The KrisAnne Hall Show covers current events in the context of the Constitution and the vision of our founding fathers; asking the questions and giving the truth you won’t hear from other media sources.

We are a Teach Show not a Talk show.  Giving you the daily news they way it should be told.  Fact not Fake.  Truth not Propaganda.  Principle not Party.

Shows can be heard on the website, the Liberty First mobile app as well as on the Liberty First YouTube Channel.

show way means

09/27 House Dems Use SPLC to Discriminate


show way means

09/27 House Dems Use SPLC to Discriminate

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

Once again proving their intent to deny the Natural Rights of Americans the House Dems move to use a proven Hate Group to define “hate” speech and use the government as a tool of force to condemn and eliminate any speech they do not agree with. WE have an obligation to hear this and KNOW what our enemies of Liberty are conspiring contrary to the Constitution & the principles that make America Great.


1.  American Direct Taxation 1: http://bit.ly/AmHxTaxation

2.  American Direct Taxation 2: http://bit.ly/AmHxTax2

show court rob

09/26 Fed Court: Govt Agents Can Steal From Citizens With Immunity



show court rob

09/26 Fed Court: Govt Agents Can Steal From Citizens With Immunity

Watch The KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

No this is not a parody, hyperbole, or parable. This is actually a federal court opinion and you will not believe what these 3 justices have just established as a precedent in America. The question will be, will we follow the solutions offered here or just wait for the tyranny to come.

Show CNN Impeach

09/25 CNN Failing Efforts To Impeach Trump

Show CNN Impeach

CNN Failing Efforts To Impeach Trump

Watch The KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

Pelosi calls for Impeachment & CNN jumps on board. Let us help you be prepared to combat the onslaught of lies and deceptions so you are able to discern truth.

Show crazy law

09/23 State Law Enforcement Pushing Insane Law

Show crazy law

Local Law Enforcement Pushing Insane Law

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

Better beware. The State that brought you Republican Party sanctioned Red Flag Laws is ready to kick it up a notch and you will not believe what they are suggesting now. If it succeeds. It will spread- I guarantee. Stop it NOW before this tyranny plague spreads.

Resources: Federal TAPs Act Constitutional Review: http://bit.ly/TapsActTruth

Show Snowden

09/19 Constitution Week: Unlawful Searches & Edward Snowden

Show Snowden

Constitution Week: Unlawful Searches & Edward Snowden

Watch The KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

After 258 years of history, why does our Department of Justice still look more like mercenaries of the king than a division of government within a Constitutional Republic? Time to take a wide-eyed look at just how out of control our federal government STILL is.


Exceptions to the 4th Amendment: http://bit.ly/Exceptions4thA

Show Assange

09/17 Constitution Week: 1st Amendment & The Courts


Show Assange

Constitution Week: 1st Amendment & The Courts

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

Constitution Week continues as we look at a current Supreme Court case and see what it means for Religious Liberty when a Christian business sues the City of Phoenix over an ordinance compelling them to operate outside their conscience.


1.  Arizona Supreme Court Case: https://www.azcourts.gov/Portals/0/OpinionFiles/Supreme/2019/Brush%20and%20Nib%20Filed.pdf

2.  US Supreme Court Opinion Not a Victory for Religious Liberty:  http://bit.ly/COcakeBakerSCOTUS

Show Kava impeach

09/16 Constitution Week: Kavanaugh & All Things Constitutional

Show Kava impeach


09/16 Constitution Week: Kavanaugh & All Things Constitutional

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

Happy Constitution Week! Today we talk about the prospects of Kavanaugh’s Impeachment and what it takes to impeach a SCOTUS Justice – we also begin a series this week, in honor of Constitution Week, where we will TEACH the Constitution so you can be better equipped to educate others to the saving of our Republic!

Resources: Dispelling the Misguided Narrative on Original Intent: http://bit.ly/OriginalIntentTruth

Show Constitution Failed

09/11 Mind Blowing Federal Lawlessness

Show Constitution Failed

Mind Blowing Federal Lawlessness

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

As if the surreal couldn’t get more unreal we enter in the greater depths of federal lawless intrusions into constitutionally forbidden zones.
The Good News is we have also have States coming together to investigate the Big Tech Giants.
Listen and learn the Full Constitutional message of the day.

SHow dnc relig liberty

09/10 Bolton Fired & DNC Says Religious Liberty Is Bad

SHow dnc relig liberty

Bolton Fired & DNC Says Religious Liberty Is Bad

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!

Not a shock to Liberty First Listeners but Bolton is GONE. What’s the real question that we should be asking about this “news” event? Did you see that the DNC has announced that Religious Liberty is a bad thing? Goes right along with our report yesterday, doesn’t it!
Be the smartest Liberty Lover in the room; Listen to the Show!


1.  Stolen Education Article: https://krisannehall.com/index.php/resources/articles/183-stolen-education-stolen-children-stolen-future

2.  DNC Resoution: https://secular.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/DNC-Resolution-on-the-Nonreligious-Demographic.pdf


Show Professor

09/09 Elite Professor: America Will Fail People Are Too Free

Show Professor

Elite Professor: America Will Fail People Are Too Free

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

Ivy League Professor wrote a paper and gave a speech about how America is doomed to destruction and you have to hear his irrational “rationalizations.”
As always we bring other Constitutionally important issues that YOU need to know about. Be the smartest person in the room, Listen to this show.


1.  https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2019/09/08/shawn-rosenberg-democracy-228045

2.  Cult of the Expert: https://www.amazon.com/Cult-Expert-Brian-J-Ford/dp/0241104769

3.  Patrick Woods: https://www.technocracy.news/product/technocracy-rising-the-trojan-horse-of-global-transformation/