Restoring The Paradigm

Government operates ONLY by our consent. So why do we consent to such tyranny? It has to do with understanding authority…the difference between stolen authority, assumed authority, and legal authority. If we don’t want to stand against stolen authority, we should just lay down and accept our chains. It’s time to get educated and be free.

Did SCOTUS Just Nullify?

The Supreme Court and Gay Marriage…the Liberty perspective. Let’s get Educated!

An Employment Litmus

Are you tired of hiring unqualified candidates? Let’s develop an appropriate “application” that our candidates MUST complete so we can determine if they are qualified or not. Lets get educated and qualified candidates for a change.

Alternatively you can listen to this edition of “The KrisAnne Hall Show” on YouTube

The Evils Of Foreign Influence

We MUST take a stand. We must stand on the foundation that built this great nation, we must stand on Liberty. If we fail to stand, then we will be ruled by foreign nations, John Adams gave us that warning. We are dangerously close to being ruled by the UN. They are coming through the back door. Will you stand and tell them to get out? Lets get educated.

The Right to Alter or Abolish In Action

Today I am interviewing the spokesman for the State of Jefferson movement to split the State of California into two separate States! Fascinating stuff and its completely CONSTITUTIONAL! Listen and get Educated. Might just be a good plan for a few more States! Find out more at: www.JeffersonState.Com

And just a quick editorial note, Mark mentions Montesquieu as the author of Democracy in America, I’m sure it was just a slip but I wanted you to know it was actually Alexis de Tocqueville.

And Then There's Agenda 21

My special guest is Debbie Bacigalupi, expert on Agenda 21 and speaker across the nation. She got fed up with government control in California and decided to make a difference. Contact her at and Let’s Get Educated!

Building An Enemy?

Special guest interview with Doyel Shamley CEO of Veritas Reasearch Consulting. A real conservation group fighting to restore property rights to the people and their States, kicking out the feds! Find him at

Alternatively you can listen to this edition of “The KrisAnne Hall Show” on YouTube

Michigan Public High School Conducts Islamic Call To Prayer, Chooses Islamic "Buraq" as Mascot….

buraq horse originalMichigan Public High School conducts Islamic Call To Prayer, Chooses Islamic “Buraq” as Mascot….

Yesterday, after band practice, this Michigan highschool held an Islamic call to prayer.  The School also announced, that since the majority of their students are Muslim, they will be changing their school mascot to the Islamic Buraq which is the horse that carried the prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Jerusalem and back during the Isra and Mi’raj or “Night Journey.”

The school will be changing out all their sports uniforms and campus materials to reflect this change.  The expected price tag will cost the taxpayers about $250,000- $500,000 per year for the next 3 years.  Parents are outraged that their children will be forced to display these Islamic symbols on their uniforms and school material.  The attorney for the school district is confident that their choice of mascot will be upheld in court.

How do YOU feel about that?  Are you outraged that this public school would display Islamic symbols and force their children to accept and display them, too?

Guess what…the above story…NEVER HAPPENED.

cross-Arkansas-StatewsBUT if Christians keep demanding that Christian symbols be placed on public school uniforms and Christian Bible verses be published, displayed  and funded BY the public schools, then this is EXACTLY what you will see.

Read this article:

If Christians keep demanding that Christian activities like baptisms take place in government schools, then this hypothetical story WILL be reality.

Read this article:

Christians cannot permit government to teach the God of Christianity.  If government teaches the God of Christianity, it must teach the god of Buddhism, Hinduism, Satanism, and every other “ism” on the planet, because all members of society pay taxes to fund government schools.

“…that to compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves is sinful and tyrannical; that even the forcing him to support this or that teacher of his own religious persuasion is depriving him of the comfortable liberty of giving his contributions ” (Act For Establishing Religious Freedom, Thomas Jefferson, 1786)

If Christians want their children to be taught of God, they need to put their children in a Christian school that will teach God the way the BIBLE wants God to be taught.  Government schools cannot teach that. What government would willingly teach their citizens that they are in submission to a higher power; that God is the provider and baptismprotector, not government?  No government would teach that, it is contrary to the existence of government!  Government will teach that government knows best, that government can provide all your needs and wants, that government can protect you from all your fears, they just need you to submit to their power.  If Christians send their children to Christian schools, it is so they will get an education and learn to love God.   Why are we so shocked that when we send our children to government schools they get an education and learn to love government?

The principle of RELIGIOUS LIBERTY says that government cannot choose, prefer, or show favor to one religion over the other.  So if you want your PUBLIC SCHOOLS to not have Islamic, Satanic, Buddhist, etc symbols, then you MUST STOP demanding Christian symbols.

If the Christian’s faith is reduced to the display of symbols, then we have big problems because that is IDOLATRY and wicked.  The Christian faith should not be reduced to relying on government to do the job of the church or relying on government to be their god.

Here is the REAL stunning truth:  Your students have a right to pray at school.  Your students have the right to read and study their Bibles at school.  Your students have the right to talk to each other about their faith.  A government school CANNOT do those things unless they cover ALL RELIGIONS EQUALLY.

But if we keep pushing the public schools to choose, we are very soon going to be in a situation where the schools will choose to silence ALL religious speech.  Then our students will have no voice because the schools will decide NO RELIGIOUS expression is better than dealing with all religious expression.  The courts will support this decision.  Where will we be then?

“For myself, I fully and conscientiously believe that it is the will of the Almighty that there should be a diversity of religious opinions among us. It affords a larger field for our Christian kindness…”  (Thomas Paine, Common Sense, 1776)

Pragmatic Despotism

FBI is mad over encrypted phones and say we should make it easy for them “to do their jobs.” Obama’s pen and phone will train and arm 1,500 illegal aliens in our military and they are specifically recruiting illegals that speak Persian Farsi. Property ownership, is it real or illusion? All these things today…so Let’s Get Educated!

Arming Aliens

Media is talking about ATF Form 4473 but they are missing the big picture. It’s not about race…it’s about GUNS in the hands of aliens. Let’s take a REAL look at this form and what Eric Holder has done to arm known terrorists in America.