The KrisAnne Hall Show covers current events in the context of the Constitution and the vision of our founding fathers; asking the questions and giving the truth you won’t hear from other media sources.

We are a Teach Show not a Talk show.  Giving you the daily news they way it should be told.  Fact not Fake.  Truth not Propaganda.  Principle not Party.

Shows can be heard on the website, the Liberty First mobile app as well as on the Liberty First YouTube Channel.

Show Cliff

4/07 Congress Racing America Off Cliff -Stop It Now!

Show Cliff

Congress Racing America Off Cliff -Stop It Now!

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!

If you were in a vehicle racing toward a 1000ft cliff, you wouldn’t step on the gas, but that’s exactly what Our Congress is doing. Time for the people to slam on breaks… and this is how we stop the madness.

Show Willful Ignorance

4/06 My Congressman- Tired of The Willful Ignorance

Show Willful Ignorance  

My Congressman- Tired of The Willful Ignorance

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!

I am tired of the willful ignorance. I am tired of the avoidance of accountability. I am tired of the intentional feigning of ignorance… or the arrogant assertion of lies. Time to do something about it… on today’s show.

Show HUD cuts

4/04 Republican-Socialists Clash with Trump

Show HUD cuts

Republican-Socialists Clash with Trump

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!


President Trump offering to cut bloated government and GOP big spenders are not having it. Is this what is meant by bipartisanship? Democrat-socialists and Republican-socialists never met a spending program they didn’t like.

Show TSC

4/02 The Security Clearance Distraction& Shutting Down The Border

Show TSC

The New Security Clearance Distraction& Shutting Down The Border

Watch The KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!

JC & I both went through the security clearance testing, we will tell you what exactly all this new “crisis” is all about.
Let’s look at the threat of the border shut down and what it really means for America.
Liberty First

Show Cut Aid

4/01 Trump Cuts Foreign Aid & Republican Healthcare Plan

Show Cut Aid

Trump Cuts Foreign Aid & Republican Healthcare Plan

Watch The KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!

POTUS cutting Foreign Aid & Members of Congress are in a tizzy.

Republican Healthcare Plan, what is the new development that ought to have American’s concerned about this unconstitutional federal program.

Show Rubio

3/30 Rubio New Socialist Bill & Us Dept of Human Radiation Experiments

Show Rubio

Rubio New Socialist Bill & Us Dept of Human Radiation Experiments

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show YouTube!


I bet you will be amazed at the all new socialist plan from Marco Rubio to rob Peter to pay you and then force you to pay them back!

This is not a joke. There actually is a US Department of Human Radiation Experiments. We want to help you reach other Americans to make sure we understand why government cannot be trusted!

Show No Feds

3/28 Don’t Look! More States Tell Feds “NO” on Guns & Marriage

Show No Feds

Don’t Look! More States Tell Feds “NO” on Guns & Marriage

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!

All the distractions are for a specific purpose, so America cannot actually see that the move to restore our Constitutional Republic is gaining ground, not by executive order, not by congressional act, not by supreme court opinion, but in spite of them all. Liberty comes from the ground up. Listen and see how good things are happening!

show smollett

3/27 Lowlife Smollett Gets Diversion

show smollett

Lowlife Smollett Gets Diversion

Watch On YouTube

According to some “experts,” Jussie Smollett’s punishment is “bizarre” and ‘highly unusual.” I was a prosecutor for a decade. Let me explain exactly what is unusual about it.

Show Popdadop

3/26 Papadopoulos, Russia, & The Deepest State Exposed

Show Popdadop

Papadopoulos, Russia, & The Deepest State Exposed

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!

Make no mistake there is a Silent Coup… Not just against Trump
We will give you the details so you can KNOW the real Deep State & their motivation
We need more Americans to see this reality- Its a coup against our entire way of life- Not Trump-
We can make the change.

Show Mueller Rpt

3/25 Mueller Barr & What REALLY Happened- Truth & The Prosecutorial Perspective

Show Mueller Rpt

Mueller Barr & What REALLY Happened- Truth & The Prosecutorial Perspective

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!

Mueller Report- What AG Barr REALLY said.
Lies. Half-Truths. Manipulations. Or you can have the truth. Don’t get fooled by the headlines (on either side) because the facts are out there. We did the research so you won’t have to!

ANOTHER BREAKING STORY: Also we I will show you what is increasingly becoming the greatest attack against our Constitutional Republic, but why is NO ONE talking about it?