The KrisAnne Hall Show covers current events in the context of the Constitution and the vision of our founding fathers; asking the questions and giving the truth you won’t hear from other media sources.

We are a Teach Show not a Talk show.  Giving you the daily news they way it should be told.  Fact not Fake.  Truth not Propaganda.  Principle not Party.

Shows can be heard on the website, the Liberty First mobile app as well as on the Liberty First YouTube Channel.

Show Watch list

9/05 Did A Federal Court Declare DHS Watch List Unconstitutional?

Show Watch list

Did A Federal Court Declare DHS Watch List Unconstitutional?

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

An important action alert for all Liberty Loving Patriots and a close look at the federal court case recently making headlines. As always we look at the court opinion, not the headlines and tell you the factually what just happened legally. This is a really important case & every American ought to know the details. Be the smartest person in the room by watching this show!


1.  A Lesson in Gun Control – http://bit.ly/GunControlLesson

2.  TAPS Act Analysis – http://bit.ly/TapsActTruth

3.  Court Opinion – Watch List- https://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net/cairhq/pages/1125/attachments/original/1567639798/2019-09-04_Memorandum_And_Opinion__dckt_323_0_.pdf?1567639798&utm_medium=email

show communism gun

09/04 Correlation Between Communism, Gun Laws, & New GOP



show communism gun

Correlation Between Communism, Gun Laws, & New GOP

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

The GOP platform says they oppose all infringement upon the right of law abiding citizens to keep & bear arms- but you wouldn’t know that by looking at the new GOP leaders in America.
You have seen the comparison of the left & communism but how about an honest assessment that these gun laws proffered by the New GOP are communism in the most insidious forms?
Remember I am Liberty over Security & Principle over Party


It is Impossible to Outlaw Crazy by Victor Sperondeo http://bit.ly/CantOutlawCrazy

Show Fear Rights

09/03 Govt Enforcing Fear Instead of Securing Rights


Show Fear Rights

Govt Enforcing Fear Instead of Securing Rights

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

Public School SWATS a 16 yo junior over anonymous tip & Senate Dems quote founders in a written threat to the Supreme Court.


1. Senate Brief Threatening Supreme Court: https://www.whitehouse.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/New%20York%20Rifle%20&%20Pistol%20Association%20v.%20New%20York%20(Whitehouse%20amicus%20FINAL).pdf

2. Student SWATed by School : https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/08/30/student-suspended-after-shooting-guns-at-range-with-mother/

Show Comey IG

08/29 James Comey IG Report – In Depth

Show Comey IG

James Comey IG Report – In Depth

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

Comey says he is owed an apology based upon the DOJ IG report recently released. Lets look at the report itself and see if Comey is owed what he claims, or if he once again is lying.


Comey IG Report: https://www.scribd.com/document/423671596/Doj-Ig-Comey#from_embed

Show pulitzer

08/28 Liberal Constitution Bashing Gets a Pulitzer Nom


Show pulitzer

Liberal Constitution Bashing Gets a Pulitzer Nom

Watch The KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

Political Obsessions are a great threat to American liberty and prosperity. Join us for a discussion reaching the far corners of political elitism ending with a pathetic play bashing the Constitution that is apparently now Pulitzer material.

Show Suing Social

8/26 Suing Social Media


Show Suing Social

Suing Social Media

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on Youtube

Today I will explain to you the legal basis for suing social media platforms. The key to understanding this is fundamental to all property owners and must be understood if we are truly to preserve the rights of the people.

Show UR

08/22 Propaganda v Truth In History


Show UR

Propaganda v Truth In History

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube


Today I compare the narrative of the propaganda machine with the truth in History… our topic – The Underground Railroad. What you hear might just blow your mind.
Plus a mind-blowing story about criminalizing freedom of speech.


1.  Truth in History – The Underground Railroad by Kate Dalley

Show minority

8/20 FBI Sets up Real Precog Unit

Show minority

FBI Sets up Real Precog Unit

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

Since J Edgar Hoover we haven’t seen such an out of control, unhinged, and despotic FBI. Not sure what POTUS is doing, but he isn’t getting his DOJ under control. So guess what… The People MUST exercise their authority and demand a just and lawful FBI.


1. https://www.krisannehall.com/index.php/resources/articles/418-southern-poverty-law-center-interview

2.  https://www.krisannehall.com/index.php/resources/articles/416-hr-838-taps-act-behavior-police

3.  https://reason.com/2019/08/20/the-government-wants-a-red-flag-social-media-tool-thats-a-terrible-idea/

4. https://townhall.com/tipsheet/bethbaumann/2019/08/19/red-flag-law-failure-guy-is-stripped-of-his-gunsbecause-of-another-mans-criminal-activity-n2551921?207


show cuts

08/19 Death By A Thousand Lies

show cuts


08/19 Death By A Thousand Lies

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

Let us show you how people in government are working together behind the scenes to kill the Constitution & Liberty in a death by a thousand lies. They want you to think they don’t know what the other is doing. They want you to think there is no connection. They want you to think they hate each other. This is NOT theory- this is true conspiracy.


1. HR 838 TAPS Act – You Are Being Lied To 


3.  https://reason.com/2019/08/08/crimes-committed-by-domestic-terrorists-are-already-illegal-we-dont-need-another-federal-crime/

Show Pres Jud gun

08/15 Presidential & Judicial Gun Rights Issues


Show Pres Jud gun

Presidential & Judicial Gun Rights Issues

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

 While the purveyors of propaganda are busy attempting to distract and deceive Americans, let us set aside the dictated narrative and address the issues that are really important.