The KrisAnne Hall Show covers current events in the context of the Constitution and the vision of our founding fathers; asking the questions and giving the truth you won’t hear from other media sources.

We are a Teach Show not a Talk show.  Giving you the daily news they way it should be told.  Fact not Fake.  Truth not Propaganda.  Principle not Party.

Shows can be heard on the website, the Liberty First mobile app as well as on the Liberty First YouTube Channel.

Show Shutdown

1/12 Shutdown, Religious Liberty in Texas & State Declares Independence


Show Shutdown

Threat to Religious Liberty in Texas?
A State Declares Independence.
What does the Shutdown mean Constitutionally
A last look at the “Presidential National Emergency” dilemma from a Constitutional perspective.

This Weekend Edition of the KrisAnne Hall Show is full of Constitution, Fact, Truth & Current Events you must know to be a fully informed citizen. 

Watch The KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!  Part 1       Part 2

Show JP Morgan

1/10 7 Supreme Court Justices Pay JP Morgan & Citigroup

Show JP Morgan

The Supreme Court refuses to hear a case that results in a payout to two major money corps and only two justices dissented. But there is more afoot here than just corporate payouts… this case has long term due process implications the further empower the tyranny of the court and diminish the rights of the people.

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!

Show Trump Emergency

1/9 Trump’s State of Emergency

Show Trump Emergency

My inbox is full of people asking questions about Trump declaring a State of Emergency to build the wall.  Today we will answer that question the only way we know how, Constitutionally Speaking.

Today’s Highlighted Article: The Constitutionality of Presidential State of Emergency

WATCH the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!

Show New House Rules

1/8 New Dems With New House Rules

Show New House Rules

Just a few new rules proposed for the House, but you need to know where these rules will take America. These rules will likely be some of the worst things to happen to America from the federal government in decades.


WATCH the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!

Show Cortez New Deal

1/7 Ocasio-Cortez Wants To Be The New FDR

Show Cortez New Deal

Current Events Like You Won’t Hear anywhere else.
More party favors from Ocasio-Cortez
What is this Bi-Partisan movement to Amend the Constitution?
And… You might actually be surprised by what KrisAnne has to say about Sheila Jackson Lee’s latest statement.

WATCH the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!

Show EC Fed Drug

1/5 Dems In Congress: Abolish Electoral College- Create Federal Drug Manufacturing Company


Show EC Fed Drug

Democrat Rep Cohen from TN has submit legislation for a Constitutional Amendment to End the Electoral College.  Democrat Senator Warren from MA has submit a bill to establish a new federal bureaucracy that will manufacture drugs.  Let’s review these pieces of legislation and see what we need to do to combat the lies that WILL burn America to the ground.

WATCH the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

Show Conserv Scotus

1/3 Do We Truly Have A Conservative Majority Supreme Court?

Show Conserv Scotus

There’s a new media narrative on the rise… “for the first time since 1936 we have a conservative majority in the Supreme Court.”
Is there any truth in that statement? How does our court fair when compared to this new media driven profession? Let’s hold them up to the standard and see what happens.

WATCH the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!

Show RBG Cult

1/2 Fighting the RBG Propaganda

Show RBG Cult

Radical Feminists Rewriting History- ought to the be subtitle of this movie.
Today we counter the Ginsberg hero-ology with the truth about a woman whose entire purpose is to normalize her ideology bent upon creating a totalitarian government as tool to force ideologies instead fostering of liberty for all. Ginsberg is not a hero, she is an activist justice who hates America.

Show DIY Liberty First

1/1 DIY Tips Making Your Representative Liberty First

Show DIY Liberty First

We know the problem. We need to put the solutions into practice. Do you want to start off the year doing the Liberty First things? Perhaps start here.

Show Bipartisan gun

12/29 Bi-Partisan Gun Grabbers! What We Must Do.


Dems in power in the House will only provide the excuse to do what many in BOTH parties have wanted to to for decades. Here is what you need to know.

Show Bipartisan gun