The Reasons Why We Must Resist Big Government

Today is the 800th Birthday of the Magna Carta. Studying this history tells us exactly why our Constitution is relevant today and why we should be resisting every governmental action contrary to the Constitution is a requirement to preserve Liberty!

TPA: International Executive Orders

Because Executive Orders have worked out so well for us at home, Congress is trying to push the same authority for international agreements. Isn’t that great? That is exactly what TPA is, International Executive Orders, even the “experts” admit it. So why are our Congressmen so stupid to repeat that mistake?

A Town Who's Had Enough

John Day, Oregon in Grant County Oregon has had enough of federal rule, enough of federal control, enough of federal theft of their land, their lives, and their Liberty and they have a Sheriff who is willing to defend them in their stand against tyranny.

Alternatively you can listen to “A Town Who’s Had Enough” by KrisAnne Hall on YouTube

The Depth of UN Evil

Do we understand just how bad the UN is? Is it possible for us to learn from other countries who are currently occupied by UN forces? A very powerful interview should tell us all we need to know.

Alternatively you can listen to “The Depth of UN Evil” by Constitutional Educator, KrisAnne Hall on YouTube

Just How Insane Is Our Government?

It seems like everyday there is new evidence that our federal government is completely out of control. I mean REAL evidence of insanity. How is that we still look to them with hope that they will make it all better?

Alternatively you can listen to “Just How Insane is Our Government?” by KrisAnne Hall on YouTube

Bonjou from Haiti

Bonjou (Creole not French) from Haiti. Ki jan ou é? We are 5 days into our mission trip and it has been an amazing experience so far.  We have 9 days to go.  The Haitian people are amazing on the island of Ile a Vache.  We have spent time in 2 villages.  Sou Lettre is the village where the church we are building is located.  Building of the church is slow but steady.  We are considering building a home for missionary families there if God is willing.

So far, knock on wood, no cholera or malaria lol.  We are always right on the beach so the wind is constant and I think that helps keep the mosquitoes away.  We confine our drinking to bottled liquids just to be really safe.  There is one exception to that rule…coconut water and coconut milk.  Both of which I am totally in love with.

They have the most amazing coffee here and it only gets better with a bit of coconut milk!  The coffee is very dark and thick, I am sure it has some chickory in it.  It is not bitter at all and in spite of the darkness it feels as if there is very little caffeine.

I am learning from the women how to cook their food.  The women have a shed away from the home where the cooking takes place.  Everything is cooked on open fire or charcoal.   They make their own charcoal and it is the best I’ve ever used.  It is still shaped like the tree limbs and it burns hot and slow.  I’m sure you can imagine these ladies have this cooking down to an art.

My mind is racing every day with the little conveniences we could share that would make life just a little bit easier.  I never knew how much I appreciated ziplock bags until now!  I would love to get some mason jars here and show the women how to put up tomatoes and pickliet (an amazing vinegar based cold slaw with a hefty peprocini and jalapeño kick).

I have been able to share a yummy southern tradition.  At the market on Monday we bought a bunch of raw peanuts and we are making some boiled peanuts, southern style!   I am so excited to share this treat and to have a little bit of home at the same time.

There are two markets.  One continual market on the mainland in a town called Auex Cayes or Les Cayes depending upon who you are talking to.  There is a market here on the island every Monday.  I have been to both.  I prefer the market here on the island.  It is less crowded and the people are more polite.  On the mainland there are many more people and they tend to be less tolerant of each other and of foreigners.  The best way I can describe the difference in temperament is the difference between country folk and large city dwellers in the States.

Les Cayes reminds me so much of New Orleans its strange.  The architecture and layout of the streets are incredibly similar.  The streets are not paved and the buildings are in need of repair, but other than that there is very little difference.

We are staying in a beautiful place on Ile a Vnache.  Our friend Felix is building a resort hotel (not like a Waldorf, but very nice rooms located right on the beach).  I would recommend it to anyone really wanting a wonderful place to get away from it all.  We have a toilet, a shower (still under construction), and electricity a few hours every day from a gas powered generator.  We even have internet we purchased on the mainland.  We are blessed.  The village of Sou Lettre has none of these conveniences. We are here to help change that.

Living with very limited electricity has been a challenge but we are getting used to it.  The hardest part is sleeping without air conditioning.  When the wind blows cool, you really notice it and thank God for it.

After just 5 days I am convinced America has too many comforts to really appreciate what God has given us.  We look around the world at others who have nothing, like the villagers in Sou Lettre and can’t help but feel a bit superior.  We should, in stead, be realizing just how blessed we are and we should be willing to suffer any consequence to keep it.  Our comforts and conveniences have made us complacent and compliant.  With that attitude it won’t be much longer before we have traded all things of real value for plastic trinkets and a spot of porridge.

I guess that’s all for now.  I will save the rest for another day.  Thank you for your prayers and support.

See more posts about Haiti here:

As always, Béni soit l’Éternel.

In Liberty,

British Politics Or Is It?

Robin Koerner is filling in for KrisAnne while she is in Haiti and today Robin is discussing British Politics…but they often seem a bit too familiar.

Nova Magna Carta 2015

Robin Koerner is filling in for KrisAnne while she is in Haiti and today is previewing a very important project that KrisAnne and Robin have planned for a very important anniversary!

Talking Taxes With Grover Norquist

Robin Koerner, founder of Blue Republicans is filling in for KrisAnne this week while she is in Haiti. Join Robin in a wonderful conversation about tax reform with Grover Norquist.