Daily Journal: The Real Collusion? Continued FBI & DOJ Corruption!

I don’t know about you but I am sick and tired of the corruption that continues to exist in the FBI & the DOJ and today I let loose! We had better start speaking boldly and plainly, demand our members of Congress not only publicly condemn these agencies, but also tell them to stop begging for permission and start seizing control, they are the OVERSIGHT committee after all, aren’t they?

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Weekly Wake-up Call To Action! – 1st Week of September 2018

Rise And Shine Liberty Loving Patriots,

Don’t forget to share this post with your friends so we can work together to Take Back The Narrative!The Senate confirmation of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh began this week.  We have been diligently covering this historical process in a way that only we can do; with Fact, Truth, Constitution, and Principle.   This is an amazing teaching moment for the American people, not only regarding this essential Constitutional process, but the broken nature of our federal government and the near complete ignorance of the majority of our politicians.  How can we preserve Liberty, how can we ensure the Constitution is upheld, how can we end this political nightmare and restore American principles?  The only way is to educate Americans so they WANT to fix this.  That education always begins right here at both www.KrisAnneHall.com and www.LibertyFirstUniversity.com.  

This week KrisAnne had a number of media appearances, wrote several articles, and continues to teach the Constitution all across America.  Scroll down and see what we have been doing and where we will be going.  As always, we thank you for your support, without your prayers and your generosity, all of this would not be possible.

We cannot ensure the future Liberty of America if we continue to allow our neighbors to remain ignorant and misinformed.  Constitutional Education begins with www.KrisAnneHall.com.

Help us help others get this same education! Share this email, find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.


September marks Constitution month and we celebrate the signing of our Constitution on September 17.
Don’t let another Constitution week pass you by without making an impact to keep our LIBERTIES ALIVE. Remember the Shot Heard Round the World, let’s fire our own shot of PATRIOT EDUCATION with this Constitution Week SPECIAL OFFER!   http://bit.ly/CelebrateConstitution
Start a tradition with your family and friends, celebrating our liberty through series of 6 short videos on the:
1.  History and origin of the Constitution,
2.  Preamble of the Constitution,
3.  Powers of the President, Legislature, & Judiciary, and
4.  Article 6 clause 2: The Supremacy Clause.
  • PLUS The Audio version of the class in MP3 format for off line study.
  • AND a BONUS MP3 audio on the Star Spangled Banner.
***ONLY $19.97 + SH***
BUY IT FOR A TEACHER or a civic group. Buy it for family and friends. Make America Liberty-Minded Again!  http://bit.ly/CelebrateConstitution

DON’T FORGET TO TAKE ADVANTAGE of our special Home School Rate at Liberty First University.  These video courses are not only easy enough for your middle schooler to understand, they will find they will love the passionate presentation of this unique education.  Click this link to start training the future of America: http://bit.ly/LFUStudentRate

The KrisAnne Hall Show: http://bit.ly/KAHShow

The KrisAnne Hall Daily Journal which airs Monday-Thursday is becoming the one true source everyone is turning to in order to find current events explained from a real principled and fact based perspective!  Make sure you subscribe for FREE today! http://bit.ly/DailyJournalDelivery

This week our topics were:

  1. Daily Journal: Marxism, Labor Day, & Hollywood Hating the American Flag http://bit.ly/LaborDayHatingFlag
  2. Daily Journal: Desperate Dems Attack Boogie Man Kavanaugh  http://bit.ly/DesperateDemsKavanaugh​​​​​​​
  3. Daily Journal More Kavanaugh Fireworks http://bit.ly/KavanaughFireworks
  4. Daily Journal: Kavanaugh Talks Guns & NY Times Talks Trash http://bit.ly/KavanaughNYTimesOpEd
  5. Shadow Banning- Free Speech- Facebook Commies- & Obama’s Return   http://bit.ly/ShadowBanCommies


DON’T FORGET you can find the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube, iTunes, Google Music Play, Spotify, and our very own mobile app!

