Here’s the application in PDF format for download
Are we tired of electing unqualified people to office? Are we tired of electing people to office and having them forget WHO they work for? Are we tired of the government not only ignoring the Constitution but destroying it with their ignorance, apathy, and malice? Perhaps its time we start treating these people like EMPLOYEES so they will stop acting like royalty!
With this frustration and the need for solutions in mind, I have developed the following job application that must be completed BY ALL LEVELS OF GOVERNMENT; federal, State, County, City, School Board, and Sheriff. If they refuse to complete the application we must withhold monetary support, endorsements, and refuse to elect them to office, no matter which party they claim loyalty.
~We have no right to complain if we refuse to take back control.~

We The People Employment Application
THIS APPLICATION IS NOT AN EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT, but merely is intended to evaluate suitability for employment. It is the policy of We The People to provide equal employment opportunity to all qualified persons without discrimination on the basis of sex, race, color, religion, age, marital status, national origin, citizenship, disability, sexual orientation, veteran status, or any other status protected under state and federal law. It is also the policy of We The People to have the option of conducting pre-employment screening before a job offer is made. If a job offer is made, continued employment may be contingent upon proper defense of the Constitution, Rights, and Liberties of the People. Knowledge and understanding of the US Constitution is essential for all positions at all levels.
Name: Last: ___________________ First: _____________________ Middle: __________________________
Social Security #: _________________ Home Phone: ______________ Work Phone: ____________________
Please list below your current address and your two other most recent addresses:
Current/Street: ________________________City: __________State: ____ZIP: _______Since (Mo/Yr): _____
Street: ________________________City: __________State: ____ZIP: ______From _____To ______
Street: ________________________City: __________State: ____ZIP: ______From _____To ______
High School Attended: ________________________City/State: ________________Graduated? Yes No
(Undergraduate College, Graduate School, Certification Class)
Please answer all of the following questions. When necessary, note question number and use an extra sheet of paper to provide explanations.
- Yes ____No ____ Are you a natural born citizen of the United States? If the answer is “Yes,” proceed to Question #3. Answering “NO” will preclude you from certain representative offices by law.
- Yes ____No ____ Are you a legally naturalized citizen of the United States? Answering “NO” will preclude you from certain representative offices by law.
- Yes ____No ____ Do you understand who your boss is? Who?__________________
- Yes ____No ____ Do you hold any loyalty, bond, or affection toward any foreign country or territory?
- Yes ____No ____ Have you ever been discharged or asked to resign from a job? If yes, please explain:
- Yes ____No ____ Have you ever been convicted of or pled guilty to a felony or other crime? If yes, please explain, (feel free to use additional sheets of paper as necessary):
Answering the following questions is required to complete this job application. Failure to answer these questions will result in an incomplete application and will disqualify you as a candidate for the applied position. YOU MUST answer all of the following questions. When necessary, note question number and use an extra sheets of paper to provide explanations.
1. Yes ____No ____ Does the Federal government have the “right” or the “authority” to take away your individual rights? Explain your answer:
2. Where do our individual rights come from?
3. What is the role of government in the lives of “free citizens?”
4. What will be your primary duty and obligation to the Constitutional and the people who hire you?
5. What was the legal compact (contract) between the 13 Independent States that created the Federal Government?
6. Yes ____No ____ Does the Supremacy Clause in Article VI of the US Constitution give the Federal Government and the Supreme Court the ultimate power to determine the Constitutionality of any law passed by Congress? Explain your answer:
7. Yes ____No ____ Do the States have the authority to limit the federal government to its Constitutional boundaries? Explain your answer:
8. Yes ____No ____ Would you support a federal law that defines the General Welfare Clause based on the “Original Intent of our Founders?” Explain your answer:
9. Why does the Bill of Rights include the 9th and 10th Amendments? Explain each and why they are both part of the US Constitution.
10. What does the “well-regulated militia” phrase mean in the Second Amendment?
11. What does “shall not be infringed” mean?
12. In your opinion, what are 2 current examples of the most egregious Federal overreach to Constitutional powers and what is your proposed remedy to each?
13. What training have you had to properly understand the US Constitution? (Law School doesn’t qualify as training for employment purposes)
14. Many believe the US Constitution is a living, breathing document. What is your view and why?
15. Describe what guides your moral compass.
16. Name three primary principles from the US Constitution that will guide you as our representative? Explain.
17. What is your understanding of “State Sovereignty?”
18. In your opinion what is the most important clause in the Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights?
19. Yes ____No ____ Would you support the repeal of the 17th Amendment? Explain your answer:
20. Have you read these primary source documents from our nation’s founding?
1100 Charter of Liberties____ Magna Carta ____ The Petition of Right of 1628____
The Grand Remonstrance____ Bill of Rights of 1689____ US Declaration of Independence _____
The US Constitution____ The Original Federalists Papers______ The Original Anti-Federalist Papers ______
21. Yes ____No ____ Do you agree to have your answers published for public review?
- I understand that I may submit a copy of my resume’ and that by submitting a resume’ I understand that it will be used only as supporting and additional background information. A resume is not an authorized substitute for a completed employment application.
- I understand that if I should choose to complete only a portion of the required employment application that the information submitted may not be enough information from which to base any determination on, and, as a result, my application may not receive full consideration for employment.
- I authorize the investigation of all statements contained in this application and release from all liability any persons or employers supplying such information, and I also release We The People from all liability that may result from making background investigations.
- I certify that the facts and information set forth in this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any falsification, misrepresentation, or omission of facts on this application (or on any required documents) will be cause for denial of employment or immediate termination of employment, regardless of when or how discovered.
- I agree, if I am offered and accept a position, to conform to all existing and future workplace rules, regulations, policies and procedures of We The People and the Constitution of the United States.
- I understand and agree that We the People reserves the right to change any wage, hours of work and working conditions, in its sole discretion, at any time, as deemed necessary.
- I understand the employment relationship will be At Will, meaning that either party can end the employment relationship at any time, and for any reason, or no reason, through legal recall process, removal from office, or through proper elections.
- I understand that any employment offer is contingent upon my providing proof of identity and eligibility to work within the United States, prior to consideration of this application.
- I have read and reviewed the information contained in pages 1 through 3 of this employment application, and these 8 statements.
By signing this employment application I certify that I understand all of the information requested and that I have provided information that is truthful, complete and accurate.
__________________________________________ _____________________________
(Applicant Signature) (Today’s Date)
h/t to Florida Citizens’ Alliance for the encouragement and participation in the crafting of this document.