The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) section 702 was enacted as part of the FISA Amendments Act of 2008. This section ostensibly allows the U.S. government to conduct surveillance on foreign targets, yet the system is used continually by the NSA, FBI and others to collect on American citizens without justification, without a warrant and without any connection to a crime.
Similar to the infant FBI in its J. Edgar Hoover days, the criminal activities carried out by government angents include backdoor searches, dragnet bulk election, unmasking and targeting lists which all open the door for a flood of abuses. Since the 2008 amendments this has been allowed to continue with bipartisan support from Congress. Repeated abuse, lies and cover-ups have continually come before the FISA court. NSA continued to demonstrate a criminal disregard for the law until it was forced to abandon (allegedly) it’s unconstitutional bulk collection. Yet the FBI continues with similar abuse. In fact for over a decade, the federal government has NOT ONCE been in compliance with either the law or the Constitution.
In this opinion it was reported that the FBI had conducted over 3.1 million queries (in just one system) on U.S. persons’ collected under FISA 702 without proper justification. The FISA court in this case declared that these actions violated the fourth amendment, yet predictably the court still refused to require warrants. Instead the court said agents “which have no understanding of the legal requirements” must document their reasons for violating the Constitution. Perhaps, that way the overseers that show up every two years and look at a handful of these inquiries might have something to read while they go through the motions of rubber-stamping the crimes committed by the FBI.
House Republicans have confirmed in their most recent vote that they still support the criminal activity of the FBI; they have NO regard for the rule of law; and have NO respect for the people they represent. How can the House GOP make a show of complaining about the treatment of J6 protestors while simultaneously affirming the gestapo apparatus responsible? Now the bill goes to the Senate. It is likely that the democrat-controlled Senate will be in lock-step with the Republican-controlled House since they serve the same masters who profit from the surveillance state and war machine. Hall Hall2024-04-16 23:14:352024-08-29 18:06:59The Bipartisan Love of Domestic Surveillance
So, the Supreme Court has decided to put Donald Trump back on the ballot. Cue the gasps and groans from the apparatchiks of the Cabal. In fact, their predictability is almost boring by now. Keith Olberman specifically called out the Communist justices by name (Kagan, Jackson and Sotomayor ) to express his profanity-laced displeasure. This, of course, is telling of their entire playbook; put idealogues on the court as a backstop against the Will of the People and hold them to account if they dare step out of lockstep. Could you be more transparent in your tyrannical aims?
And, as if that has-been Olberman wasn’t enough, untold numbers of media pundits, political figures and Hollywood “celebrities” have all shrieked together as if on cue. It’s almost as if this was among their last desperate plays to avoid justice. The drama is real, folks. President Trump, the Grim Reaper of the Old World Order, is making a comeback, and everyone who tried to bring him down is sweating bullets. Talk about a gut-wrenching feeling.
You know the old saying,
If you’re going to make a play for the throne, you can’t fail.
Consider what we’ve witnessed over these last 8 years (almost a decade!). They have thrown literally everything they have at the man (and by extension, us); Russian collusion, tax evasion fraud, Stormy Daniels, the “insurrection”, and even Covid-19. But alas, all their efforts have been about as effective as a Liberal Arts degree.
How is it that every Marxist hero they throw at President Trump is already utterly corrupt and already a criminal? Their hubris to believe that the skeletons in their own closet won’t trip them up and land their own neck on the chopping block? This should indicate to you how utterly corrupt our Justice System has become; they are counting on it!
Think about it: every hero the Deep State has paraded as the one to take down the MAGA tyrant has ended up facing their own legal dramas. Michael Avenatti, remember him? The legal maestro who promised to bring Trump to his knees on “The View.” Now he’s sitting in prison, reading “The Art of the Deal” for trying to shake down a Leftist Ally, Nike. And you can be damn sure that Big Fani Willis and Letitia James are looking real hard at the fate that befell Mr. Avenatti. If it were possible to see one’s future, this is how you’d do it.
