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So Let me Get This Straight… “The enemy of my enemy”

So Let Me Get This Straight
September 19, 2021
Robert Altomare, Founder of the BreathEasy App
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There is nothing more dangerous to illegitimate power than when the groups you yourself created, defined and amplified begin to coalesce against you. I wonder if Dr. Frankenstein ever thought that his creation would turn against him? Did Soros?

While the event occurred in January of this year, its importance can’t be overstated, so I bring it to you now, just as I found out about it. In case you didn’t hear about it, and I’m 100% certain that you didn’t hear about it given the state of journalism in the 21st century, let me give you the Cliff’s Notes:

In January of this year, NY representative Linda Rosenthal (D) introduced a bill to mandate the Covid injection. So, what, you ask?  There’s certainly no shortage of jackass politicians who think they’ve been chosen by God to rule over us.

But what did her idiot action cause? Nothing more than a joint protest of MAGA and Black Lives Matter groups. Yes, you read that right.  Now, don’t jump to conclusions or think MAGA and BLM are now baking cookies and ridesharing to their respective protests, but the two groups did coordinate to protest together.

From Cara Castronuova’s facebook page:


#MAGA and #BLM came TOGETHER yesterday for a common cause. YES, you heard that right. I personally co-organized a Demonstration with a BLM organizer named Hannah, to fight the Bill proposed by NYS Assemblywoman Linda Rosenthal that will make the Covid Vaccination MANDATORY for all New Yorkers.

Looks like the two groups came to the same conclusion: Medical tyranny must be called out and eradicated, publicly. The newsworthy part here is that both MAGA and BLM not only agreed on the violation Rosenthal’s proposed legislation represented, but they actively decided to take action against it together.

How stupid of a politician do you have to be to support the one cause that turns your trusted and reliable brownshirts into allies of your sworn enemy? Custer himself couldn’t have done worse at Little Big Horn.

How was this not bigger news at the time?  I didn’t even see it in the alternative media.  And here’s the kicker: now that the first personal connections have been made between these two individuals, Hannah and Cara, how likely is that with that personal connection communication between the two will continue?  Turns out, the one thing that is necessary to keep groups at each other’s’ throats, characterizing them as ‘the other,’ has now been undermined!

How long before even her reliable brownshirts start to get a clue finally about how they are being used by our (mutual) rulers? This joint protest is so much bigger than simply two groups protesting together.

Is it possible that the lines and limits and the definitions and delineations that were created to divide and separate us are beginning to fail as our rulers begin to tighten the noose around all our necks? Are we now realizing how alike we all are?

Is it Earthly possible that the very enemy we have discovered within our own borders and ‘leading’ our nation has sown the seeds for our country’s unification through their tyrannical diktats?

How ironic.  How delicious. How Hopeful!

Robert Altomare

Founder of the new app, BreathEasy.

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So Let Me Get This Straight… OJ Simpson and Joe Biden

So Let Me Get This Straight
September 10, 2021
Robert Altomare, founder of the BreathEasy App
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In 1995, OJ Simpson was acquitted of the murder of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown-Simpson and Ron Goldman, a waiter from a nearby restaurant. To say that the acquittal was a surprise would be like saying the ‘Dancing Itos’ sketch was timely and topical comedy.

What made this case different from any of the other celebrity murder cases we hear about so often was the piles of evidence against Simpson.  If evidence were a mountain, we’d be calling it Marcia Clark Peak or Kardashian Summit…

A large segment of the country (perchance the world!) felt this was a giant miscarriage of justice and that the Juice had gotten away with murder.

But the story doesn’t end there. OJ didn’t ride off into the sunset to live a life of leisure. In spite of the official proclamation by a ‘jury of his peers,’ an interesting phenomenon happened: the world refused to accept the acquittal.  To the surprise of everyone, OJ Simpson was a pariah everywhere he went.  He literally couldn’t go anywhere without being hounded and called out  as a murderer by anyone who spotted him.

The ironic part of all this is that, now that we understand CNN’s true business model is influence and not news, by shoving this horror show of a court case down our throats for months, literally the entire world knew of the evidence against OJ! So of course, their influence completely blew up in their face when everyone refused to accept the verdict and called him a murderer anyway!

Could this reaction have been our first evidence of the power of ‘social’ before social media even existed? When Justice failed the people, the people themselves meted out justice individually.

Fast forward to 2021 and we are now seeing evidence of the People ignoring the proclamations of our betters yet again.  Only this time, we are collectively thumbing our nose at the current ‘leader’ of the United States.

The number of people who believed Hidey/Ho won the White House legitimately was already incredibly small, but now? 

If the Hidey/Ho crap-sandwhich were an act on The Muppet show, the American People would be Statler and Waldorf heckling the poor, addle-brained sap behind the podium.

So let me get this straight: Joe Biden beat the most popular incumbent president in modern history garnering over 80 million votes surpassing Trump’s already impossible-to-beat 74 million; and Hidey/Ho did it without holding any significant rallies and hiding in the basement during a ‘pandemic,’ all the while the incumbent held rallies of multiple thousands each?  Is this what we’re supposed to believe?

