The KrisAnne Hall Show covers current events in the context of the Constitution and the vision of our founding fathers; asking the questions and giving the truth you won’t hear from other media sources.

We are a Teach Show not a Talk show.  Giving you the daily news they way it should be told.  Fact not Fake.  Truth not Propaganda.  Principle not Party.

Shows can be heard on the website, the Liberty First mobile app as well as on the Liberty First YouTube Channel.

Show EO 2

3/24 Trump Free Speech EO Pt 2 PLUS AK State Official calls 2nd A “Racist”

Show EO 2

Trump Free Speech EO Pt 2 PLUS AK State calls 2nd A “Racist”

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!

We finish up our in-depth analysis on Trump’s College Free Speech EO and show you how this political correctness is destroying ALL our rights as an AK government official declares a 2A sticker as “racist.”

Show College EO

3/23 Trump Free Speech EO part 1

Show College EO

Trump Free Speech EO part 1

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!

Yes, you guessed it, the MSM is leaving out important details on the latest Trump EO. We will bring you the Truth, the WHOLE Truth & Nothing but the Truth!


3/21 2020 Is Coming & You Can’t Say He


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20 months of Presidential Election campaigns are under way! Gilibrand wants an non-America America and Andrew Gillum wants a blue Florida. What does Iowa want? Say “HE” in the UK and you could go to jail!

Show Poll Tax

3/20 State Resurrecting The Poll Tax? The Liberal Error About Slavery In America!

Show Poll Tax

State Resurrecting The Poll Tax? The Liberal Error About Slavering In America!

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!

Yes, I said Poll Tax. What could be driving this trend? How can we defeat it?
Let’s kick the liberal error about slavery in America once and for all… I hope.
Those who have ears, hear!

Show Trump Detainees

3/19 Did SCOTUS Side With Trump On Alien Detention?

Show Trump Detainees

Did SCOTUS Side With Trump On Alien Detention?

Watch The KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!

Did SCOTUS side with Trump on detention of illegal aliens? I will go through the case with you so YOU can judge if the media is giving you truth or propaganda.
Also guess who joins Fox News Corporation!

show bernie

3/18 HHS Chooses Life- Bernie Chooses Reparations- Kansas Chooses Voter ID

show bernie

HHS Chooses Life- Bernie Chooses Reparations- Kansas Chooses Voter ID

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!

The Federal Department of Health & Human Services has changed their status on when Life begins… what does that mean for us?
KrisAnne & JC talk about Bernie Sanders’ position on reparations & socialism
Kansas is fighting for their voter ID law – what are they doing right and what are they doing wrong…
All from a Constitutional Perspective

Show Connecticut

3/17 Connecticut Supreme Court & Michigan AG Nessel’s Tyranny


Show Connecticut

Connecticut Supreme Court & Michigan AG Nessel’s Tyranny

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!

 For our second half of the weekend daily journal once again we are tasked with unraveling the half-truths & misinformations be told about the Connecticut courts, Sandy Hook victims, and the gun manufacturers. Not sure why it is so difficult for the media to deliver truth, but if they did, we wouldn’t be needed. ?We will also expose a new tyranny popping up in Michigan… coming to your State soon if we do not get diligent with Liberty and start working local!

Show Political Scandal

3/16 Political Scandal of the Century & National Emergency Powers



Show Political Scandal

Political Scandal of the Century & National Emergency Powers

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!

A look at that scandal that should be bigger than Watergate & Russian Collusion combined.
The Senate voted on The National Emergency Powers

Show Beto

3/14 Covington, Beto And the Budget



Covington, Beto And the Budget

Read more

Show clinton coverup

3/13 Finally Exposed: BiPartisan Cover Up For Clinton

Finally Exposed: BiPartisan Cover Up For Clinton

Show clinton coverup

Finally, vindication for what I have been saying for almost a year, but worse is the fact that we have proof of Bipartisan cover up for Hillary Clinton and for the recognition of two standards of law that exists in DC.  By the way, ANYONE making this about Trump is part of the problem!

Plus! A new bureaucracy in the works? Further expansion of federal power, beyond the Constitution over the liberty of the people? Say it ain’t so, Marco Rubio!

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!