And let’s not forget E. Jean Carroll, the Hail Mary attempt at accusing Trump of a lingerie section assault straight out of a Law & Order episode (LITERALLY!). It’s like they picked the most delusional play on the playbook and threw it into the end zone, hoping for a miracle. The sexual assault plot straight from a TV show? Really? It’s almost cute how low they’ve sunk.
And here’s an interesting inference we can make by the plays these simpletons are running: The Deep State’s ammo is running lower than a clearance sale at The Dollar Store. They are, in a very real sense, running out of cards to play, which, of course means they will need to invent a new card to lay on the table.
And it is this eventuality that we all must 1) expect, and 2) plan for. We are on a battlefield and we all are combatants, so start acting like it.
As the Deep State faces its inevitable demise, Trump seems to be sitting pretty, knowing their last desperate move is approaching. Brace yourselves, folks and never forget, Noah built his Ark before it began raining. And so too, should you.
PS: In other news, I am working feverishly with BreathEasy app developers and grassroots voter integrity groups to permanentlyreorient BreathEasy’s mission to be your tool to report on Voter Fraud issues in the run – up to election day and election day itself. There will be more information in the coming weeks on this, so keep an eye out.
But here’s a sneak peak:
The BreathEasy App will be your tool to report on voter fraud issues at your polling location and report it in real time. The information you provide will be immediately forwarded to grassroots voter integrity groups for investigation and follow up. All the same functionalities will remain, such as taking pictures for photographic evidence and new tags will also be created so you can classify the sort of fraud you are witnessing.
Stay Tuned!
If you lead or are a member of a Voter Integrity group and you’d like to learn how to get access to the fraud report database, please contact me directly at Altomare Altomare2024-03-05 19:52:552024-10-01 17:09:37Build Ye an Ark
What ever happened to the maxim, Live and Let Live? If our experience during the lock downs was any indicator, evil’s mask is now fully ripped off (pardon the pun) and any pretense of allowing a person to pursue his bliss unhindered is long gone.
Over the last several years we have seen stores attacking their own customers for refusing to wear a useless surgical mask. We saw restaurants and other private establishments checking the medical status of their patrons before being allowed inside. We saw police checking the papers of citizens on the street. I wonder, instead of having to carry an inoculation card around to prove our ‘vaccination’ status, wouldn’t it just be simpler if we just sewed a symbol on our coats? Maybe a yellow star or something? The old ways are the best ways, amirite?
Worse still, many of these businesses were enthusiastic enforcers of the illegal government mandates. As an example of just how infiltrated our culture has become, did you know that in the early 20th century, many American businesses were against the automatic withholding of income taxes for the simple reason that it forced businesses to become uncompensated agents of the newly established Internal Revenue Service (and continue as such today)?
But not this time around. This time, not only was there only a modicum of pushback by businesses to join the Mask Enforcement Bureau, but some actually embraced their inner tyrant in the exercise of this new-found, corrupt and illegal power over their fellow citizen. I should create a patch that reads, “I Was a Conservative In Portland During the Lockdowns”
With this in mind, I wanted to share with you something I found online that I felt was a good example of the underlying thinking of the people who happily tried to put the “un-vaccinated” into concentration camps. The truly horrific thing here is that this person honestly believes what they’re saying. Have a look:
“The shopping cart is the ultimate litmus test for whether a person is capable of self-governing.
“To return the shopping cart is an easy, convenient task and one which we all recognize as the correct, appropriate thing to do. To return the shopping cart is objectively right. There are no situations other than dire emergencies in which a person is not able to return their cart.
“Simultaneously, it is not illegal to abandon your shopping cart. Therefore, the shopping cart presents itself as the apex example of whether a person will do what is right without being forced to do it. No one will punish you for not returning the shopping cart, no one will fine you or kill you for not returning the shopping cart, you gain nothing by returning the shopping cart. You must return the shopping cart out of the goodness of your own heart. You must return the shopping cart because it is the right thing to do. Because it is correct.
