The KrisAnne Hall Show covers current events in the context of the Constitution and the vision of our founding fathers; asking the questions and giving the truth you won’t hear from other media sources.

We are a Teach Show not a Talk show.  Giving you the daily news they way it should be told.  Fact not Fake.  Truth not Propaganda.  Principle not Party.

Shows can be heard on the website, the Liberty First mobile app as well as on the Liberty First YouTube Channel.

Show aK atf

05/27 State Battle with ATF Over Gun Rights

Show aK atf

State Battle with ATF Over Gun Rights

Watch The KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!

The People and their States are beginning to recognize that the federal government has overstepped its boundaries, infringing upon State authority. Many States are being forced to choose between the rights of the people and the laws of the feds & one of the most important battles is with the Right to Keep & Bear Arms. Listen as we explain this deeply set problem that is causing our State governments to sit by, when they should be standing for our Rights!

Here is the Article mentioned in the show!  http://bit.ly/RememberThisUS

Show Trump FB Iran

05/18 Breaking: WH Investigates Social Media & The Trump Bolton Iran Dynamic

Show Trump FB Iran

Breaking: WH Investigates Social Media & The Trump Bolton Iran Dynamic

Watch The KrisAnne Hall on YouTube!

This is a slam packed show today. Breaking is the White House grassroots investigation of social media censorship practices. Get inside information on the process. Also, insight from our foreign policy guru on the whats going on with Trump Bolton & Iran.

show alabam abortion

05/16 What Will Happen With AL Abortion Law

show alabam abortion

What Will Happen With AL Abortion Law

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on Youtube


What will be the outcome of the Alabama challenge to Roe v. Wade. What should AL actually do? This may be one of the most important cases in a 100 years. I believe that Alabama is going about this all wrong and if we don’t know the facts, we might stand by when we could be working to ensure a proper outcome. Don’t be shocked or surprised… KNOW what will the inevitable will be.

Show Sharia Georgia

05/15 Sharia Law Enforced in Georgia?

Show Sharia Georgia


Sharia Law Enforced in Georgia?

Watch The KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!

What do your rights mean to you? Can we call it by the numbers or do we have to sugar coat it to keep people comfortable? This is happening in America, albeit under a different name. But Sharia by any other name is still tyranny. So don’t get mad at us, we’re just telling it like is.
Do we have the courage to be true to Liberty? This will determine America’s fate, I promise.

Chief Brian Stephens needs information on Freedom of Speech.  Give him my contact info. I would be happy to teach his employees at no cost!
Show Kavanaugh Apple

05/04 The Kavanaugh Impact On Apple

Show Kavanaugh Apple


The Kavanaugh Impact On Apple

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!

Kavanaugh is definitely having an effect on the Supreme Court. His vote on Apple v. Pepper could be the biggest yet. Let me give you a true Constitutional analysis so you can be better educated than the talking heads. Perhaps then you won’t ask in the future, “How did we get here?”
BONUS: Proof that Harvard Law School is worthless & contributing to the millennial ignorance problem!

PS- Do you want to really know why Kavanaugh voted with the liberal judges?  Here is your answer: http://bit.ly/KavanaughIdeology

Show Mothers Day

05/12 Amazing American Mothers!

Show Mothers Day

Amazing American Mothers!

Watch The KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!

These are the Amazing America Mothers the Marxists, Communists, Progressives, & Liberals don’t want you to know! Spend today honoring the women who actually reflect the true principles of America & then teach our sons & daughters who the real heroes are!

Show feudalism

05/11 Serfdom in America?


Show feudalism


Serfdom in America

Watch The KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

This is what happens when we surrender local politics for federal theater. I bet most Americans would think this show is based upon a fiction novel written about a dystopian America, but sadly it is not. Please listen and learn so this won’t happen in YOUR neighborhood.

Please take a few minutes to make contact and voice your feelings!

Dundedin, FL contact:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DUNEDINFLORIDA
City Attorney Thomas Trask:(727) 733-0494
Email: Tom@cityattorneys.legal
Mayor Julie Ward Bujalski: 727-298-3001
Email: jbujalski@dunedinfl.net
Property Appraiser Mike Twitty:(727) 464-3207
Email: mike@pcpao.org

show dimwit democrats

05/09 Where is the Constitutional Crisis?

show dimwit democrats


Where is the Constitutional Crisis?

Watch The KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!

There is a condition called “situational ethics” but now we have in politics situational constitutionalism. Here are the new media talking points designed by these dimwitted democrats and walk-away republicans to create an alternate constitutional reality. Learn the narrative so you can have the confidence to defeat the lies, boldly, openly, and publicly. TAKE BACK THE NARRATIVE & Defend the Constitution!

Show Free speech

05/08 Freedom of Speech or Speech Police

Show Free speech

Freedom of Speech or Speech Police

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

A little lesson on freedom of speech! Do we want liberty or do we want speech police? The battle for Liberty is always biggest at home. When government has the power to make “offensive” illegal, how long before your speech is threatened?
Listen to how Samuel Adams was right when he said it would be ignorance and the loss of virtue that would be the destruction of America.

Show Trump Taxes

05/07 The Constitution & Trump’s Tax Returns

Show Trump Taxes


The Constitution & Trump’s Tax Returns

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!

The House Dems claim they have “oversight” authority in the Constitution over the President that authorizes their demand for Trump’s tax returns. Today we go to the Constitution and show you the undeniable facts & the true oversight/hypocrisy being displayed by these people in power.

Today we also discuss the ways Facebook could be sued for discrimination, but why that might actually be a bad idea.