The Pendulum

We were all lied to.

The lie, of course, was that Americans are Free (capital ‘F’). Those on the Right have been mildly to acutely aware of this lie for many decades now. But with the overturning of Roe v. Wade, the lie was finally revealed to our fellow citizens on the Left as well.

Lest we forget, the same authority that lied to us that Saddam had WMD in 2003 also illegally ‘mandated’ that we wear surgical masks and inject ourselves with an unapproved substance. All this was done to ‘inoculate’ us from a disease later discovered to have been manufactured by our own government. If they lied to us about WMD in Iraq and (what is now apparent) lied to us about masks and injections, might they also have lied to us about abortion? And if so, how and why?

After the Dobbs decision, the left told us that women (whatever those are) lost a right to control their own bodies. And boy, howdy, can I sympathize! As soon as we were ‘mandated’ to inject ourselves in 2021, the mythical veneer of freedom to make the most intimate of choices was unceremoniously ripped away. So, yes, over the last two years we all discovered we had no bodily autonomy or ‘right to choose,’ so casually authority made its demand on a Free people.

I’ve long held that Goodwill and Planned Parenthood share a very similar business model, but merely applied in different sectors of the economy. Consider how eerily similar the two are:

  • Both pretend to be charity organizations when in fact they are profit-motivated businesses (nothing wrong with that, but don’t piss on my leg and tell me it’s raining),
  • Both pretend to serve the poor when in fact the poor serve them, acting as inputs/raw material for their inventory (when was the last time you saw a Tiffany lamp or Rolex Watch at Goodwill?),
  • Both take unwanted items and resell them with zero compensation to the donor (yes, you took the receipt Goodwill gave you, but have you EVER included your donation receipts on your tax return?).

Interesting, wouldn’t you say?

Now, we already know that abortion as a ‘service’ was instituted and lobbied for by Margaret Sanger in the early 20th century. Lest we forget her immortal words,

“Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated.”

That’s a tough corporate legacy to forget, even 150 years later. I wonder if our fellow citizens on the Left wish to be counted among the foot soldiers of a movement that has its roots in such heinous and naked racism and bigotry? Advocating for abortion while trying to distance oneself from its origins, the apologists are essentially saying, “yes, Hitler was terrible, but he invented the Highway System.” Really?

Now, I can’t say when baby parts themselves, the inevitable by-product of the act, were recognized as a commodity to be sold, but I CAN tell you that those aborted fetuses (aka “clumps of cells”) are not simply incinerated as medical waste at the end of the workday. They are carved up, brokered and sold to any number of eager buyers (stem cell research doesn’t spring from nothing, you know).

If body parts are being brokered and sold, and Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers are the mouth of this baby parts funnel, is there possibly a financial incentive apart from the right ‘discovered’ by SCOTUS in 1973? Is it possible to estimate how big the financial incentive is to perpetuate abortion?

Let’s do a little back of the napkin math and try to figure just how big the baby parts marketplace is.

First let’s establish some basic numbers:

Yes, you read that correctly. The estimated market cap for human body parts in the United States alone is estimated to be nearly 9 billion dollars. That’s a lot of cheddar, and let’s not forget that this is limited to abortions only and not organ donors as sources. And if I were to hazard a guess, I’d bet that estimate is easily off by a factor of 3 or more. The most interesting part of that calculation? I’ve never seen it calculated before. I wonder why?

If we expand this number to include the entire world, then the numbers get truly stupid. According to, there were an estimated 21,800,000 abortions performed in the first six months of this year. Annualizing and multiplying this by the average cost/fetus of $13,005 we get $567,018,000,000; half a TRILLION dollars…PER YEAR. For a little perspective, the United States defense budget for 2023 is $773 Billion.

Turns out, trafficking human body parts is a pretty damn lucrative business; who knew?

I can hear the apologists’ response now:

Sure, there might be a lot of money involved, but I’m not talking about that! I’m talking about my right to choose!”