“A person who is unable to do this is no better than an animal, an absolute savage who can only be made to do what is right by threatening them with a law and the force that stands behind it.
“The Shopping Cart is what determines whether a person is a good or bad member of society.”
I hope the tyranny that is only lightly sleeping in this person’s mind is as visible to you as it is to me. All this author needs is a government mandate that requires putting your cart back and empowers individual citizens to report any ignorant shopper foolish enough to not comply.
But I want you to see something: the writer’s underlying premise. She asserts that a person’s right to self-govern is contingent on their ability to self-govern. This, my friends, is the very top of the slippery slope and completely misapprehends what a ‘right’ is at all. There is no recovery from this starting point and it all goes downhill from this underlying assumption.
A belief based on the premise of contingent rights is an abomination to Humanity and Human Respect itself.
Now I’m not here to argue whether returning a shopping cart is good, bad, or completely devoid of any value at all. After all, opinions may differ on the subject (the very definition of ‘subjective’). But I would like to highlight that this short passage of someone pretending to intellect and insight is the very epitome and embodiment of the rotten reasoning displayed by the Karens that we encountered during the illegal lockdowns and mask ‘mandates.’
The Road Paved with Good Intentions Inevitably Leads To…
Let’s engage in a thought experiment to show our citizen-tyrant where their reasoning ultimately leads.
Remaining within the context of the grocery store, this anonymous author, believes that anyone NOT using the corrals are inherently ‘bad’ and summarily incapable and unworthy of self-governance. OK. Now consider the implication she creates: This inability to self-govern means that some authority must step in to correct and manage the noncompliant citizen.
But this same grocery store also provides kiosks for self check-out, doesn’t it? And yet no similar requirement to make use of this other employee-reduction tool exists within the author’s mind. Why not? I’ll simply say because she hasn’t thought of it yet! But she will…
The grocery store provided these machines for use by customers just as with the shopping cart corrals. All that is missing is a slick marketing campaign by a grocer attempting to stay in business in an environment of constantly rising costs (I hear Pfizer’s marketing department might be available) to convince the shopping public that using self check-out is the ‘right and good’ thing to do; anyone failing to use the self check-out kiosks generously provided by the grocer is inherently ‘bad’ and suitable for shunning or arrest (God help you if you went to the human cashier maskless…)
Think I’m kidding? Think I’m exaggerating? Don’t forget, these are the same people who spent 50 years preaching ‘my body, my choice’ to justify killing children but when the marketing changed, suddenly the individual had no right to refuse what was injected into their body. The intellectual dishonesty and logical contortions this requires puts Wetzel’s Pretzels to shame.
So now that people have been instructed that using self check-out is the ‘right and good’ thing to do, the grocer may now reduce the grocery’s workforce. See how that works? That simple and repeated marketing meant to change behavior and imbued with ‘goodness’ ultimately leads to the firings of grocery store employees around the world. And why? Because the road to hell is paved with good intentions (and marketing).
I’m reminded of a woman I dated in the 1990’s. She was nice enough; smart, pretty, and clever. Unfortunately, her parents were very liberal and she graduated from Middlebury College, a small private, liberal Arts college in Vermont. She didn’t stand a chance of maintaining any individuality of thought after being steeped for so long in such an illiberal environment.
Politically, there was little we had in common, but if we avoided political conversations, things went generally smoothly. Now, as you might imagine, she was fully invested in the recycling religion. She separated garbage with all the solemnity of Catholics taking Communion and she never missed a chance to try and ‘re-educate’ me on the topic (it was a short relationship).
That is, until one day when I told her that I care about the homeless too much to recycle. The quizzical look on her face told me that I had introduced a concept she was struggling to understand, and I was loving it. So I explained it to her:
“The existence of garbage and the desire to recycle has created a micro-economy in every city in the United States. This micro-economy has producers, consumers, retailers and cash flow just like any other marketplace. I am not talking about the garbage men who pick up your nicely separated trash. I am talking about the homeless.
