The KrisAnne Hall Show covers current events in the context of the Constitution and the vision of our founding fathers; asking the questions and giving the truth you won’t hear from other media sources.

We are a Teach Show not a Talk show.  Giving you the daily news they way it should be told.  Fact not Fake.  Truth not Propaganda.  Principle not Party.

Shows can be heard on the website, the Liberty First mobile app as well as on the Liberty First YouTube Channel.

Show Trump Ways Means

07/24 Trump Sues House Committee & Who’s The Most Racist President


Show Trump Ways Means

Trump Sues House Committee & Who’s The Most Racist President

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!

Trump is suing the Ways & Means Committee in the House. Let me show you the facts behind this suit and how SCOTUS should see it IF they are not hypocrites
Also, the demand to impeach Trump claims he is the most racist president ever. Let’s look at the most racist president ever…
it isn’t Trump.


1.  https://theconversation.com/how-the-black-middle-class-was-attacked-by-woodrow-wilsons-administration-52200


show transformation2

7/23 From Socialist To Constitutionalist – My Story



show transformation2

From Socialist To Constitutionalist – My Story

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!

What does it take to make a hard core socialist into a true faith Constitutionalist? Listen as this wide awake story is told to not only encourage you, but to show you how to reach others.


KrisAnne’s BREXIT Article: http://bit.ly/BrExitNow

Show Constitution Failed

07/22 Politics A Narrative of Greed, Vengeance, & Immorality

Show Constitution Failed

Politics A Narrative of Greed, Vengeance, & Immorality

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

Samuel Adams said without Knowledge & Virtue America would become its own worst enemy. Distinguishing ourselves from the politically driven narrative is imperative to the survival of America; once distinguished we must then be vocal in TRUTH- regardless of party or political ideology.

show social media

07/20 Social Media & The American Decline

show social media

Social Media & The American Decline

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!

Congressional inquiries into the practices of social media corporations- the probe is just as dangerous as the corporations…if not more. Let’s talk about the Constitution, Congress, Internet, & corporate “misconduct.”
Plus other Liberty driven topics

Show Impeach

07/18 We’re Back With the Big News Not Fake News

Show Impeach

We’re Back With the Big News Not Fake News

Watch The KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!

Did you know there is more going on and more important things you need to know than Trump’s “abrasive” comments.
Let us show you what you are being denied and why it is so very important.

show doj attny

07/10 Incompetence of DOJ Attorneys Undermining POTUS


show doj attny

Incompetence of DOJ Attorneys Undermining POTUS

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTubeWatch the KrisAnne Hall Show on Brighteon.com

A series of cases that appear to be a comedy of errors can only prove one of two things, Incompetence or a deliberate plot by the DOJ to undermine Donald Trump. Listen to pattern these cases prove to tell the tale.


1. https://int.nyt.com/data/documenthelper/1365-trump-twitter-second-circuit-r/c0f4e0701b087dab9b43/optimized/full.pdf#page=1

Show EC Fed Drug

07/09 En Vogue America Hating Trump Hatch Act


Show EC Fed Drug

En Vogue America Hating Trump Hatch Act

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube.  Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on Brighteon.com


What is with this trend to be popular you have to hate America. I want to show you the real LEGAL & CONSTITUTIONAL issues with the Women’s Soccer Team.
There is a new cry in the Trump Hater Tribe about Hatch Act Violations. I will show you what the Hatch Act actually means for Donald Trump.

Show Kaepernick

07/06 America’s Foundation is Great & Kaepernick is Ignorant


Show Kaepernick

America’s Foundation is Great & Kaepernick is Ignorant

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube. Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on Brighteon.com 

Over Independence Week Kaepernick launched an attack on several icons of American history while denigrating the foundation of America with his ignorance, arrogance, and malevolence. While having an educated conversation with Kaepernick may not be impossible (although I am willing to give it a try if he is) I know you and I can bring rational truth to light.


1.  How the Constitution Ended Slavery  http://bit.ly/ConstitutionPoliticsSlavery

2.  Frederick Douglass 4th of July Speech  https://www.freemaninstitute.com/douglass.htm

got liberty

Got Liberty?

Celebrate Independence day year round with a Got Liberty Tee from KrisAnne!


Get your Got Liberty Tshirt from Teespring today!



Get your Got Liberty Tshirt from Teespring today!







Show Dem Psyche

07/03 Analyzing the Dem Psyche & Their POTUS Nominations


Show Dem Psyche

Analyzing the Dem Psyche & Their POTUS Nominations

Watch The KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube.  Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on Briteon.com.

A Gallup poll, A politician’s promise, & a famous political adviser give us some real insight into the Democrat Psyche and help us make predictions for the presidential nominee for the democrat party and the trajectory of the democrat party.
Purely scientific no party spin or bias!


1. https://news.gallup.com/poll/259841/american-pride-hits-new-low-few-proud-political-system.aspx?fbclid=IwAR1jPy6us3by5VJtjeQZd-8JdwnZ0-YFYxd8hOjfvf29LYUdGpO2k_jbHZU

2. https://www.theblaze.com/news/dem-rep-frederica-wilson-vows-prosecute-people-for-making-fun-of-members-of-congress-online?fbclid=IwAR1RNzbxawvjXvdg7YBe3nguPKXPPM-vZkqex-1EHAAqY_YIorSWh_cXmn8

3. https://www.newsweek.com/kamala-harris-will-2020-democratic-nominee-why-newt-gingrich-has-been-saying-that-all-year-1447226