The Gulf Which Is To Swallow All

The Right to a Trial by a Jury of our Peers is a long established fundamental Right, codified in 1215 through the Magna Carta.  Yesterday, through the verdict of the Jury in Oregon acquitting the Malheur protesters, America and the world learned why that Right is so vital to the preservation of Liberty.  In a system where the government writes the laws, interprets the laws, enforces the laws, prosecutes the laws, and even sits in judgement of those laws, the only protection for the Liberty of the people is the Trial by Jury.  If that system were left unchecked by the jury, the statements of theses government agents tell us exactly what the outcome of that trial would have been:

Governor Kate Brown: “While I respect the jury’s decision, I am disappointed.”

Sheriff David Ward: “While I am disappointed in the outcome…”

Dan Ashe, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service director: “We are profoundly disappointed in the outcome of the trial,”

If judgement were left up to these people we can see that there would be no justice, only slavish submission to government orders.  There would be no Right to Protest the government, there would be No Right to Free Speech, and there would be no Liberty.

“This sacred Privilege is so essential to free Governments, that the Security of Property, and the Freedom of Speech always go together; and in those wretched Countries where a Man cannot call his Tongue his own, he can scarce call any Thing else his own. Whoever would overthrow the Liberty of a Nation, must begin by subduing the Freeness of Speech; a Thing terrible to Publick Traytors.” Silence Dogood #8

These people, in their statements, have told us all we need to know about who they are- they are public traitors to Liberty and they are the reason very reason why our Trial by Jury in necessary.

The actions of the US Marshalls after the verdict was rendered also give us a shocking picture of what our government agents have become.  The fact that attorney Marcus Mumford was violently attacked by these agents, handcuffed and tazed, for simply demanding they show legal cause for detaining his client should be outrageous to every American.  The fact that Judge Anna Brown sat by and watched this happen in open court without objection, gives us a wakeup call as to what our federal courts have become.  These are not the scenes we would expect in a nation dedicated to Liberty and the fundamental Rights of Due Process.  Anna Brown and these Marshalls are more fitting in a third world banana republic.  They are the picture of despotism and must be held accountable if America will ever see Liberty restored.

Every American should remember, a government with this kind of unchecked power will be a foe to all men sooner or later.  The sword of the government you cheer today, will be the sword that persecutes you tomorrow and all of history proves that to be true.

Yes, Liberty was vindicated in the jury verdict.  But where will we go from here?   As long as there are governors like Kate Brown, as long as there are sheriffs like David Ward, as long as there are judges like Anna Brown, as long as government agents can wield violent and arbitrary power, Liberty is not secure and no American can rest in the peaceful enjoyment of his pursuit of Happiness.

We must learn from this and move forward.  We must demand and expect that those in government reflect Liberty and not despotism.   We must hold them accountable and remove them from their positions if they refuse to defend the Rights of the people.  Any loyalty to an expanding and authoritarian government cannot be rewarded or even tolerated if Americans wish to be free.

“when all government, domestic and foreign, in little as in great things, shall be drawn to Washington as the centre of all power, it will render powerless the checks provided of one government on another…If the States look with apathy on this silent descent of their government into the gulf which is to swallow all, we have only to weep over the human character formed uncontrollable but by a rod of iron…” Thomas Jefferson, 1812

Choose you this day, love of government or love of Liberty.  As for me and my house…we choose Liberty.