“The homeless absolutely depend on their ability to pick through garbage, pull out the aluminum cans and sell them to recycling centers. This meager amount, such as it is, allows them to earn an income and provides them the ability to survive within an urban center. This micro-economy provides a service to the city (recycling) while at the same time provides cash flow to those who need it most and are willing to engage in the work.
“If you separate your garbage yourself and allow the garbage company to collect it before the homeless can collect it themselves, you have effectively made the homeless even more desperate than they already are by removing a key source of income.
“The free market has already provided a solution and rendered moot the need to separate our trash. Don’t you care about the homeless?”
Forcing my girlfriend to choose between two sects within her Liberal religion was just icing on my rhetorical cake. And I’m not positive, but I’m pretty sure that my 1990s Middleberry-educated girlfriend would get along like a house on fire with the shopping cart author.
I can just hear it now.
“Separating your trash for recycling is the ultimate litmus test for whether a person is capable of self-governing. Recycling is an easy, convenient task and one which we all recognize as the correct, appropriate thing to do. Recycling is objectively right. There are no situations other than dire emergencies in which a person is not able to recycle.”
The Solution
As we’ve seen over and over again, it appears that it is inherent within Human Nature itself to desire power over others. Whether it is forcing others to wear masks, return shopping carts or shame people from smoking in public, we will never escape Karens, in all their forms, and their inherent desire to control their fellow citizens. We also will never escape the dogmatic and evil marketing meant to force us into these frameworks of acceptable thought (yet more control).
The solution to this is not yet more control or a banning of this or that. It is but mere education on the nature of Natural Rights, the very foundation of the American Constitution that we may knowledgeably resist control by others and create a truly free world.
Here’s to watching the other shoe drop in 2024!
Good Luck,
R. Altomare
Founder, BreathEasy
Find Patriot Businesses, Spread the Word, Live Your Life
Anyone who begins their statement with, “As a…” should be automatically dismissed as a self-important nobody, desperately trying to be relevant by speaking from a position of imagined authority. The best strategy in dealing with these idiots is to actively ignore anything they say and mock them mercilessly from behind our social media anonymity (which Nimrata would like to eliminate). So, now that we’ve got THAT out of the way…
As a man who is rediscovering his faith and has become an earnest and sincere student of Christianity, I’d like to respond to Ms. Rapinoe’s statements upon her most ignominious exit from professional sports.
First, I think we can all agree that we wish Ms. Rapinoe all the success in the world, even if it isn’t in soccer. When God closes one door, he opens another, right?
Wait, what am I saying? My apologies to Ms. Rapinoe. I meant to say when the Goddess closes a door, he/she/they/xe opens another. Did I get that about right, Ms. Rapinoe?
So what the heck am I even talking about? Let’s begin at the beginning. On November 13th, the Toronto Sun reported,
“…Rapinoe, playing for OL Reign in the NWSL championship on Saturday against Gotham FC, went down mere minutes into the match, crumbling to the ground while trying to close down on an opponent.”
You see, Ms. Rapinoe apparently tore or otherwise injured her Achilles tendon which forced her exit from an artificially-ballyhooed, but mediocre, soccer career a bit earlier than she had planned. In fact, she had announced her retirement earlier this year.
So why am I haranguing the purple-haired lesbian version of Colin Kaepernick? Her inartful statements forced her to stumble into a theological battlefield for which she was woefully ill-equipped and unworthy to enter. Her statements were neither professional nor even limited to the woe-is-me variety, which could be completely understood. Hell, she didn’t even try for the “I’ll heal up and get back on that horse!” variety either.
Instead of making a classy statement that would make Lou Gehrig’s mother jealous, she instead chose the profanity laden statement attacking monotheists around the world.
“I’m not a religious person or anything and if there was a god, like, this is proof that there isn’t.”
“This is f***ed up. It’s just f***ed up. Six minutes in and I eat my Achilles.”
