The KrisAnne Hall Show covers current events in the context of the Constitution and the vision of our founding fathers; asking the questions and giving the truth you won’t hear from other media sources.

We are a Teach Show not a Talk show.  Giving you the daily news they way it should be told.  Fact not Fake.  Truth not Propaganda.  Principle not Party.

Shows can be heard on the website, the Liberty First mobile app as well as on the Liberty First YouTube Channel.

Show Red Pill

12/27 Your Red Pill Prescription Filled

Show Red Pill

Right to Keep & Bear Arms
Freedom of Speech
Freedom of Press
Today we interview major Red Bill doctors
Larry Pratt with Gun Owners of America
Our friend and amazing recording artist Jordan Page
Brilliant comedic artist Benny Wills
You will get angry, cry, & laugh all in the same show!

Show Koerner

12/26 How To Convert A Liberal

Show Koerner

One of the most valuable interviews I have every done with author, speaker, and great friend Robin Koerner. Robin explains how to convert a liberal and other powers of political persuasion!

Show Liberty Millennial

12/25 Liberty Millennial: Interview with Hillsdale Student Taegan James

 Show Liberty Millennial

Listen as I interview a Liberty Millennial! Taegan was an intern with us and a student at Hillsdale College. She will tell us a bit about her generation…good & bad.

Show Christmas

12/24 Christmas 1776


Today is a special edition of the KrisAnne Hall Show. We will be spending the show hearing the very same words George Washington’s troops heard before crossing the Delaware on Christmas Day. It will be as inspiring today, as it was then.
Merry Christmas.


Show Christmas

WATCH today’s KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!

Show Wall Shutdown

12/22 Wall Budget Constitution Shutdown


Merry Christmas. Tis’ the season for political chaos…sigh. Border wall. Budget Crisis. Constitutional Chaos. Looming Government Shutdown. Time to hear the good news of solutions, rather than the gloom & doom propaganda.

Show Wall Shutdown

Show Trump Syria

12/20 Trump & Syria: You Reap What You Sow




Show Trump SyriaIs Trump’s movement of troops out of Syria as “unorthodoxed” and “shocking” as the media portrays it to be? Let’s look at several sources; history, precedent, law, & the Constitution and see what the REAL shocking truth may be.

Read what the Constitution has to say about all of this in America: Presidents or Kings

Show Fed Red Flag

12/19 Federal Red Flag Law by GOP, Bump Stock Ban & Constitutional Issues!

Show Fed Red Flag

Watch Out… Federal Legislation for 2019 to fund the disarming of America – the majority of the sponsor are Republicans.
Trump & the Bump Stock Ban
Local people fighting back!
All on the KrisAnne Hall Show!

WATCH the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!

12/18 Judge: Obamacare Unconstitutional- What Does That Mean For You


Federal Judge Reed O’Connell in Texas has held Obamacare to be Unconstitutional on two grounds. What does that mean for the “repeal & replace” mantra. What does that mean for you? Let us help you instead of trying to indoctrinate you.

READ The Real Consequences of a National Healtcare Program

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

Show Brandon

12/17 Conservative Law Student Politically Targeted Through Red Flag Style Policies


Red Flag Laws are not only an infringement of an individual’s Right to Keep and Bear Arms, they are an egregious denial of an individual’s Rights to due process and property.  In Texas the RedFlag-style process is being implemented even without a law being passed by the legislature.  Brandon Masin, a conservative first year law student at the University of North Texas, Dallas College of Law is being subjected to RedFlag-style targeting.


Show Brandon

 READ THE ENTIRE ARTICLE: http://www.krisannehall.com/index.php/resources/articles/198-this-is-what-red-flag-laws-will-do-to-america

12/15 Flynn, Cohen, & The War Powers Act


The federal government is flying out of control. With Flynn, Cohen, & even legislation- deception, intrigue, & full on assault of the Constitution and the rule of law is the name of the game.

That’s why we give it to you straight. Just truth & the Constitution. No pro-Trump – anti-Trump spin here!