The KrisAnne Hall Show covers current events in the context of the Constitution and the vision of our founding fathers; asking the questions and giving the truth you won’t hear from other media sources.

We are a Teach Show not a Talk show.  Giving you the daily news they way it should be told.  Fact not Fake.  Truth not Propaganda.  Principle not Party.

Shows can be heard on the website, the Liberty First mobile app as well as on the Liberty First YouTube Channel.

Show 35B

2/14 Is Cali Govt Trying to Defraud $3.5B from American People?


Show 35B

And the depravity of the federal Mueller investigation gets deeper & deeper. Look what’s happening now!

Did you know the California Legislators & Governor are trying to defraud the American people of $3.5B. Time for the American socialist federal government to turn off the money faucet!

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!

Show Collusion

2/13 Collusion? Yes!

Show Collusion

The Senate Intelligence Committee admits there is no collusion between Trump and the Russians during the 2016 elections. There is no shock there to most.

However, we submit to you that the Senate nor any part of the federal government has considered the real evidence of Russian Collusion. Listen and draw your own conclusions based upon the facts!

WATCH the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!

Show Barr

2/12 Liberty Score Wm. Barr – New AG Nom

Show Barr

William Barr is the new nominee for AG. Let’s see what Liberty Score we give Barr and whether your Senator should support or deny. Remember, #LibertyFirst is our motto, not party or personality!

WATCH the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!

Show Gaetz

2/11 Tax Lies, Green Deal, & Gaetz Exposing Congressional Corruption

 Show Gaetz

The Tax “Returns” are coming in so we get to look at all the media tax lies to brainwash the people.
The Obvious? questions about AOC’s Green Deal.
Congressman Gaetz working hard to expose federal criminality.



Show HR8

2/9 New House Dem Gun Grab Bill

Show HR8

The House Dems have a new gun grab bill called The Bipartisan Background Check Act of 2019. It ought not be bipartisan and it is a whole lot more than “background checks.”

Make sure to Warn your friends that are ranchers and farmers, there is a special kind of tyranny in this one for them!

Listen as we go through the bill and show you what the new gun grab tactics Congress has up their sleeves.

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!

Show Agenda Cities

2/7 Agenda Driven Cities Stealing Property

Show Agenda Cities

A community is coming together to end the tyrannical reign of the Chicago suburb of Elmhurst, IL. Watch as these city council members are EXPOSED for their agenda driven theft of property rights. Help us champion this women’s fight for ALL PROPERTY RIGHTS in America!

Video of Nicole’s Presentation at the City Council

We are a TEACH SHOW not a TALK SHOW.

WATCH the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!



Show SOTU safe

2/6 SOTU Safe Space

Show SOTU safe

Did you know that there are other things going on in America than a post SOTU discussion? You wouldn’t know it by watching the so-called news today. So WE are a SOTU FREE ZONE today!
Learn some very important things happening in America today that are vital to Liberty in America.

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!

Show SOTU 19

2/5 What to expect from the SOTU without MSM Spin!

Show SOTU 19

#Warning: #SpoilerAlert:
Want to the know the secret to knowing exactly what will be said at tonight’s SOTU- I found the Inside Scoop and I will tell YOU exactly where to find it.
You don’t need to listen to or read media propaganda!
I have discovered a secret that will help you immensely…and we are ALWAYS #LibertyFirst

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!

Show NY Roe

2/4 NY Overturns Roe v Wade!

Show NY Roe

NY overturns Roe v Wade in a recent piece of legislation. Why haven’t you heard? It doesn’t fit the MSM/government narrative!
Also on today’s show, the forced politicization of everything “entertainment.”
Get your daily dose of #LibertyFirst

WATCH the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!

Show Feinstein freedom of press

1/31 Feinstein Durbin & Theft of Freedom of Press

Show Feinstein freedom of press

6 years ago we reported on how Congress was attempting to pass legislation to destroy Freedom of Press. Those efforts have now come to fruition, but much more effectively than either Feinstein or Durbin ever imagined. Hear from their own mouths the efforts of Congress and see 6 years later the fruits of their labors and the theft of Freedom of Press.

Facebook Video referenced in today’s show: https://www.facebook.com/JosephLankowski/videos/10158258103769552/

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!