To this, I would say that YOU may not be thinking about all the money to be made, but those who rule you and suddenly deigned to ‘give you’ a right to kill life certainly are. Madam, your naivete is showing…

Look, if we take a more sophisticated view of things, we could argue that women lost their bodily autonomy at least 50 years ago and not 15 days ago. How? Because women (whatever those are) have been the victim of an unceasing propaganda campaign meant to convince them that their only value was sexual. This propaganda removed free choice and replaced it with the single choice of ‘having it all’ and packaging it within the wrapper of a ‘right.’ Do you see how this is?

A choice without consequence is not a choice.

Abortion allows a woman to ‘have it all’ and we are meant to believe that it is only the most casual coincidence that that ‘clump of cells’ is worth half a trillion dollars. Subjecting women (whatever those are) to unceasing propaganda is the epitome of the removal of choice and it was all done to turn them into nothing more than baby parts assembly lines.

Ladies, you have been lied to since you were (luckily) born. This lie taught you that sex need not have consequence and, thanks to modern techniques, you can fix your whoopsie with a quick visit to the free clinic and 500 bucks. You have been convinced to suppress your natural tendencies to create and nurture life so you may provide raw biological material to the Goodwill of international criminal enterprises with a supra-massive financial incentive at play.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I don’t blame you for believing the lies from authority. Hell, we’ve all been lied to for years. Is it so hard to believe that the same criminal organization that would lie us into war with lies such as:

  • “The Spanish sunk the Maine in Havana,” (1898)
  • “The Japanese ‘surprised’ the U.S. with their attack on Pearl Harbor,” (1941)
  • “Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone,” (1962)
  • “The North Vietnamese attacked the US Navy in the Gulf of Tonkin,” (1964)
  • “Saddam had WMD,” (2003)

might also try to convince us that the US Constitution (written when abortion was illegal nearly everywhere) somehow contains a RIGHT to extinguish life without due process? I can tell you, when at least half a trillion dollars is on the line, you can bet your ass their lie is worth it to them.

So, I hate to break it to the women among us (whatever those are), but you have never had control over your own bodies. Removing your free will to choose through lies is the removal of choice itself.

And I hope you will notice that my premise does not rely on any sort of moral judgment on the correctness of extinguishing a pre-born child. States vary on the cutoff when an abortion may or may not be accomplished. 4 weeks, 6 weeks, 8 weeks, 12 weeks, 36 weeks. Take your pick; these are lines drawn in the sand attempting to determine the indeterminable: when does a Human life begin? You might as well ask how many angels may dance on the head of a pin.

I’d argue that merely putting a hard and fast number on it at all is an insult to life itself. But that is an essay for a different time. Suffice it to say that literally nobody is arguing that that ‘clump of cells’ you are feeding isn’t alive and anyone who thinks they know when Humanity begins is lying to you. Everyone agrees that no matter when it occurs abortion ends life.

But where is the lesson in all this?

The little bit of math we did above does nothing more than to simply illustrate the scale of the financial incentive (which is Earth shatteringly massive) for keeping abortion legal. However, it doesn’t get to the core of what many on the Left are learning right now, which was the whole point of this essay in the first place.

Our fellow citizens on the Left are now learning that NONE of us have been truly Free for a very long time, that a right given may be taken away and that centralized power (centralized in 9 robed individuals) can only be a ratchet that only turns away from Liberty and your Right to choose, literally, anything.

The loss of our personal sovereignty, no matter WHAT side of the aisle you abide, happened a long time ago.

Speaking to a dear friend the other day who was very distraught by Dobbs, I explained to her that, in practice nothing had really changed from an access-to-abortion perspective. The State where she lives allows abortion; it allowed it before the Dobbs decision and it allows it after the Dobbs decision; the time restrictions enacted by her State remained in effect.

But what I told her next truly blew her mind and rendered her utterly speechless; so counterintuitive it was that my statement appeared to be absolutely nonsensical. I told her,

The reversal of Roe v. Wade does not take rights away from you, it expands them”

Let me explain:

The fundamental piece of information many on the Left lack to properly unpack this counterintuitive statement is that the States (capital ‘S’) are not mere administrative subdivisions of a federal government (as in the Canadian model).

