We The Politicians In Order To Secure More Power

Today’s #Point2Ponder:

First, the Constitution is NOT a set of negative rights imposed upon the government. Government has NO rights, neither negative nor positive. In creating the government we did not GIVE anything to the government; we did not give it power, we did not give it rights. Read the 10th Amendment and the writings of our framers. They clearly stated that power was delegated not given.

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” 1oth Amendment

That means governmental structures simply have access to OUR POWER to do the job WE tell them to do. The rights and power belong to the people. When the government misuses that power and tramples our rights, it is the responsibility of the people to be the “maintainers” of this liberty and push back.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are declarartion-of-independenceLife, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government…” Declaration of Independence

The Constitution is a contract among the States that created the government, like a business contract creates a business. The business of the government is to secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity. The government was not established to regulate the people, or the activities of the people but to be the sure guardian of our liberty, a liberty that belongs to us and not to government.

“…and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” Preamble to the US Constitution

It is the people who have the right to liberty as decreed by God. That is why the Constitution is a declaration that the people are the true owners of those rights and establishes a government to protect and prosper those rights.

John Adams declared in 1765 that

“Liberty must be supported at all hazards; WE have a right to it derived from our maker.”

In Federalist Paper #33, Alexander Hamilton charges the PEOPLE to stand for the Constitution. When the government oversteps its constitutional bounds, it is up to the people, who created it to redress the injury done to the Constitution.

“What Country can preserve its liberties if its rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance?” ~ Thomas Jefferson

We must continue to stand against the corruption of government, against the destruction of Liberty, and heal the injury being done to this nation. We are the maintainers of Liberty.

Get Your Liberty First Bumper Stickers Here: http://krisannehall.com/product/liberty-first-bumper-sticker-limited-quantity/

Amending the 2nd Amendment

Today’s #Point2Ponder:

Every day I receive questions from people wanting clarification on Constitutional issues.  Today I received a question regarding our Right to Keep and Bear Arms and I wanted to share with you all my answer:

KrisAnne, I listen to your podcasts every week and appreciate the education you offer.  I have a question for you that I cannot figure out on my own and I trust few, maybe non other than you, on constitutional commentary.

Question: can the federal government amend the constitution in such a way as to alter or abolish the 2nd amendment?
I’m wondering if some natural rights are inherently protected and free from any constitutional amendments to the contrary, or, so long as the amendment passes based on constitutional rules, can the constitution basically say anything including a direct violation of natural rights?

I really appreciate any help you might be able to offer on this issue (which isn’t specific to the 2nd Amendment).


There is good news and bad news.  Article V of the Constitution establishes a mechanism for the Constitution to be amended.  Any amendment must be approved by 3/4 of the States in the Union.  The bad news is that it is possible through this mechanism to amend the 2nd Amendment.  The good news is that your Right to Keep and Bear Arms is not grated to you by the Constitution, the government, or by any person.  Your Right to Keep and Bear Arms is a Natural Right and cannot be taken away.  Samuel Adams wrote an essay titled; The Rights of the Colonists.  In this essay he gives us this understanding:
“Among the natural rights of the Colonists are these: First, a right to life; Secondly, to liberty; Thirdly, to property; together with the right to support and defend them in the best manner they can.  These are the evident branches of, rather than deductions from, the duty of self-preservation, commonly called the first law of nature.”
Our Right to defend our lives, liberty, and property must be an Inherent Right.  If it is not a Right, then it is merely a privilege we must seek permission to exercise.  If we must seek permission to defend our lives, liberty, or property, then we are not free, we are nothing more than slaves.  Slavery is antithetical to Natural Rights and anything that makes you a slave is an aberration of the Laws of Nature.  However, Liberty has one rule; you cannot harm another.  Violate that rule and you may have surrendered your Liberty.   Therefore, any law passed by government to deny your Right to Keep and Bear Arms without individual due process, is contrary to Natural Law and therefore invalid.
Either Congress or a delegation of the States may amend the Constitution, but they cannot take your Rights.  Only you can surrender them, through violation of another’s Liberty , apathy, or ignorance.

Political Constitutional Hypocrites Ignoring the 2nd Amendment

In this very important show about our 2nd Amendment rights, JC Hall fills in for KrisAnne today who is still not feeling well. In this episode JC gives background and an update regarding the case of Jeremy Kettler and the Kansas 2nd Amendment Protection Act. Please make sure you listen and take a stand in support of Mr. Kettler.

Alternatively you can listen to this edition of “The KrisAnne Hall Show” on YouTube

Dealing with Apathy

John Jacob Schmidt sits in for KrisAnne today and discusses the question of dealing with people, family and friends who don’t see the same moral imperative to defend liberty as you. KrisAnne is hoping to return tomorrow after she recovers from losing her voice following one of her most powerful speeches ever at the 2017, Kansas 10th Amendment dinner.

Alternatively you can listen to “Dealing with Apathy” by KrisAnne Hall on YouTube.

Ryan Budget Proving Its Not Obama's Fault

The question is never what a politician says, but always what they do. How they vote. These are the indicators that will tell you how well they do understand the Constitution. Such as Jeff Sessions and Paul Ryan.

Alternatively you can listen to “Ryan Budget Proving Its Not Obama’s Fault” on YouTube

Reference article, “Exceptions to the 4th Amendment

Trump Confirmation Hearings- Identifying Wolves

Today’s #Point2Ponder

The Senate has begun to hold confirmation hearings for Donald Trump’s cabinet nominations.  Confirmation hearings were not meant to be “just a formality” or simply a rubber stamp for presidential picks.  The Senate’s role in confirmation is an essential check on presidential power.  Frankly, the Senate’s check was established to keep a president from becoming a king.

