The KrisAnne Hall Show covers current events in the context of the Constitution and the vision of our founding fathers; asking the questions and giving the truth you won’t hear from other media sources.

We are a Teach Show not a Talk show.  Giving you the daily news they way it should be told.  Fact not Fake.  Truth not Propaganda.  Principle not Party.

Shows can be heard on the website, the Liberty First mobile app as well as on the Liberty First YouTube Channel.

Show Deconstruct gun

Episode 1018 Gun Control Argument Deconstructed – Learn the Smack Down

Show Deconstruct gun

Episode 1018 Gun Control Argument Deconstructed – Learn the Smack Down

Watch The KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube!

We ALL need to understand the source of the Gun Control Argument and the most effective way to convince & convert people to Liberty. Learn the Art of Smack Down, while keeping it classy & #LibertyFirst

Partner with The KrisAnne Hall Daily Journal and be a part of the force that will restore Americans with their Constitutional Principles! To JOIN with us just simple text- impact2020 to 33777

show partisan lies

Episode 1017 Debunking the Partisan Lies – On Both Sides


show partisan lies

Episode 1017 Debunking the Partisan Lies – On Both Sides

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

This is a teach show, not a talk show. Today we take all the Partisan lies about impeachment and put them to the Truth test. Help your friends and family members not be duped. #TakeBackTheNarrative #SpeakTruth

Partner with The KrisAnne Hall Daily Journal and be a part of the force that will restore Americans with their Constitutional Principles! To JOIN with us just simple text- impact2020 to 33777

Get the current events from a Constitutional and Principled perspective. Want to know Truth in whats happening today? Tune in and find out. We may be the only ones with the courage to give it to you straight. Liberty over Security Principle over Party Truth over Personality

Show queen pelosi

Episode 1016 Queen Pelosi

Show queen pelosi

Episode 1016 Queen Pelosi

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

The expansion of power being exercised by the House is increasing exponentially and it is creating an aristocracy unimaginable by those who ratified our Constitution. Learn the Constitutional perspective and know what is really going on. Please excuse KrisAnne’s rant, the attacks on our Constitution are also increasing!

Partner with The KrisAnne Hall Daily Journal and be a part of the force that will restore Americans with their Constitutional Principles! To JOIN with us just simple text- impact2020 to 33777

show va guns

Episode 1015 Virginia & The Battle for The Right of Self-Preservation

show va guns

Episode 1015 Virginia & The Battle for The Right of Self-Preservation

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

An in depth conversation on the Right to Keep & Bear Arms, the Virginia Constitution, and the inherent right to resist an oppressive rule of law.

Partner with The KrisAnne Hall Daily Journal and be a part of the force that will restore Americans with their Constitutional Principles! To JOIN with us just simple text- impact2020 to 33777

show trump 3 years

Episode 1014 Can Trump Stay 3 More Years If Impeached & Butting Heads with Bureaucracy

show trump 3 years

Episode 1014 Can Trump Stay 3 More Years If Impeached & Butting Heads with Bureaucracy

Watch The KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

Social media is swarming about a “legal argument” that SCOTUS can let Trump stay 3 more years if impeached. Please, let me settle this once and for all.
Also, I am back from my DC visit, listen to how I butted heads with legal counsel of an executive agency over personal and parental rights!

Support this show by texting – impact2020 to 33777

Show barr interview

Episode 1012 Interview with AG WM Barr

Show barr interview

Episode 1012 Interview with WM Barr

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

AG William Barr, in an interview with a major MSM outlet, drops some amazing bombshells implicating future investigations for some VERY important people. Listen as we walk through this interview and tell you what Barr is actually saying in what he is not saying. 

Partner with The KrisAnne Hall Daily Journal and be a part of the force that will restore Americans with their Constitutional Principles! To JOIN with us just simple text- impact2020 to 33777

show ig report

Episode 1011 IG Report Review Constitutionally Speaking



show ig report

Episode 1011 IG Report Review Constitutionally Speaking

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

Learn about the IG Report from people that not only were trained in the intelligence community, but also trained in the law for 20 years and the Constitution for more than a decade. You will not get this unbiased & truthful perspective with this level of education and understanding anywhere else. Be the smartest person in the room. Learn from #LibertyFirst!

Partner with The KrisAnne Hall Daily Journal and be a part of the force that will restore Americans with their Constitutional Principles! To JOIN with us just simple text- impact2020 to 33777

Show hacks

Episode 1010 Political Hacks, Idiot Experts, & The Representative Democracy

Show hacks

Episode 1010 Political Hacks, Idiot Experts, & The Representative Democracy

Watch The KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

If you want to discover why American politics is sinking so quickly in America, look no further than who society chooses to listen to and where we consider our facts.

Partner with The KrisAnne Hall Daily Journal and be a part of the force that will restore Americans with their Constitutional Principles!
To JOIN with us just simple text- impact2020 to 33777

Show Nancy Madison

Episode 1009 Following Nancy’s Advice On The Constitution

Show Nancy Madison


Episode 1009 Following Nancy’s Advice On The Constitution

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

Nancy Pelosi has championed, publicly, James Madison as the authority on the meaning of the Constitution. Today JC & I follow Nancy’s advice, but I’m pretty sure she’s not gonna like it. ?

Partner with The KrisAnne Hall Daily Journal and be a part of the force that will restore Americans with their Constitutional Principles!

To JOIN with us just simple text- impact2020 to 33777

Show 1008 cong crimes

Episode 1008 The Crimes Of Congress & A Founder’s Grave Warning

Show 1008 cong crimes

Episode 1008 The Crimes Of Congress & A Founder’s Grave Warning

Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

Its time to put Congress under the “impeachment” microscope and see how that works out for them. The standard is the Constitution, not Nancy Pelosi.

Partner with The KrisAnne Hall Daily Journal and be a part of the force that will restore Americans with their Constitutional Principles! To JOIN with us just simple text- impact2020 to 33777