Sovereign Duty (eBook)
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An inspiring interview with Barbara Samuells. A one woman Liberty machine who is inspiring people of all ages to stand for Religious Liberty!
Alternatively you can listen to this edition of “The KrisAnne Hall Show” on YouTube
Jeh Johnson has state on the record, under oath that he is incompetent in matters of the Constitution. So now that we know that, what will Congress do about it? Also watch for a new bill that will allow the FDA to raid homes who make their own soap. All in the name of National Security!
Listen to “DHS Secretary Admits Incompetence” by KrisAnne Hall on YouTube
Time to stop holding up women who whine and complain about a war on women. Time to start supporting women who war for Liberty.
Alternatively you can listen to “Hillary is not my Hero” by KrisAnne Hall on YouTube
Time to turn in your federal party card and get back focused local. Time to stop the trickle down tyranny and demand that our States and local governments preserve our Liberty!
Alternatively you can listen to “Guns and the Local Solution” by KrisAnne Hall on YouTube
While riots continue in Baltimore, Congress is spending and hiding that spending, Congress is creating more regulations and bureaucracy, and people are begging for more government control. While Baltimore Burns, Liberty dies.
John Doe Warrants. Warrantless Raids is what they should be called. Wicked and immoral is what they really are. But why do they happen? In a moral and educated society, they wouldn’t. Time to Rise and Shine.
Alternatively you can listen to “John Doe Warrants: Tyranny in Wisconsin and America” by KrisAnne Hall on YouTube
Guns don’t kill people, they save people. Why do we take greater offense at the government seizing our guns than their taking our children? We have entered into an age where the government truly believes they own our children and we are apparently ok with that.
Alternatively you can listen to the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube
Today we will discuss the necessity to defend offensive speech, even hate speech. We will then rescue the Lexington/Concord truth from the History Channel revisionists! No one ever said Liberty was easy.