In Federalist #69 (http://goo.gl/paCocu) Alexander Hamilton gives an in depth explanation on why this Congressional check is vital in the distinction between a president and a king.  Within this understanding, Hamilton points out that a President is to have “a concurrent authority with a branch of the legislature in appointing offices.”  However, a king “is the sole author of all appointments.”

When Senators fail in their duty to sincerely vet presidential nominations, they are negligent in their sacred trust from of the people and their irresponsibility creates kings.

Unfortunately, our current Senators seem more concerned with playing political games than keeping presidents from becoming kings.  These hearings will be the perfect test to determine whether YOUR Senator is doing his job or just playing political games.  The confirmation hearing of Senator Jeff Sessions will be their best measure.

Sen. Jeff Sessions is being nominated for director of the Department of Justice.  He is a Republican.  The Senate has a Republican majority.  Did your Senator properly vet Sessions or did your Senator just give his rubber stamp in the name of politics?

As a director of the DOJ, Sessions should be specifically limited and bound by the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th Amendments in our Bill of Rights.  A Senator doing his job will have properly crafted the majority of Session’s vetting questions to include the assurance of preservation of these essential Rights.

The 4th Amendment codifies the individual’s inalienable Right to be secure in their person, property, and Rights (to include but not be limited to privacy) against unlawful government searches and seizures.  This Right to security of our Rights is so critical to the preservation of Liberty, James Madison said that government cannot be just without out it.

“That is not a just government, nor is property secure under it, where the property which a man has in his personal safety and personal liberty, is violated by arbitrary seizures of one class of citizens for the service of the rest.” Property, 1792

This Right to security from government seizures is so essential the drafters of our Constitution gave it only one exception.  To know that single exception please read this careful explanation: https://goo.gl/RIa3uM

Sen. Jeff Sessions cannot pass a Constitutional vetting test.  He has consistently and aggressively called for federal agents to be free and clear of these specific limitations upon federal power.  Sessions has supported and promoted legislation time and time again to allow exceptions to the 4th Amendment that simply do not exist.  Sessions’ actions prove he believes government “necessity” outweighs your inalienable Rights.

William Pitt, the Younger said in 1783:

“Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom.  It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.”

When those like Sessions profess their necessity overrides our Rights, they are doing us a great courtesy; they have identified themselves as tyrants.

“Liberty and Justice for all” is a promise of America.  As the President and Senate choose a director of the Department of Justice (as well as other cabinet members) they should be choosing people who are more adamant about securing our Liberty than creating exceptions to their limited power.  Justice is not served when government agents can ignore our Rights, circumvent the Constitution, and operate with arbitrary and self-limited power.

Here is the test; will our Senators vet all presidential nomination with real Constitutional questions and expose those whose real priorities put government operation over Liberty and Justice?  Or, will our Senators put Party over Constitutional Principles and allow these wolves to continue to prowl about DC in their sheepskin suits?

If You Can Keep It

Talking with author Robin Koerner discussing his book called “If You Can Keep It” which is a ground breaking piece of literature that gives liberty lovers a new perspective on liberty and what we can do to “Get it Back!”

You can check out Robins book at his website If You Can Keep It.
Also his new website, “The Art of Political Persuasion“.

Alternatively you can listen to “If You Can Keep It” by KrisAnne Hall on YouTube. 

Searches and Seizures and DHS Elections

Even on a boat in the middle of the ocean, there’s no escape from arrogant authority that seeks to compromise your 4th Amendment rights. Time for a serious discussion about government expanding beyond comprehension and what your Congressman needs to know.

Alternatively you can listen to “Searches and Seizures and DHS Elections” by KrisAnne Hall on YouTube.

Today's #Point2Ponder: Believing The Lie

Today’s #Point2Ponder
As we were driving to the church this morning we were listening to sports radio.  All the talk was about the College Football National Championship.  In this particular program the talk host was interviewing Eli Gold, “the voice of the Crimson Tide.”

Let me just say I like listening to sports radio.  I like sports.  I also like to listen to sports radio because it is not politics.  Not usually.  Its a nice mental break.

Today was not one of those days.  Today, my eyes rolled and my husband chuckled at my disgust.  What was said,  you ask?

Eli Gold, in an explanation of something I can’t remember said, “after all, we live in a democracy.”


Mr. Gold is not a “Millennial.”  He was born in the 1950s.  This is just a reminder of how deep the error goes and how long we have been teaching lies.

Most Americans do not understand the importance of the difference between a Democracy and a Republic.

A Republic, where the people, through equal representation control their government.   Laws are made by equal representation.  People control government.  Rights are inherent possessions of men and government is established to protect those inherent Rights.  A Republic is the only way to ensure the blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.

A Democracy, as modern application demands, is mob rule.  Where those in the majority make all the laws.  Where those in the majority establish the rights and the privileges of those in the minority.   In a Democracy, the minority groups only have what they have as long as the majority allows them to have it.  A Democracy does not secure Liberty.   A Democracy only ensures there will always be masters, and always be slaves.  In a Democracy, Rosa Parks is still banished to the back of the bus.
We are not a Democracy.  We are a Republic.  But if you repeat a lie long enough, people will begin to believe that lie to be true.  If Americans knew the difference, the minority groups would be the especially angry at the intentional effort to brainwash the people into believing the Democracy lie; because they will be condemned to an unrecoverable slavery.
THIS is a clear reminder of why Trump can not fix what is wrong in America.  This is why we cannot relax and why we must keep pushing… LIBERTY FIRST!


Things Congressmen Must Know

Time restricts the scope of this show because it could go on for hours, but from a Constitutional point of view these are the things Congressman must know. Send this to your representative.

Alternatively you can listen to “What Congressmen Should Know” by KrisAnne Hall on YouTube