~Most Sincerely Submitted,

KrisAnne Hall, Liberty First
liberty first above all

The Reason To Withhold Taxes

1774, Lord North sent a conciliatory plan to the American Colonies that basically said just comply with our tax plan and we will forget all of this disruption.
Jefferson responded in 1775:
“The this privilege of giving or of withholding our monies, is an important barrier against the undue exertion of prerogative, which, if left altogether without controul, may be exercised to our great oppression; and all history shews how efficacious is its intercession from redress of grievances, and re-establishment of rights, and how improvident it would be to part with so powerful a mediator.”
Jefferson knew that simply accepting the budget created by parliament without question or control was the complete surrender of the power of the people to an unlimited government.
Read Jefferson’s full response: page 471
Know WHY The House is completely responsible for the unlawful spending of government:
Let us contemplate Jefferson’s words as our own Congress moves to pass yet another Continuing Resolution. This resolution would “fund government” until December 9 and is literally an authorization to unlimited government spending and unlimited government power.
Our Congress will not only continue to fund programs and agencies that are not authorized by the Constitution, they will fund and support programs and agencies that are prohibited by the Constitution. This was exactly the kind of behavior that Jefferson was warning us about.
Jefferson said this kind of spending is “unreasonable and insidious.”
Unreasonable because if we simply accept this spening by Congress, without open defiance, we are selling out our control and liberties to purchase favor from the government. We avoid a “government shutdown” and keep the money flowing, that is true; but at what ultimate cost, asks Jefferson. This spending is insidious Jefferson claims, because the people have petitioned and begged for government to stop this spending, and in deliberate defiance of both the Constitution and the people, they have “artfully procrastinated” their “budget cuts” in order to continue their deceitful and unlawful activity.
Any, and yes I mean any, politician who will vote in favor of this continued violation of the Constitution, the Rights of the people, and the future of our Children should be shamed out of office and never voted to return.
Yes, I wholeheartedly believe that one bad vote should be grounds for dismissal. When you take Jefferson’s words to hear, we can see just how insidious the violations of a Continuing Resolution truly are.
Hold your House Rep responsible for this unlawful wickedness.

The Corrupt Rug, Pulled… A Follow Up to Hillary's Run

Please enjoy a follow-up to the article “Hillary Clinton- Running For Her Life” by my friend Robert Townsend.  ~ KrisAnne


The Corrupt Rug, Pulled…

by Robert Townsend

hillary-pneumoniaI was already considering a quick follow up to my previous essay (Running for Her Life) but recent events have unfolded which forces me to get my thoughts in front of you, dear reader, earlier than I expected.  I do this to provide some perspective for the likely fallout of Hillary Clinton’s recent, ehem, medical event.

In my most recent essay, I posited that HRC is running for president, not for any grandiose or altruistic sense of duty or to make history (herstory?) as the first female American chief executive, but rather to make good on corrupt promises she has made to all the shiny despots the world over.  But now it appears that the expectations of her coronation have gone a bit wobbly.

If we were to walk in her sensible shoes for a moment, it becomes clear that every time that she or her sycophants announced her excellent medical health, the goal was not to keep the party faithful on board or to win over that “Bucket of Deplorables” to her side.  Remember, she doesn’t need you or your vote; the election is all but stolen already.  But in order for that to happen, she must maintain access to the money that finances her usurpation.

we-at-hillarySo if the assurances of good health weren’t meant for the voters, who were they for? Her financiers.  They, above all else, is what keeps Hillary in the game. The last thing she needs is for her benefactors to begin to doubt that their horse might actually be sickly.  If her financiers see that their money is not invested in a sure thing (as any money-wise person is apt to do), they very well may pull the rug out from under her and stop throwing good money after bad.  This must be avoided at all costs.  I wonder what their opinions were when it was reported that an ambulance was now part of their candidate’s motorcade?

And all this was before HRC’s latest Weekend-At-Bernie’s episode.  And thanks to the video that is now circulating around the internet (and the offices of Chinese and Russian Foreign Intelligence as well), the media can no longer run interference and call accusations of her poor health a conspiracy theory.

If the conversations were not already happening in the dark and smoky back rooms of Hillary and Obama’s masters, they most certainly are now.

The string pullers who are actually financing her campaign and expecting their quid pro quo must now seriously doubt that she can even make it to electionday.  Her illness(es?) is/are now so transparent that even the co-opted media must discuss it in serious terms.  This is huge; the smoke is lifting.

