Rise And Shine Liberty Loving Patriots,
Don’t forget to share this Call To Action with your friends who are not on our email list so we can work together to Take Back The Narrative!
Last week some media outlets reported about some incredibly egregious violations of rights when a former FBI agent exposed that the FBI has been writing FAKE NEWS stories, feeding those stories to the media and then using their self-created fake news to get warrants from the secret FISA courts. To the uniformed, this is either a shocking discovery or a “conspiracy theory.”
However, to the Liberty Minded who stays informed through the KrisAnne Hall Show or www.KrisAnneHall.com, this is not a new discovery, but a well known fact created by a series of federal legislation passed by Congress beginning in 2011. In 2011 we exposed the first of these pieces of legislation in this article: Congress Seeks To Establish A Ministry Of Truth continuing with this new article: Feds Admit Manipulating Americans With Propaganda
Can you imagine what kind of power the American people would have to secure Liberty and the Constitution if more people were educated and activated through our teaching? Please accept this CHALLENGE to invite FIVE PEOPLE to follow KrisAnne this week! Challenge them to listen to 5 episodes of the KrisAnne Hall Show. If they do, we are confident that we can ignite Liberty and watch it spread from soul to soul!
We cannot ensure the future Liberty of America if we continue to allow our neighbors to remain ignorant and misinformed. Constitutional Education begins with www.KrisAnneHall.com.
Help us help others get this same education! Share this email, find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

September marks Constitution month and we celebrate the signing of our Constitution on Se
ptember 17.
Don’t let another Constitution week pass you by without making an impact to keep our
LIBERTIES ALIVE. Remember the Shot Heard Round the World, let’s fire our own shot of PATRIOT EDUCATION with this Constitution Week
Start a tradition with your family and friends, celebrating our liberty through series of 6 short videos on the:
1. History and origin of the Constitution,
2. Preamble of the Constitution,
3. Powers of the President, Legislature, & Judiciary, and
4. Article 6 clause 2: The Supremacy Clause.
- PLUS The Audio version of the class in MP3 format for off line study.
- AND a BONUS MP3 audio on the Star Spangled Banner.
***ONLY $19.97 + SH***
DON’T FORGET TO TAKE ADVANTAGE of our special Home School Rate at Liberty First University. These video courses are not only easy enough for your middle schooler to understand, they will find they will love the passionate presentation of this unique education. Click this link to start training the future of America: http://bit.ly/LFUStudentRate
The KrisAnne Hall Show: http://bit.ly/KAHShow
Maybe you haven’t heard? We now have the KrisAnne Hall Daily Journal that airs Monday-Thursday in addition to our regular Saturday Show.
This week our topics were:
- Daily Journal: Shocking! Proof- Government Teaching Hatehttp://bit.ly/DJGovTeachHate
- Daily Journal: Legislation Shows Feds Create & Congress Funds Fake News http://bit.ly/FBICreatesNews
- Daily Journal: Monkeying Around Not Monkeying It Up http://bit.ly/DJMonkeyItUp
- Daily Journal: Why Does CNN Hate America? http://bit.ly/CNNHateAmerica
- Regulating Social Media & Condemning ICE http://bit.ly/RegSocMedCondICE
DON’T FORGET you can find the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube, iTunes, Google Music Play, Spotify, and our very own mobile app!
**Do you appreciate the voice KrisAnne gives to the Constitution and truth? If the answer is “YES!” please consider supporting our efforts with a donation so we can continue to speak truth in the face of Fake News: Donate Here: http://bit.ly/DefendLiberty
We can’t do this without your help!
- I was asked a very important question about the 2nd Amendment. Read my answer:
Amending the 2nd Amendment
- Constitution Week is approaching, we ought to take time to train our elected employees! Learn more in this article: We The Politicians In Order To Secure More Power
- How many of your friends know THIS TRUTH about Political Parties? Learn The Shocking Truth About Political Parties & Primaries
Media Appearances:
Thursday is the day KrisAnne is a regular guest on the Kate Dalley Show at 5pm EST. http://bit.ly/KateDalleyRadio Tune in Every Thursday and listen to our always exciting interviews!
Continuing Education:
Liberty First University continues to be the only source for constitutional education whose simple and easy delivery makes it accessible to everyone, from ages 6 to 106! Learn as if the founders were teaching! www.LibertyFirstUniversity.com
Don’t forget to check us out on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, & LinkedIn!
Share this WAKE UP CALL with your friends who are not on our email list and TAKE BACK THE NARRATIVE! We must BE THE SOLUTION!
REMEMBER we do not charge any speaking fees or require reimbursement for travel expenses. We need you to HELP US KEEP THIS EDUCATION available to all! If you appreciate what we do, please consider donating to help us meet our expenses! http://bit.ly/DefendLiberty
Thank you, as always for your continued support!