**Do you appreciate the voice KrisAnne gives to the Constitution and truth?  If the answer is “YES!” please consider supporting our efforts with a donation so we can continue to speak truth in the face of Fake News: Donate Here: http://bit.ly/DefendLiberty

Please consider supporting Liberty!  We can’t do this without your help!


  1. If our Rights are to be secure, then Americans must know this about vetting future Supreme Court Justices:


  1. A scathing anonymous Op Ed mysteriously appears in the NY Times.  Constitutionally speaking what does this mean?  Treason? Sedition? Worse?  Let me explain:   http://bit.ly/NYTimesTrumpOpEd

Media Appearances:

Last week KrisAnne and JC were in NYC, where KrisAnne was able to do several in-studio interviews with several different news outlets.  It was a great time delivering truth, principle, and Constitution within the mainstream media!  REMEMBER without your support, none of this is possible, so WE thank YOU!

  1. Tuesday KrisAnne was on i24 News with Michelle Makori discussing the Kavanaugh Confirmation hearings.
  2. Wednesday KrisAnne was on the air with Dan Abram’s Law & Crime. This was a fantastic show where KrisAnne and a rather liberal attorney discussed the potential legal future with Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court.
  3. Wednesday KrisAnne was also on set with NewsMax and the John Bachman show.  Catch the show here: http://bit.ly/NewsMaxKrisAnne 
  4. Thursday, bright and early, KrisAnne was on the Fox & Friends First show with Heather Childers.  This 4 minute clip was so frightening to the Liberals, that is caused Facebook to ban KrisAnne’s post and the sharing of that post by other people.  See the clip here and decide for yourself why KrisAnne is so “scary.” http://bit.ly/KrisAnneFoxFriendsFirst
  5. Finally on Friday morning, KrisAnne Was on Conduit News with former gubernatorial candidate Jan Morgan. Listen to this awesome interview on Gun Restraining Orders http://bit.ly/JanMorganKrisAnne

Continuing Education:

Have you seen the new course atwww.LibertyFirstUniversity.com on Taxtion and the Constitution?  This coming week we are releasing a brand new course call The Art of the Argument.  In this course JC and I teach you how to craft a winning and persuasive argument in order to defend Liberty and educate our future!

Don’t forget to check us out on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, & LinkedIn!

Share this email with your friends who are not on our email list   http://bit.ly/KAHWakeUpAugWk52018


REMEMBER we do not charge any speaking fees or require reimbursement for travel expenses.  We need you to HELP US KEEP THIS EDUCATION available to all!  If you appreciate what we do, please consider donating to help us meet our expenses!  http://bit.ly/DefendLiberty

Thank you, as always for your continued support!

Daily Journal: Kamala Harris, The Constitution, & The Rights of the People

Kamala Harris, in Senate Committee, calls the Constitution “That book.” Let’s look at Kamala and that book, how Kavanaugh responds and the difference between Rights of the People and government given benefits.
PLUS a prediction from KrisAnne about the NY Times Op Ed author!

Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE so you get the Daily Journal delivered right to your “door” everyday!  Subscribe Here:  http://bit.ly/DailyJournalDelivery

Alternatively you can listen to this edition of the KrisAnne Hall Daily Journal on YouTube.

Shadow Banning- Free Speech- Facebook Commies- & Obama's Return

This show is slam packed with the current events of the week explained by fact, constitution, & principle.

Facebook shadow banning is real and facebook is a liar- here is the evidence
Kaepernick, Nike, NY Times Trump OP Ed, and freedom of speech
And look out… Obama is BACK!

Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE so you get the Daily Journal delivered right to your “door” everyday!  Subscribe Here:  http://bit.ly/DailyJournalDelivery

Alternatively you can listen to this edition of the “KrisAnne Hall Show” on YouTube

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In Re The NY Times Trump Employee OpEd

In Re The #NYTimesOpEd

by KrisAnne Hall, JD


The cry for treason is unsubstantiated at this time and the claim of sedition is not applicable in regard to this NY Times Op Ed letter:

  1. There is no proof at this time that the writer of this letter is actually on the Trump staff.
  1. There is no proof that this letter is even written by anyone in government, this could be nothing more than more Fake News, a real “War of the Worlds” hit piece.
  1. Treason is defined in the Constitution in Article 3 section 3 clauses 1 & 2:

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

Even if it is real, there is no evidence of overt act of obstruction of any actual policy or action of the president, aid and comfort to the enemy, or war against these United States, only accusations against Trump’s personality and leadership styles.

  1. Disliking the president’s personality is not treason. If you are an employee of the president and you write about how much you dislike his personality, that is not free speech, that is insubordination. But it is not treason. And yes, you should expect to be investigated and if necessary, fired. In the same respect, if you don’t like your boss, find a new job.
  1. Making negative statements about the president’s personality is not sedition. That is a history we already lived in the John Adams administration when he convinced congress to pass sedition laws to punish those who mocked Adams, calling him a “fat pompous king” and disagreeing with his policies.  As a result of this unconstitutional law several politicians and journalists were fined/or imprisoned, one being a journalist who was Benjamin Franklin’s grandson.  Upon becoming president Thomas Jefferson pardoned all those serving sentences under this act.  You see, this is not a history we need to repeat, it is a lesson we should have already learned.

There is no legal cause at this time for treason or sedition and to cry for either is not based upon fact or law, but upon reactionary emotions and party politics. Our Constitutional Republic was formed to guard against the impact of emotional reactions and zealous party esprit de corps by creating a standard that is designed to protect Liberty over the pride or feelings of any person in government.

James Madison gave this instruction in Federalist 43:

“As treason may be committed against the United States, the authority of the United States ought to be enabled to punish it. But as new-fangled and artificial treasons, have been the great engines, by which violent factions, the natural offspring of free Governments, have usually wrecked their alternate malignity on each other, the Convention have with great judgment opposed a barrier to this peculiar danger, by inserting a constitutional definition of the crime, fixing the proof necessary for conviction of it, and restraining the congress, even in punishing it, from extending the consequences of guilt beyond the person of its author.”

These principles of Liberty are essential to maintaining a limited government, yet they hold a very delicate nature. People in public office and politics will always be held to a higher level scrutiny, as they should be. Those who choose to be in public office and politics must accept this as part of the consequences of their choice of employment and have a thicker skin. Americans must hold the principles of Liberty more dear than their feelings for those in public office and politics.


Daily Journal: Kavanaugh Talks Guns & NY Times Talks Trash

Preparing for Day 3 of the Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearings. This is an amazing and historic event, we hope all Americans are watching and learning the good, the bad and the ugly.
We also look at the New York Times anonymous OpEd trashing Trump’s personality and the conversations and conclusions we ought to be having.

Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE so you get the Daily Journal delivered right to your “door” everyday!  Subscribe Here:  http://bit.ly/DailyJournalDelivery

Alternatively you can listen to this edition of the KrisAnne Hall Daily Journal on YouTube

KrisAnne on Fox & Friends First: Kavanaugh & The NY Times OpEd

KrisAnne is a guest on Fox & Friends First with Heather Childers where we talk about the Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearings and the the recent NY Times anonymous OpEd lashing out at Trump’s “personality flaws.”

May this be the first of future opportunities for KrisAnne to bring Constitutional truth to the Fox News Network!

Daily Journal More Kavanaugh Fireworks

Day 2 of the Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearings gives us more crazy lefty disruptions, but we finally get to hear from Trump’s nominee for Supreme Court.  Let’s look at this process and statements given today from a principled and Constitutional perspective; unique to today’s media portrayal of the events.

Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE so you get the Daily Journal delivered right to your “door” everyday!  Subscribe Here:  http://bit.ly/DailyJournalDelivery

Alternatively you can listen to this edition of the KrisAnne Hall Daily Journal on YouTube

Daily Journal: Desperate Dems Attack Boogie Man Kavanaugh

Today we begin coverage of the Kavanaugh confirmation circus. We will hear from Sen. Ben Sasse and discuss what is really going on with the political circus organized by desperate democrats looking to create talking points for their next election.

Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE so you get the Daily Journal delivered right to your “door” everyday!  Subscribe Here:  http://bit.ly/DailyJournalDelivery

Alternatively you can listen to this edition of the KrisAnne Hall Daily Journal on YouTube


Vetting Kavanaugh According To The Constitution

Vetting Kavanaugh According To The Constitution

By KrisAnne Hall, JD


When Donald Trump nominated Brett Kavanaugh for the supreme Court, he did what is likely the most important act a president of these United States can possibly do, constitutionally speaking.  The President’s powers are very limited and defined according to Article 2 of the Constitution and he has very little authority to personally impact the lives of the people, except through this power to nominate judges and  justices.  Yet, according to the Constitution, this is only 1/3 of the process necessary to seat a justice.  A person may be nominated by the president to be a justice, but a justice is not seated until the person is vetted and confirmed by the Senate.  The bifurcation of this process was an intentional safeguard to ensure the appointment of a justice that would be independent of both the executive and legislative branches and to ensure that the judicial branch would remain true to the Constitution, rather than ruled by politics.

Now that Kavanaugh’s vetting process has begun, it is time for the American people to be reminded of a few of the essential duties of a Supreme Court justice and the principles that ought to govern those who occupy that bench.  It is by these terms only that our Senators can truly select the justice that America needs, rather than the person the political parties want.

First and foremost, we need a justice that is dedicated to the Constitution; not to ideology, politics, or personal agendas.  America does not need a liberal activist justice.  America does not need a conservative activist justice.  America needs a justice who is versed in the proper application of the Constitution through the Original Intent of the drafters.  If that term “Original Intent” seems a bit frightening, it is only because we have taught the wrong things about our Constitution for a very long time.  Originalism is not only the correct legal way to apply the Constitution, it is the only way that guarantees and secures Liberty.  Original Intent is not slavery, misogyny, or bigotry; it is the exact opposite.  Original Intent is a return to the principles that make America the desire of so many of those in foreign countries for hundreds of years.  A return to Original Intent declares that Liberty is the right of all human beings and their government is established to protect those rights, not regulate them.  A return to Original Intent is an undeniable application of Liberty and Justice for all.  A return to Original Intent says that we are able to be free individuals by choice, not permanent slaves by the authoritarian stranglehold of government.

We need a justice that understands the limited authority of the judiciary as established by the Constitution.  America must break free from the dangerous ideology that the supreme Court issues “rulings” and their “rulings” become the “law of the land.”  Judges do not issue rulings; kings issues rulings, judges render opinions and those judicial opinions have a very limited scope of authority.  A judicial opinion is only binding upon the parties of the case, whereas a king’s ruling controls a whole land.  A judicial opinion cannot reach outside the courtroom to the general population as a whole, that would mean that our supreme Court is an Oligarchy of 9 kings and queens who rule over the whole land with unquestionable authority.  This is just common sense, yet this concept seems to escape our general knowledge.  If court opinions could bind the general public then only one supreme Court opinion would be necessary for all time and the executive branch could simply incarcerate every American based upon that opinion without a trial or any form of due process.  The fact that every person has the Right to due process proves this principle.  If the Rights of the people are to be preserved, supreme Court opinions cannot take the place of legislations and be viewed as the “law of the land.”  Yet, nearly every American has heard a professor, judge, lawyer, politician, or pundit say, “Roe v. Wade is the law of the land.”  This statement is erroneous and creates a mentality in America that is fundamentally dangerous to liberty.  Roe v. Wade is a supreme Court opinion that is only binding upon Roe, Wade, and the other parties of this case, it is not law!  Law making is reserved to the legislative branch alone.  James Madison, historically referred to as “the Father of the Constitution” gave us this principle of Liberty:

“There can be no liberty if the power of judging be not separated from the legislative and executive powers.‘’

Alexander Hamilton, Delegate for New York at the Constitutional Convention, echoes this instruction.

