Which Master Will Your Church Choose? God or Mammon?

Wake up churches, if you have a 501c3 the IRS is coming after you. In a court settlement, the IRS promised the Freedom From Religion Foundation they would actively enforce the IRS code on churches by creating a bureaucracy to actively investigate churches. Time to be Constitutional churches. Time to turn over your 501c3!

I Am Not Who I Was.

redeemedwsPhillipians 3:

2 Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision.

3 For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh.

4 Though I might also have confidence in the flesh. If any other man thinketh that he hath whereof he might trust in the flesh, I more:

5 Circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, an Hebrew of the Hebrews; as touching the law, a Pharisee;

6 Concerning zeal, persecuting the church; touching the righteousness which is in the law, blameless.

7 But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ.

Are you changed in Christ? Who WERE you before? Who ARE you now?

I was not born a Constitutionalist. I did not live my life with an inherent understanding of Liberty and what is necessary to defend it. I was a “dog and an evil worker.”

I was not raised a Christian. For some, these things will be a stumbling block, so you need to know from me.

I was raised a Democrat. The only thing more evil than Satan was a Republican in my home. There were no choices to be made in voting…straight Democrat party line was the only choice.

I was an environmentalist. An ardent environmentalist. Some of my best friends were members of Green Peace and I supported the WWF and PETA. I was a vegetarian by ideology, not for health reasons, for almost 15 years.

I believed in the “good” of scientific manipulations of food and the necessity of vaccines. Not only believed this, but helped create them when I was a biochemist for Monsanto.

I believed in Global Warming and defended it vigorously. I believed in the Big Bang and openly criticized those who believed in creationism as ignorant and misled.

I believed Government’s duty and purpose was to be a provider for the people. I supported programs that would give the government more control over the people. I even believed a One World Government was the best way to go to ensure “global peace.” I supported the principles of socialism, although I cannot claim to have known at the time it was socialism, per se, that I supported.

I supported abortion and often openly condemned others for being pro-life. I have argued with abortion protesters on street corners and called them names that I am not proud of.

I was not only not a Christian, but I practiced many other religions, including many occult versions. I was bitter against God and felt that only ignorant, weak people needed faith. I was too intelligent and too educated for such a feeble crutch. I was a persecutor of Christians.

I was not born with the knowledge that I have now. I did not wake up one morning with a divine epiphany. I traveled a long road. Learned some hard and painful lessons. My beliefs were challenged and I came to know the Truth.

I came to KNOW “Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” 2 Cor 3:17
This “creature” was “delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.” Romans 8:21
Now I “walk at liberty: for I seek thy precepts.” Psalm 119:45
And I am able to “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.” Galatians 5:1

All because one day God touched my heart and showed me just how much LOVE I can really know.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.” John 3:16-18

Are you changed? Can you stand steadfast in Liberty? If you aren’t, you can be. If you waiver, you can stand. You just have to find the proper foundation. That foundation is TRUTH. And HE is the Way!

“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” John 14:6

It’s just that easy.

A Word From a Converted Liberal. There is Hope.

liberty fb wsRight up front there are some things that I need to tell you about myself. I want you to know where I came from and how I got to where I am today. I don’t want to ever be accused of deception or dishonesty. So, in full disclosure:

I was not born a Constitutionalist. I did not live my life with an inherent understanding of Liberty and what is necessary to defend it. I was not raised a Christian. For some, these things will be a stumbling block, so you need to know from me.

I was raised a Democrat. The only thing more evil than Satan was a Republican in my home. There were no choices to be made in voting…straight Democrat party line was the only choice.

I was an environmentalist- a rabid environmentalist. Some of my best friends were members of Green Peace and I supported the WWF and PETA.  I beleieved the earth would be better off without humans.  I was a vegetarian by ideology, not for health reasons, for almost 15 years.

I believed in the “good” of scientific manipulations of food and the necessity of vaccines. Not only believed this, but helped create them when I was a biochemist for Monsanto.

I believed in Global Warming and defended it vigorously. I believed in the Big Bang and openly criticized those who believed in creationism as ignorant and misled.

I believed Government’s duty and purpose was to be a provider for the people. I supported programs that would give the government more control over the people. I even believed a One World Government was the best way to go to ensure “global peace.” I supported the principles of socialism, although I cannot claim to have known at the time it was socialism, per se, that I supported.

I supported abortion and often openly condemned others for being pro-life. I have argued with abortion protesters on street corners and called them names that I am not proud of.

