The Devil is in the (Trump Voucher Plan) Details

Yesterday we talked about education with a bit of a focus on our new secretary of education, Betsy DeVos. Today we’ll continue this thread on education and look very closely what Trump is proposing for school vouchers. Good idea? Bad idea? As is always the case, when the federal government tells us they have some candy for us, it’s important to look at the ingredients in advance. The devil is always in the details, which we (as well as you) should always pay attention to.

Alternatively you can listen to this edition of “The KrisAnne Hall Show” on YouTube

Coming: Government Mandates On Education

A reminder to grab SB514 and send it to your state representative and not just once but over and over again, just like lobbyist do. It’s our sovereign duty to the Constitution to repeatedly remind our representatives of their sovereign duty. It’s also our sovereign duty to expose political deception and deceivers which is exactly the situation with our new Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos.

Alternatively you can listen to this edition of “The KrisAnne Hall Show” on YouTube

The Texas Solution SB514

Contact details for Texas Senator Bob Hall – Call, email, or Tweet your support for Texas Senator Bob Hall and SB514. You can read the content of the legislation by clicking this link. 

  1. Phone: 512-463-0102
  2. Email:
  3. Twitter: @senbobhall

9th Circuit Opinion & the Texas Solution – SB514

The 9th circuit has lived up to it’s reputation and issued an opinion (not a ruling) regarding the President’s executive order which is totally contrary to the Constitution. This is another example of a growing list of judicial bad behavior. These judges need to be reminded that they are not over the Constitution but under the Constitution. They are to follow the Constitution and absent this should be impeached by Congress. Where’s the check and balance here and what are the consequences if we continue to allow the judiciary to exercise this kind of unchecked power?

The Texas Solution SB514

Contact details for Texas Senator Bob Hall – Call, email, or Tweet your support for Texas Senator Bob Hall and SB514. You can read the content of the legislation by clicking this link. 

  1. Phone: 512-463-0102
  2. Email:
  3. Twitter: @senbobhall

Alternatively you can listen to this edition of the “KrisAnne Hall Show” on YouTube

Advancing Liberty

The national conversation happening in contemporary America where people from all political points of view are questioning the limits of federal authority is exciting. We need to embrace this trend and furthermore apply our best efforts to help drive this conversation if we are to continue to advance the cause of liberty.

Alternatively you can listen to “Advancing Liberty” by KrisAnne Hall on YouTube

BLM Agent Investigated

Separation of powers exists to protect our liberty and when Congress allows for the violation of separation of powers by delegating authority to the executive branch we invite the disease of corruption and misconduct. Such is the case of a BLM supervisor whose power went unchecked.

Listen to “BLM Agent Investigated” by KrisAnne Hall on YouTube

Reference Court Document Here

Patriots or Tyrants

First we review the travesty of justice known as the Cox, Kettler case in Kansas and the condescending, unconstitutional behavior of a federal judge who believes the Constitution is what the SCOTUS says it is. Really?
Alternatively you can listen to “Patriots, or Tyrants” by KrisAnne Hall on YouTube

So Called Justices

Crisis it would seem is everywhere but now is not the the time to fret. Now is the time to draw from the words of Thomas Paine for guidance and understand the nature what is being exposed before our eyes.
Alternatively you can listen to “So Called Justices” by KrisAnne Hall on YouTube

Consider An Alternative Perspective

Sometimes in my devotionals I like to look at familiar Bible stories from an unfamiliar perspective.  My first experience with this came through teaching Sunday School to young people in our church.  For this particular class I was studying to teach the story of Jonah.  Everyone knows and love the story of Jonah and the Whale, especially young people.  As I was studying and preparing for this lesson I read:

Jonah 1:17 Now the LORD had prepared a great fish to swallow up Jonah.  And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights.

Jonah 2:1-3, 5 Then Jonah prayed unto the LORD his God out of the fish’s belly and said, I cried by reason of my affliction unto the LORD, and he heard me; out of the belly of hell cried I, and thou heardest my voice.  For thou hadst cast me into the deep, in the midst of the seas; and the floods compassed me about:  all they billows and thy waves passed over me…The waters compassed me about, event to the soul:  the depth closed me round about, the weeks were wrapped about my head.

After Jonah spent 3 days and 3 nights in the whale under those conditions, praying fervently, Jonah 2:10 says that “the LORD spake unto the fish, and it vomited Jonah upon the dry land.”