The British colonies on the American continent, then States, existed before the federal government; the States created the federal government via the US Constitution and was created to limit what the Federal government may do, not its citizens. All non-enumerated responsibilities for governance were retained to the States to handle as they saw fit within their own borders, as any typical nation would have. To simplify this idea, just think of the individual States as countries unto themselves who have simply entered into a treaty called the US Constitution. It really is as simple as that.

All the recent Dobbs decision did was to undo one example of the illegal centralization of power that occurred in 1973 (creating a de facto monarchical presidency in that area of the law) and returned the right of self-determination to the States. South Carolina may not dictate to California its values. This is the expansion of rights that I informed my friend of. It is an inherent Human Right to rule oneself and, relative to the abortion question, this error made in 1973 was corrected. It removed the unconstitutional precept that one State or group of States, acting through the federal government, may impose their values on any other State (again, capital ‘S’).

Stated another way, the Dobbs decision simply says that it is simply none of the federal government’s business on how a State may administer its internal affairs. That’s it.

For KB

R. Altomare
Founder, BreathEasy
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Buckle Up, Buttercup

A close friend called me last night and I could hear in his voice things were not all right. I could hear it in every word he used and every sigh he exhaled. When I asked him what was wrong, he sounded so defeated that I winced at what might be coming; a death in the family, an unexpected financial stress?
The cause of his despair was neither of those things. He told me that he had just gotten off a call with some folks who are somehow ‘in the know’ within the conservative movement and he learned of some of the anti-freedom actions that our enemies were plotting. Things like another lock-down, the arming of the IRS and other methods that threatened to snuff out Liberty. He was so despondent about what he had heard that I felt the need to raise his spirits and provide a little perspective that might help him navigate this ‘news’ and get him out of his self-reinforcing funk.
I began my pep talk with a statement so plain and so commonly known that it barely merits mentioning at all:
We are at war.
It doesn’t matter that the Modern version of warfare is not made of Bullets and Butter; we are at war, nonetheless. But warfare in the Information Age is waged altogether differently than our grandparents’ generation. And, most importantly, it does not target far-off foreign countries; it targets a government’s own citizens!
We all are on the battlefield of the First Information War. There is no escaping it, there is no putting our head in the sand hoping things will blow over and go back to the old normal. What role we play while we are on this battlefield of ideologies is completely up to us. We can play the role of soldier or collaborator; we can play the role of partisan or occupier. But no matter what role we may play, we ALL are playing a role whether we realize it or not. There are no ‘innocent civilians’ in a war of ideas within a nation’s own borders.
Unsurprisingly, my friend needed no confirmation from me that we were at war, especially given the phone call and rumors he had just been privy to! My statements only reinforced his despair and confirmed his addicting and self-justified anxiety.
However, instead of commiserating with my friend, I showed him the implications of what it means to be at war. Instead of responding to each of the examples he provided, I gave him some simple advice on how he should react to the doom porn that now makes up both sides of the ideological battlefield.
How should he react when he hears of the IRS buying thousands of rounds of ammunition? How should he react when he hears another lock down is coming? How should he react when he sees political opponents getting rounded up and arrested for no just cause?
Invariably our knee-jerk reactions will be driven by the emotions that the ‘news’ invoked, namely despair and hopelessness. Do you think invoking hopelessness in their enemy HELPS their cause? Stop helping their cause!
Instead we must not treat these tidbits as (supposed) information that are meant to raise our ire, we must instead classify them as mere data points. It’s pretty hard to get all worked up about a single point of data, wouldn’t you say?