Your hubris and lack of a stretching routine is showing…
Can we just take a moment to deconstruct her statement please? You don’t have to be any sort of theologian to recognize logic crafted with the sophistication of a middle-schooler in a bad school district. I mean, geesh. I honestly don’t know where to start…The mind reels at the ignorance of her statement. Something doesn’t exist and if it did exist, its actions prove that it doesn’t exist.
Way to go, Plato.
And here’s the truly interesting piece of this trainwreck masquerading as cognition: Her statement betrays her assumptions of what she thinks God is to Christians. We can read and infer so much about her (ehem) ‘unconscious bias.’
According to Ms. Rapinoe’s worldview, her statement reveals that she believes that the God that Christians believe in is some sort of cloud-riding Santa Claus that rains down boons from heaven to all the good-works doing lesbians. And when this God decides to withhold said boons, the toddler stomps her feet and cries, “I hate You! You never existed anyway!”
Even I, a JV Christian just learning the ropes, can see how flawed her thinking is. But setting aside her (very) flawed logic and (very) flawed understanding of what Christians (and Muslims and Jews) believe, why do you suppose her first instinct was to reference God in the first place? Is the King of the Universe top of mind lately, even for Ms. Rapinoe? And this is a sincere question! Why in the world, in the throes of the death rattle of her sports career did she comment on something she claims doesn’t exist? Why was God her first thought?
Would you mind if I made a silly little prediction? I predict that Ms. Rapinoe will, in the coming years, divest herself from the Left’s sick stew of ideological hypocritical (and hyper-critical) claptrap and eventually have the ‘come to Jesus’ moment that so many before her have had.
Go to any AA meeting and you’ll meet people who had to experience the absolute worst life has to offer before they could acknowledge a power greater than themselves exists. I wonder if having your entire livelihood stripped from you in a public and humiliating moment qualifies? Lest we forget that Milo Yiannopolous left his gay lifestyle behind and embraced Christianity, no?
But here’s the whole punchline to the joke that is Rapinoe herself. After all the rhetorical nonsense she blathered on about, she still put her foot in her mouth one last time by saying,
“Thank God I have a f***ing deep well of a sense of humour.
It’s devastating to go out in a final so early.”
Thank Who?
R. Altomare
Founder, BreathEasy
Find Patriot Businesses, Spread the Word, Live Your Life Altomare Altomare2023-11-06 17:45:552024-08-29 18:09:40A Christian and an Atheist Walk Into a Bar…
To a typical Portlander, if the destructive results of Liberal dogma remained in the city center, the virtue-signaling voters felt safe in their hip neighborhoods surrounding the city. But a funny thing happened on the way to Marxist Utopia: the drug addicts, homeless camps, needles, fires and Antifa foot soldiers didn’t stay in the city. The Liberal cancer has now metastasized and spread outside of the ‘no judgment zone’ of the city; it is now encroaching on liberal families just trying to make a living. Homeless camps are now popping up in quiet, ‘nice’ neighborhoods of real taxpayers who depend on property values to climb. What’s a liberal to do?
In 2020, the world essentially faced a Freedom Pop Quiz given by a corrupt school master. Over many decades, we had grown lazy and complacent in what maintaining a free country and citizenry required. And after decades of no studying or maintaining Liberty’s sharp edge, our masters sprung a pop quiz on the world. We were caught flat-footed and many of us failed this test.
Now, in 2023, our enemies believe that they will meet the same citizen army on Liberty’s battlefield that they met in 2020. They have a 2019 mindset believing us to be naive waifs anxiously waiting to be told what to think and how to behave to avoid contracting a common cold dressed up with uncommon propaganda. They wrongfully believe that they can step in the same river twice and that what worked before will work again.
The plans our enemies have for us are like a sheet of music with one note on it. They keep hitting that note over and over and over again and wonder why we don’t bend our knee in compliant bliss. Masks, Lockdowns and Social Distancing, Oh My!
