CLIP: How Liberty is Supplanted by Cries for Safety

Listen to this clip of the KrisAnne Hall Show titled “Chasing The Tail of Liberty” and get a summary of how Liberty is supplanted by the cry of security. Then click here and listen to the full episode.

Chasing The Tail of Liberty

Al Sharpton demands we supplant our local police with DOJ and “fight States’ Rights”. Meanwhile John Kerry is pushing “refugees” into our States from Iraq, Syria, and the Congo and all Congress can do is write letters requesting information.

Alternatively you can listen to “Chasing the  Tail of Liberty” by KrisAnne Hall on YouTube

Sovereign Duty (eBook)

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What One Person Can Do

An inspiring interview with Barbara Samuells. A one woman Liberty machine who is inspiring people of all ages to stand for Religious Liberty!

Alternatively you can listen to this edition of “The KrisAnne Hall Show” on YouTube

DHS Secretary Admits Incompetence

Jeh Johnson has state on the record, under oath that he is incompetent in matters of the Constitution. So now that we know that, what will Congress do about it? Also watch for a new bill that will allow the FDA to raid homes who make their own soap. All in the name of National Security!

Listen to “DHS Secretary Admits Incompetence” by KrisAnne Hall on YouTube