Simply by changing what we call it takes so much of its power away. Their ‘news’ articles and ‘breaking’ events must wash over us like a wave crashes upon a beach. We will assign no emotional response to it and simply observe the item dispassionately as we stand resolutely against evil, no matter how loud it shrieks. In a war of ideologies, information is weaponized. You must blunt that weapon from within you.
After my friend had some time to digest this wisdom, his next question was a natural one. He asked, “OK, we’re at war and I shouldn’t believe anything I see. I get that. But I’m so sick and tired of it all. How much longer will this go?! I just want things to go back to the way they were!”
You and me both, brother. I can definitely sympathize with my friend here. The fact that we are enduring so much for so long is definitely exhausting. Just the simple lack of stability forces me to take personal measures such as never letting my car’s fuel tank get below half and always having a little extra food and water on hand, just in case. These are the times…
In his famous speech in 1775, Patrick Henry said,
“I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided,
and that is the lamp of experience.
I know no way of judging of the future but by the past.“
-Patrick Henry, 1775, Address to the 2d Virginia Convention
I would wager that, in the grand scheme of things, our current war against the Deep State may be just as impactful as our first Revolutionary War. I might even hazard a guess and say that the enemies we fight now are the same enemies we fought nearly 250 years ago. So why not take a page from history and use it to light our way and give us a little perspective?
The American Revolution lasted 6 years. SIX YEARS! And I’d also say that 6 years in the 18th century might as well be like dog years in the 21st! No electricity. No internal combustion engines. No running water. No refrigeration. If we do the math and have a little fun with it, our forefathers fought the equivalent of 42 years in the modern era if we counted the years as dog years. Incredible.
Returning to the modern era, we began our fight in 2020 with the ludicrous lock downs. We are now in 2022 which means, according to our benchmark and new perspective, we are only two years into a 6-year war.
Buckle up, Buttercup and settle in. Ridding the world of this evil isn’t gonna wrap up like a tight 90-minute movie script. This might take a while.
This all sounds pretty depressing, I admit. But take heart, patriot. We are winning this war. Look around you! The wins we are now seeing are simply massive, beginning to pile up and are becoming quite hard for our enemy’s Marxist foot soldiers to ignore. Delicious.
“But what about their plans!” my friend implored. “Look what they are going to do! They are arming the IRS, for crying out loud!”
To this I had only one response: “Of course the enemy is planning your demise. Would expect anything less? You must get used to the idea that our enemy hates you and make peace with it. This should steel your spine, not melt it.”
His comment reminded me of my time in the war zones I worked in in the past. Bosnia and their snipers. Afghanistan and their small arms. Iraq and their IEDs.
Being in a war zone is a fairly philosophical experience, to be perfectly honest. You intellectually know where you, but it doesn’t really sink in that you are in a war zone until a bullet whizzes past your head. It is in that moment you realize that somebody ‘over there’ is actively trying to kill you. It is a surreal feeling, believe you me.
Remember: Every item of doom-porn ‘news’ is meant to kill your spirits and force your capitulation into servitude. These supposed ‘news’ items are Information Age bullets whizzing past your head shot by a desperate enemy. They honestly think they can convince us to lose hope and surrender while we are winning!
What our enemies are slowly realizing is that they are now forced to reckon with a nation of awakened citizens who absolutely KNOW they are free. I don’t envy our enemy’s task, it truly is hopeless.
Surrender? Ha!
To quote another great American,
“I have not yet begun to fight!”
-Commodore John Paul Jones, 1779
aboard the Bonhomme Richard off the coast of Ireland
Patriot, you are in a war of ideas where information has been weaponized against you. Ignore it, just like you ignore those ‘masks required’ signs and you’ll feel the calm and resolve I know you have within you.
Yours In the Fight,
R. Altomare
Founder of BreathEasy
Find Patriot Businesses, Spread the Word, Live Your Life

The BreathEasy App is a free app that was developed over the past year and was purpose-built to hasten the control structure’s demise.

Together, we will ignore their illegal mandates.
Together we will patronize only those businesses that we decide merit our dollars.
Together we will starve those businesses that hate us.
Together, we are unstoppable.
Please, join me in our Great Cause. Make your mark on the battlefield for liberty and download the BreathEasy app today.