But here’s the good news: the very fact that these wannabe despots know only one way to create power and control for themselves means that we can be ready for it when it (invariably) raises its ugly head yet again (and again, and again) andobliterate it.
Now credit where credit is due! Their use of COVID (if it truly exists at all) as the ‘force majeure’ to get people to take a poisoned injection to massacre the entire globe is the ultimate fake out of fake outs. To be honest, it was a stroke of genius. The sickness doesn’t kill you, the cure does. I mean, wow. Congratulations all around. Mr. Gates, Mr. Soros, Mr. Zuckerberg, you really do deserve all the accolades that hell has waiting for you.
And the reason their plan worked so well (to our unending astonishment) was because so many of us were blind to the idea that a government would ever try to murder its own citizens. And yet, here we are with “died suddenly” as a cut/paste headline for the past 2 years. Their plan worked perfectly and their hegemonic expectations were very nearly met.
Tuskeegee Guinea Pigs and Nuremburg Escapee
But there’s a downside for our enemies that they likely DIDN’T see coming or could predict.
While many people believed the lie and clamored to get injected with a deadly poison, it was not nearly as many as their plan at planetary population reduction required.
Just a coincidence these are in Georgia?
While the power that their total control over mass communication (propaganda) is absolute, they simply did not appreciate the viral nature of the Truth itself. And once Truth’s camel nose got under the tent of a person’s mind via memetic communication, there was no getting it out. Doubt begets doubt, and that doubt spreads like a…well, like a virus among a gloriously unmasked citizenry.
So you’ve probably seen the rumors swirling around lately that mask requirements and other sundry lockdowns are back on the horizon. This, paired with the recent glamor shot of our President, seems to indicate that our betters figure they know a good thing when they impose one. Time to roll out Old Reliable: COVID Variant number 2,036!
Morris Brown, A Historically Black (aka “Segregated”) College
In fact, some universities and businesses are already requiring masks and shots for their students and customers. If you hadn’t heard, there’s a small liberal arts college (is there any other type?) in Atlanta called Morris Brown which has already reinstituted mask requirements. These assholes couldn’t wait to regain the control they tasted in the last couple years and the mere whiff of it was enough for them to play their one-note magnum opus: Masks!
They would have beenchomping at the bit to reinstitute this lunacy if only it weren’t for their N95 masks getting in the way. I swear, if I hear the term “flatten the curve” ever again, I’ll start a petition to expel Atlanta from the Republic.
But because our slave masters have already shot their silver bullet of ultimate control via the shots and slave muzzles and it didn’t result in their total control, any attempted replay of their one-note holocaust is doomed to raucous and hilarious failure.
Try to inject me with a myocarditis and turbo cancer inducing injection once, shame on me.
Try to inject me with a myocarditis and turbo cancer inducing injection twice, I must be a Liberal masochist sheep that does what he’s told.
Now, while the prospect of again seeing Covidiots masking themselves up while alone in their car, Karens acting as volunteer plantation overseers at the local Piggly Wiggly to keep the refusnik bucks in check or meek and horrified sideways glances when I happen to sneeze definitely has my attention, it by no means causes me any fear whatsoever.
Why? Because we already know what to expect and how to deal with it.
Fear of the unknown no longer rules us; We have already lived through their attempted holocaust and we have emerged stronger and more united than humanity has ever been in Human History. Truly.
As a result of the first round of lockdowns, I built a tool that would scale my personal buying choices to avoid woke businesses to global proportions. I call it BreathEasy. You can think of it as a kind of “tyranny mute” button.
If you’re not familiar with it, BreathEasy is basically Yelp, but for Liberty. The app allows you to search the database for goods and services and returns the local businesses that provide them, ranked by their BreathEasy Score. Nearly every business on the planet has a BreathEasy score.