Joe Biden is the OJ Simpson president. Once we are all collectively out of this nightmare, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be spurned by, literally, everyone. They have no future.

Why? Because just as the World judged OJ Simpson a murderer in spite of the official proclamation by a ‘jury of his peers,’ so too has Biden been judged a phony, a pretender, a usurper by the world.

For OJ, his not-guilty verdict simply didn’t matter to us.  It was ignored by everyone. 

The world has changed and, in real terms, it now no longer matters if you “win” an election because winning (as declared by the Demo(n)crat/Media Complex) is simply not enough.  Our would-be rulers thought they could steal an election and we’d all just buy into the lie.  But it hasn’t worked out that way, has it?

Winning is not enough; the winner must have the (obvious) consent of the governed. If you don’t have that, then you are faced with the impossible task of ruling the unruly; a tall order indeed especially when you need threats of violence against the very people you supposedly represent.

I almost pity them. Almost.

 Robert Altomare

Founder of the BreathEasy App, Coming soon!

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So Let Me Get This Straight… Afghan Withdrawal?

So Let Me Get This Straight…
September 3, 2021
Robert Altomare, Founder of the BreathEasy App
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 So let me get this straight: we’re calling our exit from Afghanistan a ‘withdrawal?’  Really? Are you kidding me?

Was it a ‘withdrawal’ when King George left the colonies?

Was it a ‘withdrawal’ when the Soviets left East Germany? 

Was it a ‘withdrawal’ when Iraq left Kuwait?

NO!  They got their asses kicked on the battlefield and retreated.  They were defeated and went home to lick their wounds.

As a nation of patriots, we will stop buying into our enemies’ premise that distorts our understanding of current events and call our departure from Afghanistan what it truly is: A defeat. And it wasn’t just a defeat! Because we left so much materiel in place, I think ole Noah Webster would have had something to say about it:

“So, President Hiden, you pulled your military out of Afghanistan, is that correct?”

“Yes, yes I did.”

“And the country was taken over by your enemy before you left?”


“And you left military equipment behind?”

“Yeah, 80 thousand million billion dollars’ worth”

“That sounds like you left all of your equipment behind, Mr. ‘President.’ What did your troops even bring home?”

“Mostly depression and sun burn, but I’ll give them medals.”

“I see.  Did I hear correctly that you left American citizens behind as well?”


“And are they dead now?”

“Well, either dead or hostages to be ransomed off, but yeah, most likely dead.”

“I see.  Well, Mr. Hiden, I’m afraid you can’t call this a withdrawal, per se. In fact, it looks like you have a full-fledged surrender on your hands.”

“But the Taliban offered us to provide Air Traffic Control services for their airport!”

“So you maintain control of the airport, then?”

“Yeah, no. We just left.”

“Sorry, President Hiden.  The world’s mightiest military just surrendered to goat herding child rapists in hand-me-down camouflage pants.”

“Ah, I see.  But did I tell you about my child sniffing? Does that help at all?”

“No, no it doesn’t…”

Do not let the forces arrayed against our Cause pervert our language. Once you accept the premise that a surrender is a “withdrawal” then it becomes much easier to accept an injection is a ‘vaccine’ or anything else our enemies’ deem it means.

Take control of your thoughts by taking control of our language.

I absolutely love the look of cognitive dissonance on their faces when I disabuse them of their illusion.

“Did you get vaccinated?” she asked.

“Are you asking if I received the CV-19 injection?  Then, yeah, that’s a hard no, sweetheart. But thanks for caring so much to ask,” I said.

“Injection?  No, it’s a vaccine!” she protested.

“Can you prove that? If you can’t then it is just an ‘injection’”


When the veil of legitimacy is removed by calling a thing by its proper name and naked of its mask, the look of realization on (some) people’s faces is truly magical.

Keep the Faith and Fight the Fight!

Robert Altomare

Founder of BreathEasy, the app to fight tyranny through community coming soon

So Let Me Get This Straight…

August 27, 2021

by Robert Altomare

So let me get this straight, the current illegitimate government that dictates masks while walking alone and ‘vaccines’ with side effects ranging from slow death to quick death requires businesses to enforce them? 

Can this honestly be the regime’s strategy? Are you kidding me? Will these Communists never learn?

Here’s what I really want to know: Where are the creative Communists? Must everything they demand be coercive and at the point of a gun?  Their utter lack of any creativity in their planning is staggering.  I mean, geeze.  Have they no sophistication in their plans at all?

 In their latest scheme to gain total control of the planet, they have unleashed a genetically engineered virus (the science people call it “Gain of Function”) forcing untold misery and economic destruction to the planet.

And, as we now see, it appears this was merely one step in a larger process.  Now they want to control the movement and actions of every individual on the planet by forcing employers and businesses that are open to the public to enforce their psychopathy for them. Businesses are now issuing edicts to their employees that they must have received the injection in order to keep their job. 

