Time to Stand Against Tyranny- E-Rally Notice

NOW IS THE TIME TO ACT. Obama has made direct threats against States who FOLLOW THE SUPREME COURT ruling and refuse to establish exchanges. Any question of whether this man is a tyrant or not should be answered. He is attempting to divide the states and pit citizen against citizen. WILL WE TOLERATE A BULLY? Will we allow our States to cower and submit? If we do, we must accept the consequences: Religious Liberty? Freedom of Speech? Right to Redress Your Grievances? Right to Bear Arms? Sovereignty of the States? There will be NO LIMIT to federal power. Join us in the vital action. Do your part to save the Liberty of our children and grandchildren. Support this E-Rally and SPREAD THE WORD!



To unify and simplify this movement please follow the following suggestions when communicating with your Representative. We are trying to get our point across as simply and easily as possible.

1.ALL subject lines for emails must read the same to make the appropriate impact. So please use the following subject line for all emails sent: NO STATE EXCHANGE!

2.For any letter faxed: Please add the following text before the greeting: RE: NO STATE EXCHANGE!

3.Make sure you send your communication MULTIPLE TIMES over the next 24 hours. Multiple times an hour is not too much. We don’t get to vote more than once (hmmm not supposed to anyway) but we certainly can complain more than once.

4.Please feel free to address your concerns anyway you feel comfortable. Here are ways you can contact your Representative:

a.Americans For Prosperity Action Alert: http://www.kintera.org/c.dvKQIcO0IkJ6H/b.6645695/k.8CA5/Action_Center/siteapps/advocacy/ActionItem.aspx?c=dvKQIcO0IkJ6H&b=6645695&aid=519012

b. Open Letter to Governors and States to Stand Againt Obamacare:

c.Tenth Amendment Center Nullification Act:



Twitter can be a very effective way of creating buzz, spreading the word and getting elected and media attention. Here are some good tips from Slade O’Brien:

1. REMEMBER to ALWAYS use the hashtag #NoStateXchngwhen tweeting about the State Exchange campaign. This will track all tweets and help magnify our combined efforts.

2. Whenever you have room include your representative, senator, and governor on the tweet.

3. When Tweeting you may want to Tweet the links to the CATO video, Goldwater Institute Video, one of the newspaper articles below, or the action alert.

4. We should also remind the legislature that 21 other states have stepped up and refused to implement the exchanges.

Here are some sample tweets you can copy and paste:

  1. (insert your governor/representative)you need to watch this video! 21 states have said NO. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAbmzAMZnJw #NoStateXchng
  2. Please RT Goldwater Institute video against State Healthcare Exchange http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOooZNOg7XU #NoStateXchng


Post and share links to newspaper articles, videos, action alerts on your facebook page and elected’s facebook pages. Again ALWAYS use the hashtag #NoStateXchng

Some other helpful links:

1.Wall Street Journal Article on why State’s should reject Exchanges. http://online.wsj.com/article_email/SB10001424127887324556304578121012109574832-lMyQjAxMTAyMDIwODEyNDgyWj.html?mod=wsj_valetbottom_email

2.CATO Video on the State Exchanges: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAbmzAMZnJw

3.Goldwater Institute short video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOooZNOg7XU

4.National Journal: http://news.yahoo.com/states-dont-set-insurance-exchanges-obamacare-implode-134919702–politics.html

We must continue to do EVERYTHING in our power to regain control of this rogue federal government. Our States are our last reasonable stand. We must understand that without the sovereignty of the States, without submission of the federal government to the States, the Constitution is made irrelevant and we will have a MONARCHY! (Please go to this LINK if you would like further instruction on state sovereignty)

We cannot idly sit by while the sacrifices of our founders are pushed aside and we fundamentally transform this nation into a Socialist Monarchy. PLEASE share this E-RALLY and get on board. Choose you this day. If you choose to not fight, no complaints allowed, only regret!

“If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a small chance of survival. There may even be a worse case: you may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.” ~ Winston Churchill