Typically, BreathEasy scores are created by users through individual votes. And, in the event you happen to vote a business down, the BreathEasy app provides you a list of nearby ALTERNATIVE businesses that offer the same good or service that have higher BreathEasy scores. No longer must you give your money to businesses for lack of choice or options. We will starve those businesses that happily collaborate with tyranny to suppress your God-given rights as a Human.
You see, the advantage that our enemies had in 2020 was the element of surprise. Nobody thought for a moment that the COVID scare could be a fear incentive to get a poisoned injection. Many of us simply didn’t have the tools or mindset to properly respond as a Free People should. We were naive. But a few years have passed now and there is no hiding the obvious; people are dying from the ‘cure.’
Our enemies have also realized something in the last couple years: their hegemony is not yet complete and the True President is out there in the tall grass stalking. And with the specter of the real president regaining power hanging over their head, they are getting desperate. They realize that in order to save their collective hides, they must introduce lockdowns yet again in an attempt to avoid a DJT Presidency, Part II, The Revenge. The Deep State are, quite literally, fighting for their own stinking, adrenochrome-addled lives, and their desperation is showing.
But Wait! There’s More!
With the rumors swirling about a second round of lockdowns and mask mandates, we should recognize this as good news!
As the title of this essay suggests, we are now seeing that our Enemy has but one plan. That’s it! Lock downs. Mask Mandates. “Another” COVID strain to try to sow fear. These guys are literally one hit wonders of tyranny. I mean, they couldn’t even come up with a new flag for their latter day brown shirts; they literally had to copy the one from their ‘good ole days.’
They only ever had one plan (the ‘pandemic’) to institute final, total and absolute control and once they injected their silver bullet and it failed? Boy howdy, watch out.
Have you ever heard the quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson that said,
“If you strike at a king, you must kill him”
Does that look like a king who has been neutered? Or, perhaps, does he look invigorated and resolute, now ready to rip out the entire, corrupt system by its roots?
We have reached a significant inflection point, friends, and that inflection has catapulted us into uncharted waters. But take heart! Our enemies have thrown everything they have at both us and our champion. But in the immortal words of Morpheus on the eve of the Machine’s attack on Zion,
We are no longer the naïve citizenry that our Enemy first encountered in 2020. We have seen what they are capable of and are immensely stronger for it. Altomare Altomare2023-08-26 16:28:462024-08-29 18:09:40The Deep State – The Lou Bega of Tyranny
Many years ago, in a hellhole far, far away, I lived the life of a young single man in Southern California. One day, a news story appeared recounting a disagreement between two neighbors. The first man installed solar panels on the roof of his home but, after several years, a tree on his neighbor’s yard had grown to such heights (as per nature’s plan) that it inevitably cast a shadow across the first man’s very expensive solar panels.
Grievance Cage Match
And there we had it, a cage match for the ages in the Californian Utopia of Tree Huggers and Sun Worshippers. Two competing favored groups pitted against each other in the most predictable conflict ever. I think Tina Turner said it best when she said,
“Two self-righteous liberal buffoons enter, one self-righteous liberal buffoon leaves”
And the best part was that it didn’t matter who came out victorious in this rumble in the suburban jungle; the spectacle was enough for me. I was blessed to witness the rare infighting of competing tyrannies (Trees versus Climate) whose motives I both despise. Whose was the greater cause? Let’s watch!
Affirmative Action, Deactivated
Fast forward 25 years and the United States Supreme Court recently ruled that colleges can no longer use race as a metric when determining college admissions. As you might imagine, the Left has gone absolutely apoplectic (do they have any other emotion but outrage?) about this infringement on their ability to create “special rights” and favored demographics.
In fact, Leftists have declared that blacks and other persons of various non-white shades will never be able to compete on a fair playing field, so inferior do these ‘progressives’ believe them to be. Never mind hard work. Never mind sacrifice. Never mind accomplishment. For Liberals, their ‘little brown brothers’ will ALWAYS be ‘lesser than.’ Wow, racist much?