I was not only not a Christian, but I practiced many other religions, including many occult versions. I was bitter against God and felt that only ignorant, weak people needed faith. I was too intelligent and too educated for such a feeble crutch.

I was not born with the knowledge that I have now. I did not wake up one morning with a divine epiphany. I traveled a long road. Learned some hard and painful lessons. My beliefs were challenged and I came to know the Truth.  Now I am a true constitutionalist. I have written 6 books about the Constitution and Liberty. I have a radio show heard by 2 million people evey week. I teach the Constitution all over America and even started my own online training program called “Liberty First University.”

I am able to stand firm on what I believe because I have discovered the difference between truth and lies. I am able to defend the truth because I walked the path. I can show you my path of discovery, and to be guaranteed it is not tied to any political motivation or personal gain…unless you call the liberation that comes from knowing the truth in the face of lies, a personal gain.

So when someone says to you…”Did you know that person used to be associated with this or that group or used to believe this… How can you possibly believe him now?” Remember this story.

It is good to question someone’s “transformation”. You SHOULD do that. If they cannot show you that path, step by step, you should question their motivations.

But do not discount someone’s current position just because of who they USED to be or who they USED to associate with or what they USED to believe. Sometimes it is NOT a selfish or deceptive motivation, but a path to enlightenment.

Do you have a family member who is a progressive?  Do you have a co-worker that is hostile to the truth?  Don’t give up hope!  We have an obligation to bring the truth.  When truth is the enemy or the source of hostile response, you know for sure that someone is afraid they are believing lies!  Their foundation is being rocked, so keep on rocking!  Keep shining that light.  Keep walking a consistent walk.  Saint Francis of Assisi said, “All… should preach by their deeds.” Let your deeds be Truth, let your walk be Liberty.

Remember, we all had to wake up somehow.  All you have to do is take the first step to truth and then Walk Away from the lies.

I Am Not Ashamed

not-ashamedwsPsalm 119

1 Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the Lord.
2 Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and that seek him with the whole heart.
17 Deal bountifully with thy servant, that I may live, and keep thy word.
18 Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law.
28 My soul melteth for heaviness: strengthen thou me according unto thy word.
29 Remove from me the way of lying: and grant me thy law graciously.
30 I have chosen the way of truth: thy judgments have I laid before me.
22 Remove from me reproach and contempt; for I have kept thy testimonies.
23 Princes also did sit and speak against me: but thy servant did meditate in thy statutes.
24 Thy testimonies also are my delight and my counselors.
36 Incline my heart unto thy testimonies, and not to covetousness.
37 Turn away mine eyes from beholding vanity; and quicken thou me in thy way.
45 And I will walk at liberty: for I seek thy precepts.
46 I will speak of thy testimonies also before kings, and will not be ashamed.
75 I know, O Lord, that thy judgments are right, and that thou in faithfulness hast afflicted me.
76 Let, I pray thee, thy merciful kindness be for my comfort, according to thy word unto thy servant.
77 Let thy tender mercies come unto me, that I may live: for thy law is my delight.
78 Let the proud be ashamed; for they dealt perversely with me without a cause: but I will meditate in thy precepts.

Walking in liberty is walking in the way of God. It is understanding that Liberty is a gift from God. It is knowing that God is the giver of knowledge, bounty, and peace. But it is also knowing that God is a God of righteous judgement. Living with God’s gifts and bounty always requires a responsibility. “For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required:” Luke 12:48 Will you SPEAK of God’s testimonies before Kings and not be ashamed?

This is not a declaration that the Psalmist will “believe”, or “know”, or “understand.” It is a declaration of ACTION…


We lose this walk toward Liberty because we are unwilling to act, unwilling to declare, unwilling to SPEAK, so generations FORGET. To teach and remember where our Liberty comes from we MUST SPEAK!

Our founders knew this, yet we have forgotten. Listen to the wisdom of Thomas Jefferson:

“The God who gave us life gave us liberty. Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God?”

Perhaps Jefferson was remarking on the understanding that Liberty as a gift from God requires a sense of responsibility. “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33

Do you cling to God’s word? Do you seek His understanding? Do you walk after God? If not, then you cannot walk at Liberty. The next question will be, do you know that our God is a God of righteous judgement? Thomas Jefferson knew this; this is what he said:

“Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, that his justice cannot sleep forever.”

