Free e-Book and 3 Free Videos & Fact Sheets by Constitutional Attorney, Speaker and Author KrisAnne Hall


Discover the Essentials of Your 1st, 2nd and 4th Ammendment Rights

If you don’t know your rights, you won’t know when they’re under attack and when you’ve lost them.

I want to help you easily understand your 1st, 2nd and 4th Amendment rights by providing you with a series of three videos and accompanying cheat sheets that will help you understand and learn exactly what your rights are so can EXERCISE them.

Free eBook – In the Defense Of Liberty

In addition I want you to have a copy of my Kindle eBook in PDF format called “In Defense of Liberty”.

“In Defense of Liberty” is a collection of articles and writings that will give you even more tools to understand the tyranny that we’re facing and how it is relentless in it’s obejctive to impose their collectivist will on all of us……………and what we can do about it.

Liberty must be supported at all hazards and the the first step anyone has to take who wants to defend liberty is to get informed and become knowledgeable. These videos, cheat sheets and eBook will begin to give you those tools.

But you can’t stop there because once liberty is gone it’s gone. But you have to get started. Enter your name in the form to the right and take the first step. We will send you the links to your free e-book and then over a number of days send you the the lessons on the 1st, 2nd and 4th amendments over a number of days.

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