So the puppeteers must now make a choice:

soros-puppetDo they continue throwing good money after bad to get a losing horse across the finish line and get nothing in return or do they stop funding her altogether and keep their powder dry for a time when they can have more influence? WWSD?  (What Would Soros Do?)

As part of the theatre that is the current general election, we, as serfs, will never see or know that her money well had dried up.  If we knew just how much external, foreign money was spent to feed Dutchess Clinton’s avarice, the truth would be exposed that she never represented you, her loyal subjects.

Instead, we will likely read “due to health reasons, HRC has decided to pull out of the race” which wouldn’t be altogether untrue!

But withdrawing from the race has its own complications.  If she pulls out, the DNC and its fiduciary masters will then have to deal with the chaotic aftermath of HRC “suspending her campaign.”

According to DNC rules, that means Sanders is automatically nominated.  Talk about a twist worthy of a John Grisham novel…The underdog wins in the end, the Bad News Bears bats in a triple to win the game, the nerdy free-love freeloader gets the cheerleader.

bernie sanders and robin hoodThe DNC rules of course, mean absolutely nothing to an organization that invented “Super Delegates.” Don’t be surprised when Sanders “graciously and humbly refuses” the nomination, preferring to spend time with his family, all the while with a .38 snub nose in his back.

Ironically, Sanders at the moment is the only democrat candidate that could actually give Trump a run for his money.  Not because Sanders’ ideas are so much better (they’re really more of a punchline), but because Sanders voters are so ignorant to economics, loyal to their ignorance and excited to vote for a man who (just as Trump) rails against the corruption of the world around us.

So if HRC loses her funding, and Sanders plays the elder statesman with a black eye and refuses the nomination, what then?  The DNC forced into a last minute replacement (voted on by nobody) such as an Elizabeth Warren or Joe Biden?

The answer to that question is simply, “who knows?” Who knows what that den of vipers is capable of?

But at the end of the day, understand that if Her Highness does indeed “suspend her campaign” it most certainly was not to recuperate.  She simply lost the faith of those who were paying her bills, despots and dictators.


rob townsend

Hillary Clinton: Running For Her Life

This is a guest article by my friend, Robert Townsend.  Hope you enjoy…I sure did! ~ KrisAnne


hillary queenAs if you hadn’t heard enough political speculating, here’s some more…

I’ve been wondering. Why the hell is Hillary Clinton “running” for president anyway? I mean, I think we can all agree that Hillary isn’t (nay, can’t) run anywhere with fresh health concerns being revealed daily. By any count, her “Foundation” has raked in untold millions. Of course, those are just the millions we know about; the number could actually stretch into the billions, but let’s just stick to what we know for now.

So the question remains: Why is she running? She has likely been suffering from a variety of illnesses for quite a while which is just now finally taking hold in the electorate’s consciousness. But she’s of course known about her weak health for quite a hillary stumblewhile.

She has more money than any person could hope to collect in a hundred lifetimes, so why not sit back and enjoy her retirement and grandchildren free from the financial worries that her political and duplicitous machinations have doomed the rest of the country (and world?) to? Surely hundreds of millions of dollars is ‘enough’ to secure herself and her family’s needs, is it not? In comparison, even at his worst, ole FDR himself didn’t look nearly as frail as Hillary does today, and that man had polio, in the 1920’s!

hillary glassesThe Clinton family and their “foundation” has collected hundreds of millions of dollars, that we know about, over the years. I believe it’s safe to say that they have no mortgages, no credit card bills hanging over their head, no car payments, etc. Just what do you think they plan to do with all that dough? Make more dough? Paraphrasing our good friend Harrison J. Bounel (042-68-4425), “I do think that at some point you’ve made enough money” (2010). Is that not a sound financial recommendation, or am I expecting too much that our betters live by the words they would doom the rest of us to?

So, if the Clinton Nostra has enough money to live on for the rest of their lives, why bother to continue in the hillary fdrfight for the presidency? Their comfort is assured and her ill-health would argue to slow down; but she doesn’t. Why not?