I find it no coincidence that our Right to Free Speech is codified in the same Amendment as our Right to Freedom of Religion. As Christians we have a duty to walk at Liberty, to seek FIRST the kingdom of God and His righteousness and then we must SPEAK! Today is a day to review my path. What am I walking toward? What makes me ashamed? I should always be walking toward Liberty. I should never be ashamed of the gifts of God.

Here is my prayer from this psalm:
124 Deal with thy servant according unto thy mercy, and teach me thy statutes.
125 I am thy servant; give me understanding, that I may know thy testimonies.
132 Look thou upon me, and be merciful unto me, as thou usest to do unto those that love thy name.
133 Order my steps in thy word: and let not any iniquity have dominion over me.
134 Deliver me from the oppression of man: so will I keep thy precepts.
135 Make thy face to shine upon thy servant; and teach me thy statutes.

Seal the Borders. Preserve the Constitution. Preserve Liberty.

I was contacted by concerned citizens in Texas to write a letter to Governor Rick Perry. This is not a Texas border crisis. This is a NATIONAL border crisis. We must express our discontent for the negligence of our governors in their refusal to ACT. Let us work together to secure Liberty!

This Is How Liberty Dies!

What Are We Doing America? Is Liberty a threat to National Security? Our government is arming our enemies while claiming that we shouldn’t know about the secret process they use to place you on a SECRET WATCHLIST…. because it would pose a threat to National Security. Arming our enemies doesn’t pose a threat to national security, but you knowing what our government is doing DOES? Makes you wonder who they think the enemy is!

Let’s Get Educated!

Ignoring The Constitutional Remedy

The House is moving forward with an Unconstitutional Remedy to a Constitutional Crisis! And applauding themselves for such a BOLD MOVE! You are being duped by an ignorant and spineless Congress. Let’s Get Educated And Hold Them Accountable!

Seal the borders. Preserve the Constitution. Preserve Liberty.



governors wsI was contacted by concerned citizens in Texas to write a letter to Governor Rick Perry.  This is not a Texas border crisis.  This is a NATIONAL border crisis.  We must express our discontent for the negligence of our governors in their refusal to ACT.   Let us work together to secure Liberty.  Lets make a NATIONAL campaign to send this letter not just to Gov. Rick Perry, but EVERY governor in this Republic.  Send it once.  Send it twice. Send until the borders are sealed and the States are enforcing the law and securing Liberty!  My prayer is that this letter floods this land so this truth cannot be ignored or denied.  It is time for We The People to remove our consent of these dangerous and unlawful acts of government!

July 25, 2014

Dear Governor Perry,

This border crisis is the perfect opportunity to operate as a State should operate and be on the forefront of limiting an out of control federal government.  As Governor, you not only have the power, but you have the obligation to the people of Texas to get the borders secured immediately.  Governor Perry, please allow me to reinforce your desire to secure the Liberty of the people of Texas with a few Constitutional and historical facts.

On July 2, 1776, when the Continental Congress ratified the Lee Resolution, the framers of this union created 13 Independent Sovereign States.  This is very clearly written and then repeated in the text of the Declaration of Independence published on July 4, 1776.  The relevant portion reads:

“That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do.”

Your power as Governor is derived from the nature of the creation of these States in 1776.  Texas is a Free and Independent State, with no different power than the “State of Great Britain.”  In 1776 there was no central government and the creation of the States by the people vested the States with the same power as all other sovereign governments on the globe.  The formation of the Constitution did not eliminate the states’ sovereignty and the Tenth Amendment confirms that.

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.” Tenth Amendment

We must take notice that the powers are “delegated” to the central government “by” the Constitution.  Understanding that the States were vested with the “full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do” in 1776, the power delegated to the central government via the Constitution had to come from the States.

The word “delegation” legally means “the entrusting another with a general power to act for the good of those who depute him.” (See Black’s Law Dictionary)  When a power has been “delegated” it is not permanently surrendered.  When the one “entrusted” with that power fails to act in that trust, the power reverts to the delegator.  The federal government has been “entrusted” with the power to secure the borders of our country “for the good of” the States.  The federal government’s abject failure to do so means that power and responsibility reverts to the States.

You do not have to sue the federal government to do their job.  You do not have to petition them any longer.  Their failure means that you now have the power and the obligation to secure those borders for the security of the people of your State.