The question came to my mind, what if Jonah had given up after 2 days of praying to God?  What if after 2 days and 23 hours Jonah said, “I have prayed and prayed and God has not heard me.  If he was going to help me, surely he would’ve done something by now.  I don’t have the strength to continue waiting.  I quit.”  What would’ve happened if Jonah had just laid down and died?

If Jonah had relied upon his faith, strength and patience, the people of Nineveh may never heard God’s word of warning.  Would they then have had the opportunity to correct their ways and be saved?  Recall what Ezekiel 3:18 says:

“When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand.”

What would have happened to Nineveh, if Jonah would have just given up?

What about Jonah? Ezekiel’s warning being truth, Jonah would’ve had blood on his hands.  Then imagine what Jonah would think upon getting to heaven and finding out that he literally only had minutes to go before God would help.  How would Jonah feel to find out that if he had just waited on God for a few more minutes the future of an entire city of people would be different?

I posed this question to my students, “when you are in a time of trial or difficulty and you feel like nothing is changing, nothing is improving; when you feel like you can’t go on and God doesn’t hear you, what does this lesson tell us?”  Answer: We can’t quit until we are out of the trial.  If we quit before we are out of the trial, how do we know we weren’t just a few minutes from God’s solution?  How will we know God’s greater purpose?  How will that feel when we stand before God and he shows us that if we had just hung on a few more minutes, if we had just trusted Him for a little while longer, we would’ve seen the full reward?  God’s patience and God’s faith is sufficient to get us through it all.

I had a similar thought process in my Bible study today.  Acts 7:59-8:1, 3 reads:

“And they stoned Stephen, calling upon God, and saying, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.  And he kneeled down, and cried with a loud voice, Lord, lay not this in to their charge.  And when he had said this, he fell asleep.  And Saul was consenting unto his death.  And at that time there was a great persecution against the church which was at Jerusalem;…As for Saul, he made havock of the church, entering into every house, and haling men and women committed them to prison.”

We know how the story goes; Jesus meets up with Saul in Damascus and Saul becomes Paul in a literal flash of light.  We more often relay this history from Paul’s perspective, giving glory to God for a miraculous transformation in Paul’s “Damascus moment.”  But as we did with Jonah, what if we look at this lesson from an uncommon perspective; not the perspective of Paul but the perspective of the Christian?

Beginning with Stephen being stoned to death, the Christians began praying for their persecution to end.  As Jesus teaches that we should pray for our enemies, you can rest assured that these Christians were praying for a miraculous change of Saul.  These Christians suffered greatly for their disobedience to government under the command of God.   Yet, they continued to pray and wait on God.  What if they had just quit?  What if they said, “God doesn’t obviously doesn’t hear us or maybe he doesn’t care?  I am not going to do this anymore, it’s just not worth the suffering.  I don’t have the strength, the faith, or the patience to do this anymore.”  They would never have seen the miracles that God was about to perform.

I say “miracles” because Paul’s transformation was more than just one miracle.  Yes, Paul saw one miracle; his Damascus transformation.  However, when we consider a different perspective we understand that the Christians saw many miracles; God’s answer to their prayers. Paul’s transformation and the miracle of God’s mercy and grace to endure the hardships to the end of God’s plan.  Both perspectives prove that God’s grace and mercy are sufficient.  However, the Christian perspective proves that although you may suffer through God’s longsuffering of man’s sinful behavior, it is not our patience, faith, or strength that is to carry us through, it is HIS.  His supply of faith, His supply of patience, and His strength will take you all the way to the miracle you need.

God has given us a promise in 1 Cor 10:13:

“There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.”

I am so grateful for these lessons, as God used them as a preparation of my heart for my own trials.  I found myself in a position of emotional stress and pain.  I often doubted my ability to endure, wanting to give up, wanting to take actions into my own hands, instead of waiting for the end of God’s plan.  In those moments of spiritual depression, I recalled these lessons and was able to pray for God to uplift my spirit with His strength, faith, and longsuffering.   It was not easy, but I was able to endure.  Weeks become months, months became years waiting for God’s purpose and I kept thinking of Jonah: “I can’t give up on God now, what if I am just minutes away from deliverance?  I want to stand before God one day with His joy in my heart.”

After three years of waiting, true deliverance came.  Those on the outside may have only seen the deliverance.  I, however, was able to experience multiple miracles!  The first miracle was in the deliverance itself.  The second miracle was in seeing the answer to my prayers.  The third miracle occurred when God whispered to my soul, “I’m sorry it took so long, but I had some demons to wrestle first.”  Glory be to God.  What a wonderful feeling not only knowing that God will deliver, that He hears our prayers, but that he loves ME so much that He wanted to reassure me that He was fighting for me the whole time!