All the pieces are there for anyone willing to put them together. We are only learning now, as a country, how the Clintons turned the State Department (and her senate office before that? And Bill’s presidency before that?) into a political cash register. The entire Clinton clan has raised the stakes of pay-for-play beyond the dreams of the

Borgias. It’s just out-moded and doddery thinking to believe that a secret can remain a secret in the information age.

hillary obamaLooking at her pathetic campaign and the way she obtained her party’s nomination (she didn’t win it), we can only assume that she and her courtiers fully anticipated a typically milquetoast Republican candidate to run against her (all but ensuring an easy victory as the ones before). How else to explain the attempted use of the tried and true tropes of calling anyone running against her a racist, sexist, “homo-phobe” or bigot? The fact that the current Republican nominee is immune to her attacks seems to escape Duchess Clinton and her advisors.

Not to get off topic, but Hillary’s intent to steal the election just as she stole the primary from Sanders is glaringly obvious. Consider for a moment that the purpose of a real election is to convince more people than your opponent that you are the better choice, right? So, when Hillary is calling Trump’s supporters Racists, Bigots and “homo-phobes” this shows that she has literally no intent to convince the fence-sitters that she is the better candidate. Why? Because doesn’t need your hillary pointingvote and she doesn’t care about your vote. She didn’t need the Sanders supporters to change their minds and she certainly doesn’t need yours either.

Getting back on topic: The gargantuan speaking fees for Bill and Hillary are also a huge give-away as to what her intentions are once she is in office. Is it possible that Bill and Hillary were selling access to the Presidency of the United States with the justified expectation of her coronation? Is it possible that we should we look back on the first Clinton presidency with a more jaundiced eye? I hear the White House Lincoln B&B makes a killer waffle in the morning…

hillary stalinOf course she’s selling access, don’t fool yourself. We already know she’s willing to sell access ex post facto as revealed by the most recent news articles. Expanding her market to ex ante is the only logical next step.

One wonders: has she considered the likely fallout from all of her creditors if she lost the presidency (again)? I wonder if Harry Reid might be able to offer some insight into the thugs they do business with and their understanding nature when he couldn’t deliver on promises he made due to those pesky little people’s unreasonable expectations to keeping their own private property?

hillary riedSo if Julius and Ethel Clinton have indeed sold out their country based on ‘future consideration,’ and it is shaping up that the race is not as easily won as her vote-rigging experts have told her, it is likely that her creditors may not take kindly to her inability to follow-through on the promised access and favors she so willfully promised…and she knows it.

hillary pigdogAnd there we have it. For all intents and purposes, Hillary Clinton can’t stop running for the presidency. She can’t retire to the country and her dirty money. She has pre-sold so much access to so many despots and crony “capitalists” that she must continue. You don’t think those who bought that access would let her off the hook so easily, do you? Did Harry Reid?

In spite of her very ill health, it appears that Hillary Clinton is, literally, running for her life.



rob townsend


Who Do You Serve?

~Iowa Native. Hillsdale College Student. Aspiring Attorney. Jesus Follower and Kingdom Worker. Avid Reader. Frequent Shopper. Developing Cigar Connoisseur. Pursuer of Truth and Defender of Liberty. The Future of America.~
Taegan has decided to write a blog every day describing the Liberty First life. So, in lieu of our regular #Point2Ponder I will be posting Taegan’s #LifeLibertyLaw blog.
I joked the other day that Taegan is like my Doctor Watson. I find these blogs very entertaining and inspirational.  I hope you enjoy reading about our adventures as much as we love living them. ~ In Liberty, KrisAnne


krisanne abt


Who Do You Serve?

by Taegan James

We have a disproportionate view of authority in America. We think that just because someone is in a position of power over us, we must submit to them no matter what. People will say, “they know more than we do,” or “don’t challenge the status quo,” or even “there’s nothing we can do about, so just obey.” This is a slave mentality. Why would we simply submit to anything and everything just because someone in authority told us to? Churches teach and Christians believe that since Jesus said “render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s” that we must obey whatever government tells us to do (Mark 12:17). Wake up Christians. If your pastor teaches you the way to be subservient, he must not know how to read the Bible, or he is intentionally leading you astray.