Texas Senator Dan Patrick admitted on the Laura Ingram Show that illegal immigrants are coming into Texas in greater numbers than people born in Texas.  He gave some very alarming and disturbing numbers regarding the number of criminals that are coming across the border.  Governor Perry, you have the power to stop this.  You have the duty to the people of Texas and to the other States in this union to stop this.  We are glad that you are mindful of the eternal consequences, and that you are doing the right thing.  You have the power, and that will only be disputed by those who wish to enslave your people and deny the States their rights.

Our prayers are with you, Governor Perry.  We are praying that you continue to do the right thing; the right thing for the people of Texas, for the people of the United States, and for the Constitution.  The state of this nation and the Liberty of the people lie in your hands.  Please help us defend liberty for our children and the future of Liberty around the world.  Seal the borders.  Preserve the Constitution.  Preserve Liberty.  May God lead you and guide you.  May God have mercy on this country and the State of Texas.


KrisAnne Hall
Founder, Constitutional Education & Consulting, Inc.

Electing Insanity

Congress will vote on whether they will sue the President or not. Yes you heard me right, they want to sue the President. You have to go to Congress to get that stupid. So we are going to vote to sue the President, lets look at all the stuff that Congress will and won’t vote for and lets see just how much our representatives are working for us. Let’s get educated!

Show Koerner

A Patriot's Guide

my-country-tis-smPsalm 112

1 Praise ye the Lord. Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord, that delighteth greatly in his commandments.

2 His seed shall be mighty upon earth: the generation of the upright shall be blessed.

3 Wealth and riches shall be in his house: and his righteousness endureth for ever.

4 Unto the upright there ariseth light in the darkness: he is gracious, and full of compassion, and righteous.

5 A good man sheweth favour, and lendeth: he will guide his affairs with discretion.

6 Surely he shall not be moved for ever: the righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance.

7 He shall not be afraid of evil tidings: his heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord.

8 His heart is established, he shall not be afraid, until he see his desire upon his enemies.

9 He hath dispersed, he hath given to the poor; his righteousness endureth for ever; his horn shall be exalted with honour.

10 The wicked shall see it, and be grieved; he shall gnash with his teeth, and melt away: the desire of the wicked shall perish.

Saint Francis of Assisi said, “All… should preach by their deeds.” What are you preaching? Contradiction or Liberty? Government dependence or Trusting God? I find it very informative that verses 7 & 8 say, “He shall not be afraid of evil tidings: his heart fixed, trusting in the Lord His heart established, he shall not be afraid, until he sees his desire upon his enemy.” and the Psalm concludes by saying, “The wicked shall see it, and be grieved; he shall gnash with his teeth, and melt away; the desire of the wicked shall perish.”

First, Trust in the Lord. Then you will not fear what ever evil man may have to dish out.

Second, it is the responsibility of the INDIVIDUAL to engage in lending and charity, NOT government. This is not a guide for government this is a guide for MEN. The scripture says to render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s. Not render unto Caesar what is my service to my neighbor. Charity is a MORAL obligation not a political obligation. Our churches and our Christians have become confused on this issue. This Godly obligation has been delegated to government making our Christians and our churches LAZY and DEPENDENT upon government instead of trusting and relying on God. It is our duty as Christians and good Patriots to take care of our brother, not the obligation of government.

Lastly, our actions determine the results. If we do not trust in the Lord, If we do not operate under this guide, how can we ever expect to see the results we desire? We end up putting government in charge of our moral obligations, trusting government for a work and service to be done through man by the provision of God. We determine government to be our provider, instead of God. If our deeds are NOT as Christians should be, then the enemies will NOT see our strength, they will NOT be grieved, and they will NOT melt away. We WILL be afraid, our hearts will NOT be established. We will NOT see the victory we are promised.

Therefore, until we, as Christians AND pastors, start “preaching” to trust God MORE and rely LESS on government, we are as spoiled children expecting our Father to make things right, when continue to live wrong.

1 Praise ye the Lord. Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord, that delighteth greatly in his commandments.

2 His seed shall be mighty upon earth: the generation of the upright shall be blessed.

3 Wealth and riches shall be in his house: and his righteousness endureth for ever.

4 Unto the upright there ariseth light in the darkness: he is gracious, and full of compassion, and righteous.

You cannot serve God and mammon; You cannot have victory over the enemies of God’s gifts, unless you are willing to put your service in the right direction. We must defend the gifts of God, not fighting to maintain the gifts of government. If people fought as hard for Liberty, truly a gift from God, as they do to maintain social security, welfare, and other government programs, we wouldn’t be in the mess we are in today.