Open Letter re: “Gun Legislation”
Our government is traveling down a very dangerous road. We have neglected our duties as responsible employers and we are about to pay a dear price. We must arm ourselves with the truth to educate our employees and assist them in doing the right thing. The following is an open letter to our Senators and Representatives to educate them in this “gun debate” and allow them to make the right decisions. By giving this information, we not only educate them, but we identify which employees are willing to do the right and which are not. If we do not educate, they can claim ignorance. If we provide them with the proper tools and they refuse to use them and continue to destroy our Constitution, we must mark them as enemies and eliminate their ability to do further destruction.
Please assist me in educating our Representatives. Please share this letter your Representative AND Senator. Sign your name and send it to them multiple times, once is not enough. Be sure they KNOW you are serious.
Thank you.
In Liberty,
KrisAnne Hall