You do not have to submit to authority that is oppressive! If someone tells you that even Jesus said to “render unto Caesar’s what is Caesar’s,” they do not truly understand Jesus’s words. Watch this short video of KrisAnne on this topic. She puts it better than I could ever dream of writing.

This message is not just for the Christians! The examples here are from the Bible to show Christians that disobeying the law does NOT make you a bad Christian, but disobeying God in favor of man’s law will NOT be rewarded. Recognizing and resisting tyranny is something all people must know how to do. You do not have to send your children to freedom c42Common Core schools. You do not have to sign up for the Afforable Care Act. You do not have to serve customers that violate the beliefs your private business was founded upon. You do not have to submit to federal infringements on ANY of the reserved powers of the States. Why? Because that is oppressive and tyrannical government, and we will not comply. Who do you serve this day? Regardless of religious beliefs, let it not be despotic authority.

Pursuing truth and defending liberty, always.

-A Devoted Patriot

Listen Up, Ladies

~Iowa Native. Hillsdale College Student. Aspiring Attorney. Jesus Follower and Kingdom Worker. Avid Reader. Frequent Shopper. Developing Cigar Connoisseur. Pursuer of Truth and Defender of Liberty. The Future of America.~
Taegan has decided to write a blog every day describing the Liberty First life. So, in lieu of our regular #Point2Ponder I will be posting Taegan’s #LifeLibertyLaw blog.
I joked the other day that Taegan is like my Doctor Watson. I find these blogs very entertaining and inspirational.  I hope you enjoy reading about our adventures as much as we love living them. ~ In Liberty, KrisAnne



alaska 3


Listen Up, Ladies

by Taegan James


Disclaimer: I know these pictures have nothing to do with the content, but we took these today and they were just too cool to not share.

When it comes to education, Americans are taught that women were oppressed, weaklings that had no rights and were simply subjects to their “chauvinistic husbands,” as KrisAnne puts it. This is a blatant, intentional lie. Today I got to listen to a class I haven’t hear yet: “Founding Mothers.” Let me tell you, I was moved to tears by what I learned. There are dozens, hundreds, even thousands of colonial women that are NEVER mentioned in the public education system. Names like Abigail Adams, Mercy Otis Warren, Penelope Barker, Hannah Winthrop, Mary Bartlet, and Elizabeth Adams are not present in out history books, except for maybe one. Do you know which is the only woman I knew about after completing high school? Abigail Adams. Otherwise, these brave, female patriots were unheard of before my time at Liberty First. I was absolutely dumbfounded when I heard about what these women did for the cause of liberty. Let me tell you about them briefly. Mercy Otis Warren was the FIRST female playwright and the FIRST female historian. She was no exception regarding female status and accomplishments. Abigail Adams was a trusted confidant and correspondent to many Founding Fathers. Hannah Winthrop wrote to other women and helped gather support. Penelope Barker organized over 55 women for the second Tea Party meeting. Elizabeth King offered up her home for this momentous gathering. Mary Bartlet watched her home be burned to the ground, fled with her children, and was able to sustain them ALONE. Elizabeth Adams never once complained that her husband was always gone because she understood the importance of the work that desperately needed to be done. In fact, it was the women who almost single-handedly destroyed the British linen industry in the colonies by using their resources to make their own linen. They then traveled around teaching other women how to avoid purchasing British linen by making it themselves. Does this sound like an oppressed group of weaklings to you?

Pursuing truth and defending liberty, always.