Merit vs. Melanin
The Left’s solution, as we know, is to always ignore merit and reward melanin. Competence simply does not enter into their calculus for personal advancement and success. And just like the competition between the tree hugger and the sun worshiper that forced a choice between competing tyrannies, the Left decided long ago to also rank races; how positively Hitlerian of them.
A Nazi Anthropologist in the 1930’s
But what those on the Left likely don’t realize is that their obsession with the phrenology of race contains within it a hidden logical gotcha: if a special category is the only metric to judge a person (for a job or college acceptance) and that person fails, does this not logically indicate that the special category in fact predicts failure and not success? It used to be that grades were used to rank students for admission into their colleges because past performance predicts future performance and the intent was to foster future success.
A New Premise Established
Case in Point: “President” Joe Biden famously chose Karine Jean-Pierre to be his press secretary specifically because she was a black, gay woman. KJP, hitting the trifecta of grievance categories, by their perverted algorithm, should be the most qualified person on the planet next to Whoopi Goldberg.
In a similar decision, “President” Joe Biden famously limited ‘his’ choices for Vice President to only women of color when he was rumored to be “campaigning” for President in 2020
According to our current “leader,” the fact that these two candidates were non-white, women and gay made them uniquely qualified for their positions. OK. Fine. Let’s run this premise all the way out to the end, shall we?
Question: What happens when people chosen based only by their grievance category utterly FAIL in their job?
Take VPOTUS, for example. Because Harris was chosen specifically for her grievance categories and it turns out that she is an unmitigated disaster, doesn’t Biden’s metric of blackness and woman-ness actually predict failure and not success?
Similarly, because KJP was chosen specifically because she was gay, black and a woman to be President Magoo’s spokesman (a truly impossible job to begin with) and she fails in that position on a daily basis, doesn’t this then logically indicate that we should conclude that black, gay women are inherently unqualified for that position?
Stated another way:
If the premise established by our enemies indicate that blackness, gayness, or woman-ness (if only they could define a woman…) is the only metric for qualification, and the person fails utterly, then should we ever choose a person who is gay, black or a woman for anything ever again?
Consider: if we take our ‘dear leader’ at his word and take his premise seriously, then logically we must either:
Come to grips with the unavoidable evidence that grievance categories are a predictor for failure and we should avoid choosing these categories of people for anything OR
We come to grips with the idea that color, sex, sexuality and other grievance categories are not a predictor of anything and MUST be thrown out completely.
And this is exactly what the SCOTUS has determined, much to the consternation of groups and organizations who have grifted on this fallacy for decades. Entire sectors of our economy have grown up to service this lie, and we are only now coming out of our dark haze of false qualifications and lowered standards for artificially favored groups.
Now understand, I am not saying that gay people, blacks or women cannot or should not hold these positions. I am merely taking the premise established by the Left seriously and deconstructing it. Remember, Biden’s string-pullers specifically and vocally limited their choices for VPOTUS to women of color and not the most qualified. We now see the results of this choice to all our shared horror.
The Good News
If we realize that these aspects of a person’s artificial grievance categories are absolutely immaterial to any job then we must find our metrics and predictors for success elsewhere. And we already know what those are! Simply stated, the best predictor for success we have is simple competence.
Once we begin to focus on that, we will inexorably create a country that is truly firing on all its cylinders and become, once again, the Engine of the World. We will have a population of people striving to actively improve themselves to make themselves worthy of their aspirations and goals and not merely rely on the lottery the grievance category du jour.
Am I worthy of my goals?
Think of it this way: Considering how utterly helpless we all are when flying in an airliner, think on this: Next time you must travel, do you want the blackest, gayest, woman-est pilot possible? Or do you want simply the most qualified? I’ll leave this to you to ponder.
Personally, I look forward to the far-off day when our children’s children are forced to look up the term ‘diversity hire’ in some future dictionary, so alien a concept it will be to them. I only wish I could be there when they read this term’s definition. I’m sure they will chuckle quietly to themselves and ask, “What? They really DID that?”