When we doubt our ability to continue in a difficult or painful situation, we are not doubting ourselves, but doubting God.  He will make our escape, we just must undergo some “wait training” and wait upon the Lord.  God never promised us the walk would be easy.  We have a placard hanging in our home, “Faith is not believing God can, it is knowing God will!”  That testimony means more to me now than ever before.

“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”  Isaiah 40:31

What is the common moral of these stories?  You can trust God and trusting God is worth the wait, no matter the pain in the middle!!

In Memory of LaVoy Finicum


On January 26th 2016, One Cowboy Took a Stand for Freedom and lost his life.

LaVoy Finicum had his life taken from him by out of control agents of law enforcement as he was on his way to a meeting.  On that day a wife lost a devoted husband and children lost a loving father.

Approximately one year later on January 28th. 2017, the Finicum family sponsored an event called “The Meeting with LaVoy Finicum That Never Happened” as a way of remembering and commemorating LaVoy as a man who took a stand for liberty and the Constitution above all else and paid the ultimate price.

This event was held at the John Day Fairgrounds in Oregon and as a way of honoring his death, a number of speakers were invited to talk and speak and since I had been somewhat involved during the standoff I was invited to speak about State Sovereignty.

The video you are about to watch is my talk from that day.

To give fair warning the quality of the video and the audio is not studio level. There were no formal plans to record the event but someone from the crowd graciously took the time to record my talk.

In spite of the fact that the video and audio is not studio quality and in spite of the fact that there’s crowd noise in the background and in spite of the fact that you’ll even hear a baby crying once or twice, it is important that you listen from start to finish without interruption.

Listen not just to what I may be talking about on stage about how the path back to liberty and limited government does not run through 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Listen not just to what I have to say about remembering what our Constitution says about state sovereignty, because if you exclusively listen to what I have to say you may miss the most important message of all.  I can’t tell you what that message is. I can only tell you that it will be a message that will come through to you loud and clear.

Listen to the talk about state sovereignty, hold the memory of LaVoy and his sacrifice in your mind and while you do the most important message of all will be spoken to you through your heart.

You are welcome to share your heart below if you wish to and share this article with anyone who you know that has the heart to heart to listen.

Support for the LaVoy Finicum Family

Even in his absence, the Lavoy Finicum family, driven by the indefatigable spirit of liberty, freedom and LaVoy’s memory continue to work to educate others and bring about a more Constitutionally limited government.

If you share that same spirit, take a moment to visit their wonderful website called “One Cowboys Stand for Freedom” to learn how.

Links to media coverage of the event.


Is America Going to War With Iran?

Today’s #Point2Ponder:

At #LibertyFirst we have been talking a lot over the past 2 weeks about Separation of Powers and how Congress keeps pushing its Constitutional responsibilities and obligations off on the Executive Branch. Here we go again.

The Constitution vests the power of the military in Congress, which includes raising troops, funding military actions, and declaring war. The only time, #ConstitutionallySpeaking, the President has control over the military is after a formal declaration of war.

In HJ Resolution 10, Congress is “giving permission” to the President to use military force in Iran. “Giving permission” is a violation of separation of powers and a shirking of responsibility by Congress. Congress must declare war before the President can control the troops, unless it is of immediate and unexpected necessity, and then only for a limited period of time unless Congress declares war.  Giving permission in advance proves there is time to act and no immediate emergency exists.

Why was our Constitution written this way? The People are supposed to be in direct control of the US going to war, not the President. That only happens when Congress does the job the Constitution demands of them. There are reasons why the President is not supposed to have this power, reasons established as truth for over a milinium of history.

James Madison, the father of our Constitution said that Congress must be the body in control of war because history proves that executives will go to war on any occasion.

Fed #69 explains that this separation of power is necessary to prevent the president from becoming a king.

Listen to this podcast on presidential power

The House of Representatives seems dead set on making Kings.

Why would Congress refuse to fulfill their Constitutional responsibilitiesWhy would Congress refuse to fulfill their Constitutional responsibilities? Because it is just too easy to take advantage of an unknowing people and give power to the President that he shouldn’t have so every Congressman can place the blame on someone other than himself.

Wonder why it seems like America is constantly in one military action after another? It is because Congress continues to operate unconstitutionally and the executive is allowed to do what executives ALWAYS do, throught history, go to war.

Those who do not know thier history are doomed to repeat its mistakes.

Read HJ Resolution 10