And Congress Goes on Vacation
Baby Chop Shops? Affirmative Housing Dictates? Illegal Iran Deals? Unconstitutional Amnesty? Oust Boehner? No Worries…we will just go on vacation.
Baby Chop Shops? Affirmative Housing Dictates? Illegal Iran Deals? Unconstitutional Amnesty? Oust Boehner? No Worries…we will just go on vacation.
A little lesson on reading legislation so we can see their efforts in total control and complete power. Finally a piece of legislation we can support… a resolution in the House OUST Boehner!
More control over food, guns, and our lives…all courtesy of today’s popular excuses by the establishment to give themselves MORE power and the people less liberty.
Alternatively you can listen to this edition of The KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube
Thanks to the establishment GOP the “must pass” Transportation Bill being pushed is nothing but corporate cronyism, big international bank funding, and a gross expansion of federal power. So much for the party of smaller and limited government.
Obama says government works better than ever before and Josh Ernest says we have the Republicans to blame for our Immigration problem. I agree with both those statements, as so should you. Listen today and find out Why and How and learn how we can stop the Iran deal.
What do we do? That is the most asked question I get when I travel. Let’s look at that question and answer it.
Listen to “Exactly What We Need to Do’ by Constitutional Educator KrisAnne Hall
How were taxes to be collected according to the Constitution? What effect did the 16th Amendment have? What are the solutions to the errant tax collection system? All explained here.
Alternatively you can listen to “Stopping the IRS is Constitutional” by KrisAnne Hall on YouTube
There is ONE THING we must know that will take all power from government and secure all Liberty to the people. Yes, just one thing…
Alternatively you can listen to the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube
How our framers warned us about all of these things and the current events that prove them right. Just how far down the rabbit trail are we?
Alternatively you can listen to “EPA, IRS and a Muslim President” by KrisAnne Hall on YouTube
History always repeats. So look how closely we resemble the beginning to the end of our tolerance to tyrannical government in 1774.
1174 Repeating in 2015 by Constitutional Educator KrisAnne Hall is also on YouTube