“…the general liberty of the people can never be endangered from [the judiciary]; I mean so long as the judiciary remains truly distinct from both the legislature and the Executive.”

When supreme Court opinions hold the force of law, are viewed by the American people and their courts as the law, the Liberty of the people is truly in peril.

America needs a supreme Court justice that knows that the Constitution is a compact between the States that created three branches of the federal government; the legislative, executive and judicial, and what that legal principle truly means.  The supreme Court is designed to be independent of the political influence of the legislative and executive branches but it is not independent of the Constitution.  The supreme Court should not be seen the “ultimate arbiter” of the meaning of the Constitution as that premise would place the supreme Court legally above the very document that created it.  For the court to hold the authority to determine the meaning of the compact that determines the limits of its own power establishes that the judiciary, not the Constitution, is the defining entity for the federal government.  If the judiciary, who is part of the federal government, holds the authority to define the limits to the federal power, then the only limit to federal power is itself.  When that happens, America ceases to be a Constitutional Republic, and becomes an Oligarchy of Nine.  The Constitution enumerates the specific powers of the judiciary in Article III of the Constitution.  The judiciary has no power beyond that specific enumeration and the Constitution does not vest the ultimate meaning of the Constitution in the body of the judiciary.  Alexander Hamilton makes this poignant observation in Federalist #83:

“…an affirmative grant of special powers would be absurd as well as useless, if a general authority was intended.

The ultimate authority governing the meaning of the terms of the Constitution, by the dictate of contract law, falls upon the parties who created the Constitution; the States.  Our founders gave this legal instruction many times during the process of creating the Constitution, but none say it better than James Madison:

“…the powers of the federal government as resulting from the compact to which the states are parties;” in other words, that the federal powers are derived from the Constitution; and that the Constitution is a compact to which the states are parties.”

“If the decision of the judiciary be raised above the authority of the States… dangerous powers, not delegated, may not only be usurped and executed by the other departments, but that the judicial department, also, may exercise or sanction dangerous powers beyond the grant of the Constitution.  consequently, that the ultimate right of the States, to judge whether the Constitution has been dangerously violated, must extend to violations by one delegated authority as well as by another–by the judiciary as well as by the executive, or the legislature.”

America needs a constitutionally sound supreme Court justice.  One who understands the supremacy of the Constitution, the limited and defined nature of the authority of the judiciary and why strict adherence to these principles is the only means by which the American people can truly live up to the standards that America was founded upon:

We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are Created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights…”

When our founders penned and signed their pledge to these words, they meant it just as it was written. In fact, Jefferson’s original draft was even more pointed in its anti-slave stance.  They could have very well written “all free-men or white men are Created equal” but they did not.  They were declaring that this Creator they reference made ALL MEN (gender neutral application) in His image and that through this creation all are inherently free.  Even as some of these men struggled to extricate themselves from the dominant feature of their time (Jefferson most notably), they knew that the seed of liberty they sowed in their day would grow and that future generations would be able to fully realize the drafters’ dream of Liberty and Justice FOR ALL. Only a truly constitutional justice will know and understand this.  Only a truly constitutional justice will put liberty over security, principle over party, and the rights of the people over personalities in power.  America needs a truly constitutional justice, and that is what our Senators have a duty to provide.

If you would like a better understanding of how our Constitution created our federal judiciary, our online educational program called Liberty First University, will give you that understanding free from historical revision and political propaganda.  We have both online courses on the judiciary and DVDS available for in home, church, and group meetings.  You can find us at www.LibertyFirstUniversity.com