-A Devoted Patriot

Mutually Exclusive Options

~Iowa Native. Hillsdale College Student. Aspiring Attorney. Jesus Follower and Kingdom Worker. Avid Reader. Frequent Shopper. Developing Cigar Connoisseur. Pursuer of Truth and Defender of Liberty. The Future of America.~
Taegan has decided to write a blog every day describing the Liberty First life. So, in lieu of our regular #Point2Ponder I will be posting Taegan’s #LifeLibertyLaw blog.
I joked the other day that Taegan is like my Doctor Watson. I find these blogs very entertaining and inspirational.  I hope you enjoy reading about our adventures as much as we love living them. ~ In Liberty, KrisAnne

You know what other principles are mutually exclusive? State sovereignty and federal supremacy. YOU CANNOT HAVE BOTH. The States came first. The States ratified the Constitution, a compact. The States created the federal government. The States delegated limited and defined powers to the government and reserved the rest to themselves. The States are the CREATORS, and the central government is the CREATION. Using logic, deduction, and the rules of natural law, the States, therefore, are sovereign over the federal government. (If you want to hear a more fleshed out explanation, find a recording of a State Sovereignty class on YouTube). Understanding the sovereignty of the State is absolutely necessary to understanding the remedy to the federal government egregiously overstepping its bounds.

The answer is nullification! The separate and independent States have a duty and responsibility to turn to the federal government and refuse to comply with unconstitutional laws. Federal supremacists will throw all sorts of reasons at you as to why the states cannot nullify. I encourage you to find this class online, or bring KrisAnne so somewhere near you, if you want to hear all the arguments for and against nullification. I’ve heard KrisAnne give the State Sovereignty class many a time now, but there is something that makes me laugh every time. She points out that the Supreme Court has recognized the sovereignty of the states and their ability to notify. Justice Roberts in the majority opinion says that the states are separate and independent sovereigns, and that they should start acting like it sometimes. This is exciting because we have affirmation that the constitutionality of nullification has been upheld! This is part that makes me chuckle: KrisAnne compares being “sometimes” sovereign to be a “little pregnant.” You see, you either are or you aren’t. Once you become pregnant, you are pregnant ALL the time for the next nine months. Likewise, the state is ALWAYS sovereign because if it is not sovereign all of the time, then it is not truly sovereign.

Nullification is the “rightful remedy.” (Thomas Jefferson, 1799) This is the best solution that the founders gave to us to reign in out of control government. Article V isn’t going to immediately stop federal encroachments in their tracks. Revolution is not the desirable solution. Do you want to place that burden in the hands of your children? I certainly do not want to have to take up arms in order to win back the liberty that the previous generation failed to protect and defend. Please take measures to learn more about nullification, the right now solution. Find a State Sovereignty class online. Order KrisAnne’s book, “Sovereign Duty” online and you will have the tools necessary to stand up and defend your liberty. The time is now, Americans. If we do not take back our power, the states are nothing but colonies. If we live in colonies, the United States is indeed a kingdom. Marinating liberty and existing in a kingdom are mutually exclusive. It is not possible to have both. I don’t know about you, but I sure don’t want to live in a kingdom.

Pursuing truth and defending liberty, always.

-A Devoted Patriot

Sorry For the Inconvenience

~Iowa Native. Hillsdale College Student. Aspiring Attorney. Jesus Follower and Kingdom Worker. Avid Reader. Frequent Shopper. Developing Cigar Connoisseur. Pursuer of Truth and Defender of Liberty. The Future of America.~
Taegan has decided to write a blog every day describing the Liberty First life. So, in lieu of our regular #Point2Ponder I will be posting Taegan’s #LifeLibertyLaw blog.
I joked the other day that Taegan is like my Doctor Watson. I find these blogs very entertaining and inspirational.  I hope you enjoy reading about our adventures as much as we love living them. ~ In Liberty, KrisAnne

Think about this, when a computer program fails and the message “sorry for the
inconvenience” pops up on the screen, what do you do? Do you just say “oh well” and quit whatever you were doing? Or, do you figure out what the problem is and continue working? My guess would be the latter. This exact thing happened at tonight’s class when Microsoft Powerpoint unexpectedly turned off. We didn’t just pack up our things and call it a night, the issue was immediately confronted, remedied, and business went on as usual. Yes, the interruption was slightly bothersome, but inconveniences should NEVER impede us from fighting to preserve liberty. I’m sure it wasn’t all that comfortable for our forefathers to fight a war for freedom, but they gave their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor so that we may enjoy the “Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and out Posterity” (Declaration of Independence). Think about that the next time you think it’s too “inconvenient” to call one of your legislators to demand that they comply with the Constitution.

