Daily Journal: What Are These Courts, Jeff Sessions, the SPLC Doing?
Three really important stories that will affect your life not getting much airplay. And if they did I doubt they would be told with truth. But what the courts, Jeff […]
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Three really important stories that will affect your life not getting much airplay. And if they did I doubt they would be told with truth. But what the courts, Jeff […]
Today we’re going to take a look at Senator Jeff Sessions and what his appointment to head up the DOJ portends for America. Reference article, “Exceptions to the 4th Amendment“. […]
What happens when we deny history, when we try to erase the past? We repeat all the bad stuff. Today’s show is all about truth and consequences. Principle over Party […]
Project Veritas not only exposes the “insider opposition” to Trump. It exposes the “I can’t get fired” government gravy train. It also exposes the negligence and arguably criminal nature of […]
Project Veritas does not expose the “insider opposition” to Trump. It exposes the “I can’t get fired” government gravy train. It also exposes the negligence and arguably criminal nature of […]
Rise And Shine Liberty Loving Patriots, Do you remember the Colorado Cake Baker who took his “religious liberty” case to the Supreme Court? This past week he was in the […]
America: Are We Now a Guilty Until Proven Innocent Society? By KrisAnne Hall, JD US AG Jeff Sessions has vowed to exceed the Obama Administration’s level violations on American […]
Congress is opposing Jeff Sessions, A call to action for We The People, and Pastors Subpoenaed for their beliefs. All this is happening in America today. KrisAnne covers it all, […]
US AG Jeff Sessions has ended the practice of DOJ slush funding, for now. Will we take time to look at the real problem so we can ensure a permanent […]
The question is never what a politician says, but always what they do. How they vote. These are the indicators that will tell you how well they do understand the […]