this nation, the dilemma of the young conservative, and the solutions to our problems…all from the eyes of the young patriots!

Future Patriots

I am talking with Teenagers from Camp Constitution today. We would do well to listen to our young patriots. Hear their boldness, their concerns, and their hopes for the future. We can all learn how to be a better champion for Liberty!

The Root Of Evil

Special Edition of The KrisAnne Hall Show ~ Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne joined me on my Sunday show to discuss the CREATURE FROM JEKYLL ISLAND and a small group of dominant men elected by no one, who really control everything. You won’t hear this information in your church or on “main stream media”.

Let’s Get Educated!

A Little Rebellion

“I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical” Thomas Jefferson

Patriots are refusing to yield to despotic masters and arousing the consciousness of freedom. Now watch Liberty spread like a wildfire! Meanwhile the Republicans are still playing games. Question…did we trade a ruling King for ruling political parties? Take the Constitution exam given to my students this week by their Constitution Camp. How will you score?

Our Strength In Unity

Victory over government oppression in Marietta, CA! Obama mocking Congress…again, but is he right this time? Congress arresting Lois Lerner, really? What is REALLY important in Congress, and its NOT Liberty? All of these things today on the KrisAnne Hall Show. Lets Get Educated!

Guilt By Logo Association

The DOJ and the FBI are destroying the First Amendment and using Congressional funding and approval to do it. And now, according to a federal court, you are guilty until proven innocent and can be detained through guilt by association based upon a bumper sticker, tattoo, or logo…even if that logo is just the symbol of a music group.

Elected By No One!

School board denies federal funding and finds it will actually give them a $7,000 SURPLUS. School Board President says they won’t submit to rules established by Michelle Obama, since she was “elected by NO ONE!”

Of Foreign Influence

We MUST take a stand. We must stand on the foundation that built this great nation, we must stand on Liberty. If we fail to stand, then we will be ruled by foreign nations, John Adams gave us that warning. We are dangerously close to being ruled by the UN. They are coming through the back door. Will you stand and tell them to get out? Lets get educated.