Pursuing truth and defending liberty, always.

-A Devoted Patriot

I'm So Excited, And I Just Can't Hide It

~Iowa Native. Hillsdale College Student. Aspiring Attorney. Jesus Follower and Kingdom Worker. Avid Reader. Frequent Shopper. Developing Cigar Connoisseur. Pursuer of Truth and Defender of Liberty. The Future of America.~
Taegan has decided to write a blog every day describing the Liberty First life. So, in lieu of our regular #Point2Ponder I will be posting Taegan’s #LifeLibertyLaw blog.
I joked the other day that Taegan is like my Doctor Watson. I find these blogs very entertaining and inspirational.  I hope you enjoy reading about our adventures as much as we love living them. ~ In Liberty, KrisAnne

This week I will get to sit in on some classes that I didn’t get to hear during my time in Idaho and Florida. I am thrilled to be able to learn more about constitutional law enforcement, Article V and nullification, the founding mothers, and duties of state and local legislators. These are whole new subjects and classes that I get to be a part of and take thorough notes on (nerdy, I know). I am trying to learn as much as possible during this internship, and there is so much to learn. I want to soak it in like a sponge and really grasp these concepts and principles so that I may be able to spread them myself. KrisAnne Hall cannot possibly reach and educate everyone, but all those who hear her speak are capable of spreading the message. One thing is for sure, I am going to do my part in the fight for liberty. I am not quite sure what exact role I need to play, or what the future has in store, but Liberty First is certainly helping me lay a strong foundation. I am so excited to continue on in the journey of education and liberation, for myself, but also for all those I aspire to reach.

Pursuing truth and defending liberty, always.

-A Devoted Patriot

Not Just Entertainment, But Self-Preservation

taegan memeI would like to introduce Taegan, our newest Liberty First intern. She describes herself as:

~Iowa Native. Hillsdale College Student. Aspiring Attorney. Jesus Follower and Kingdom Worker. Avid Reader. Frequent Shopper. Developing Cigar Connoisseur. Pursuer of Truth and Defender of Liberty. The Future of America.~
Taegan has decided to write a blog every day describing the Liberty First life. So, in lieu of our regular #Point2Ponder I will be posting Taegan’s #LifeLibertyLaw blog.
I joked the other day that Taegan is like my Doctor Watson. I find these blogs very entertaining and inspirational.  I hope you enjoy reading about our adventures as much as we love living them. ~ In Liberty, KrisAnne

The only argument I’ve ever heard against the second amendment pertains to the phrase “a well-regulated militia,” and I never knew how to defend our right to bear arms against that contention, until now. KrisAnne walks everyone through the meaning of that clause in the Disarming of America class (photos from that class are featured here). She shows, through primary sources, the meanings of “militia” and well-regulated” from the men actually who created the Constitution. George Mason tells us that the militia is the WHOLE body of the people, with the exception of the regular troops and public officers. That means that every single person, withstanding those public officers, IS the militia, and has the rights to keep and bear arms. The phrase “well-regulated” simply means the whole body is taught how to bears arms at a young age in order to exercise that right in the same way every time, without deviation or error. That is the proper and accurate meaning of “a well-regulated militia”; not a selected group under the control and regulation of the government. The whole body of the people should be able to outnumber the government in arms in order to repel a standing army and defend themselves.

Pursuing truth and defending liberty, always.

-A Devoted Patriot