The KrisAnne Hall Show covers current events in the context of the Constitution and the vision of our founding fathers; asking the questions and giving the truth you won’t hear from other media sources.

We are a Teach Show not a Talk show.  Giving you the daily news they way it should be told.  Fact not Fake.  Truth not Propaganda.  Principle not Party.

Shows can be heard on the website, the Liberty First mobile app as well as on the Liberty First YouTube Channel.

Show Destablilization

05/05 Organized Destabilization of America


Show Destablilization

Organized Destabilization of America

Watch The KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

FBI, CIA, Congress, Patriot Act, USA Freedom Act, Smith-Mundt Modernization Act, etc… Listen as we connect the 4th Amendment & Due Process dots for you that should be connecting in the minds of those who tasked with the preservation of Liberties. It must start with us, or it will never begin.

Show Facebook Purge

05/04 Ahoy! Facebook Purge Alert

Show Facebook Purge

Ahoy! Facebook Purge Alert

Watch The KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

Facebook’s policy clearly establishes certain standards so what’s the problem? They aren’t following their policy! Listen as we expose what is really happening, the real policy and the true danger of this effort to impose their will upon an unsuspecting people.

Show Bar Consequences

05/02 The Unreported Consequences Of The Barr Fiasco

Show Bar Consequences

The Unreported Consequences Of The Barr Fiasco

Hysteria and partisan politics aside, there are some potentially very dangerous collateral consequences if the House Judiciary gets their way and the other things happening in the midst of all the distractions. Pretty sure you won’t hear these other places, but let me know if you do!

Show Tax the rich

05/01 The Unavoidable Consequences of Certain Politics

Show Tax the rich

The Unavoidable Consequences of Certain Politics

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!

Mass exodus of producers in States with high taxes are creating consequences all over the US. Watch with us as we connect the dots and see where this is going, in part because of the Trump “tax plan” but mostly because of the natural order of these sorts of things


04/30 NY, NRA, Trump, & The New Infrastructure Budget


NY NRA, Trump, & The New Infrastructure Budget

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!

Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse… New heights of depravity from the DOJ.
In the news this week, Trump says the NY AG is illegally investigating the NRA- Fact Checking this one for you
The new Trump-Dem “Infrastructure” Budget and what does that mean for you.

Show Congressional Oversight

04/29 Fact Checking Congressional Oversight Yesterday & Today

Show Congressional Oversight

Fact Checking Congressional Oversight Yesterday & Today

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!

A former GOP employee & political wonk wrote an article in The Atlantic alleging that the 200-2013 Congress was “vigorously supervising” Obama & his administration BUT is failing in its duties to “Keep Trump in check.”
Time to do some serious fact checking. Is Trump as “out of control” as people think?  Was Obama “kept in check” by Congress? What will the past tell us about where we are today?

Show History

04/27 NSA, Dept of Ed, & Obama Polluting History

Show History

NSA, Dept of Ed, & Obama Polluting History

Watch the KrisAnneHall Show on YouTube!

Error upon error has a culture changing impact on any society. The Errors about American History have become so widespread and are taught with such “authority” that the majority of Americans, those who consider themselves conservative and liberal alike, are unable to even recognize the history from the lies.
Today we spend some time “fixing” the errors and then we apply these truths to the current events of today!

Show TSA Revoked

04/25 Three Legal Reasons TSA Authority Must Be Immediately Revoked

Show TSA Revoked

Three Legal Reasons TSA Authority Must Be Immediately Revoked

Watch The KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!

Today I share with you my personal TSA experience and the conclusion that the “inconvenience” of flying is not only not necessary but I believe is an intentional design. Not only that How Many Americans know that the TSA is not only unconstitutional, but now is also operating contrary to law & the rights of the people… and not for the most obvious reasons you are thinking right now!
Time to get TRULY educated!


Show FBI Report

04/23 More FBI False Reports?- Infringing Upon Our Rights?

Show FBI Report

More FBI False Reports Infringing Upon Our Rights

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!

If you had to choose between believing a total stranger or believing the contents of an FBI report, which would you choose? Which does recent experience say you can more likely trust? Yet here we are with “conservative” media once again “crafting” stories to demonize people & their Rights based upon FBI reports. You would think the Conservative media would know better!

Show Census

04/23 The Big Census Question

Show Census

The Big Census Question

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!

The Supreme Court heard oral arguments about adding a citizenship question to the Census. Listen to our Constitutional Fact Check & see how the pundits rank.
Also- what does the bombings in Sri Lanka say about America? Just a thought.