History, both recent and not-so-recent, tells us that these fools (i.e. Communists) have two fatal flaws:

 The first flaw in the thinking of the best minds that Communism has to offer is their utter non-comprehension of an individual’s desire to act in his own self-interest. The poor Communist can’t conceive of the individual and only can think in terms of quantifiable interest groups. Further, in the Communist’s child-brain, he believes that everyone else is just as good an automaton as he is. He believes that Authority will take care of him and champion his pet cause and that ‘when we get rid of these ‘wrong-thinkers’ the World will be perfect’ (This from the people who claim to know what the proper temperature of an entire planet should be). 

Little does this child-brain suspect that the monster they create will never be satisfied and will eventually turn on him.  Question:  Was Dr. Frankenstein a communist? All indications point to yes…

The Communists’ second flaw is that they can’t get their child-minds around the fact that businesses are an extension of the individual; they are the commercial expression of the individual who started the business. Business is capitalism’s art.  (Don’t mention that to the Colorado Civil Rights Commission, of course).

 But this is utter nonsense to the communist man-child.  Instead, he thinks businesses are status quo agencies that have always existed like the moon and the sun whose only purpose is to provide him a crappy barista job and the ability to buy violence-free “Beyond Meat” hamburgers made from free range ferns and dandelions.

But the good news is embedded in the bad news!  Communists are stupid, all of them and without exception. Advantage Liberty.

I mean, really: have you ever spoken to an avowed Communist and then thought, “you know, this guy makes a damn good point…”


 Unfortunately, Communism is a disease of the mind and, let me tell you, the mind is radically averse to calling itself sick.  We are all justification machines.  Just ask Pol Pot or James, “A Higher Loyalty,” Comey. Because of this, there is no convincing the Che-Guevara-adoring, hipster communist of his wrong-headedness.  It will not be until the monster finally turns to devour him that perhaps he may see and truly understand the evil he has wrought.

So what is a Liberty-minded citizenry to do when faced with the dangerous stupidity of children in power?  Freedom will always find a way.  And our fight today is no exception.

In quite short order, in just one day, I received notification that there now exists at least TWO new job boards where employers, who DO NOT require a suicide pact with their employees, may post job openings within their companies. 

 In a country where so many businesses can’t fill positions because of a litany of stupid government policies, I predict that these companies will be absolutely inundated with a veritable tsunami of applications (Thanks Global Warming!) for those positions. 

Why? Because there are, by any count, more of us than there are of them.  Just make sure you don’t ask Dominion/The Chinese to do the tally!

Interspersed among all the bad news are indications that the citizenry is getting its second wind in the fight, we are well down the road of the “long train of abuses” and need no further evidence of the Evil we face. We are now taking the fight to the enemy and we WILL prevail. Our victory has never been in doubt.

Robert Altomare
Founder of the BreathEasy App Launching Soon!
Patriots Fighting Tyranny Through Community

FBI: No Coordinated Attack on Capitol


According to a Reuters article published August 20th, “the FBI has found scant evidence that the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol was the result of an organized plot.”  Speaking to former and current law enforcement officials, journalists have learned that most of the cases were “one-offs,” Apparenly most incidents were just ticked-off individuals who got caught up in the frenzy of the crowd.  Despite this “scant evidence,” the FBI has arrested nearly 600 people and are reportedly treating them like Gitmo terrorists. 

The Reuters article also suggests that Congress has been throughly briefed by the FBI, so members should be fully aware of the scant evidence. This hasnt slowed the Democrat narrative.  The corporate media, the DNC’s public relations arm, continues to forward the DNC talking points that Trump and his supporters carried out a plot to overthrow the goverment, coronate Donald Trump king of the galaxy and sexually assault AOC along the way.  

Interestingly, the article characterizes the January 6th event as the most “violent attack on the Capitol since the War of 1812.”  This is a refernce to the 26-hour siege by 4,500 British troops during which the Capitol, the White House, the War Department and other federal buildings were set ablaze. 

Aside from the apparent tresspasing, vandalism and hotheads brawling with riot police, the only death officialy connected to violence and not to natural causes was that of Ashli Babbitt. The unarmed Babbitt was shot for climbing through a broken window, amidst the frenzy.  Allegedly 138 officers were “injured” on January 6th.  From reports those seem to be minor injuries.  

Much more significant violence has happened at the Capitol since 1812. Perhaps, Mark Hosenball and Sarah N. Lynch lost their internet connection while writing the Reuters article and weren’t able to take 45 seconds to discover any history. Here is some of what they missed:

March 11, 1890 Congressman William Taulbee shot on the Capitol steps.

July 2, 1915 Eric Muenter attack the Senate building with dynamite.

March 1, 1954 five Congressmen were shot in the House of Representatives.

March 1, 1971 the Weather Underground bomb the House of Representatives. (this is the group who’s leader mentored Barak Obama).

November 7, 1983 the “Armed Resistance Unit” bombed the second floor of the Senate wing of the Capitol.

July 24, 1998 Russell Eugene Weston Jr kills two police officers in the Capitol building.

While there is scant eveidence of real journalism in corporate media; there does seem to be evidence of a coordinated plot to decieve the people.

Read the Reuters article here:
